Damon Wayans apologizes for past tweets that were 'at the expense of the LGBTQ community'

Damon Wayans Jr. apologized for past homophobic tweets. (Getty Images)

After it was announced that Damon Wayans Jr. would be the executive producer of the new CW show "Glamorous," which focuses on a gender non-conforming YouTuber, some anti-LGBTQ+ tweets surfaced. But instead of denying and turning it into an ordeal, Wayans Jr. took responsibility for his “hurtful” words.

“When I was a young comic trying to find my voice, I made some immature and hurtful tweets that I deeply regret at the expense of the LGBTQ community,” Wayans Jr. said in a statement given to Deadline. “When I tweeted those comments, almost 10 years ago, I was unaware of the emotional impact they could have. I am not excusing that behavior but that is not who I am today. Society evolved and so have I and it is something I will continue to do both personally and professionally.”

He adds, “Continued learning, acceptance and thoughtful words are all important actions that will help make society a kinder and safer place for all people.  You know better, you do better. I am very proud of the work we are doing at Two Shakes entertainment.  The company was founded with the mission of working with diverse voices, both in front and behind the camera. When "Glamourous" was pitched to us I thought it was brilliant, heartwarming and important.  We will continue to be committed to pursuing protagonists who don’t traditionally get to be at the center of a show and bringing their stories to the screen.”

The tweets in question have since been deleted but they were posted throughout 2010 and 2011. In one tweet, he replied to a user referring to them as a “tranny b----” and in another instance, he wrote:  “being on the road during the day sucks tranny balls!” There were also tweets where he used the phrase “no homo” as well as the derogatory term “fag”.  In 2016, he responded to another tweet using the term “tranny”.

Wayans Jr.’s genuine apology comes at a time when actors, filmmakers, and other Hollywood types have been haunted by their past tweets — most of them harmful and scandalous. In the case of Wayans Jr., he recognized it, held himself accountable and apologized instead of drawing it out and acting defensive.

Earlier this week, it was announced that the CW greenlit the hourlong drama "Glamorous" from Wayans Jr. and his Two Shakes Entertainment, writer Jordon Nardino ("Star Trek Discovery") and CBS TV Studios, where Two Shakes is based. The series follows a gender non-conforming recent high school graduate who lands the gig of a lifetime interning at a cosmetics company whose products he panned on YouTube.

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