Ed Harris to Play John McCain Alongside Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in HBO's 'Game Change'

Actor Ed Harris (L) will play John McCain in the new HBO film 'Game Change' (AP)

Ed Harris will play the John McCain to Julianne Moore's Sarah Palin in HBO's "Game Change," Deadline reports.

Harris, 60, will play the presidential candidate and longtime Arizona senator in HBO's upcoming film about the 2008 presidential election.

Julianne Moore to play Sarah Palin in HBO film

"Game Change," based on the book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, will center on McCain's 2008 run for the White House, from his selection of Palin as his running mate to losing to President Barack Obama.

The film will re-team director Jay Roach and screenwriter Danny Strong, whose 2008 HBO film "Recount" documented the chaos following the 2000 presidential race between Al Gore and George W. Bush and won three Emmys. Roach will also executive produce and Strong will co-executive produce.

Harris, a four-time Oscar nominee, most recently starred in Peter Weir's "The Way Back."

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