George Clooney's fiancée Amal Alamuddin turns down United Nations role

Amal Alamuddin is a busy gal indeed!

Although the British lawyer -- and George Clooney's fiancée -- had been chosen for the United Nation's three-member commission of inquiry looking into possible violations of the rules of war in Gaza, she had to turn it down due to prior commitments.

"There are various reports published today stating that I have been appointed as one of three members of the UN Commission of Inquiry for Gaza. I am horrified by the situation in the occupied Gaza Strip, particularly the civilian casualties that have been caused, and strongly believe that there should be an independent investigation and accountability for crimes that have been committed. I was contacted by the UN about this for the first time this morning," Amal, 36, explained in a statement Monday.

"I am honored to have received the offer, but given existing commitments -- including eight ongoing cases -- unfortunately could not accept this role. I wish my colleagues who will serve on the commission courage and strength in their endeavors,” she added.

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And aside from eight high-profile cases, Amal is also of course, currently planning her wedding to George, 53.

The couple already took out a marriage license in London earlier this month, and signed the legal notice of their intent to marry.

PHOTOS: Amal Alamuddin Officiates a Wedding!