Crystal Hefner shows off body after having breast implants removed

After revealing she removed her 34D breast implants, Crystal Hefner is showing off her new figure.

“The new me. Happier and healthier. Using 2016 to reclaim my health and embrace and love myself for the real me. Thank you for the overwhelming support,” the 30-year-old wrote Wednesday on Instagram.

Earlier this week, Hugh Hefner’s wife explained her decision to remove the implants, claiming they “slowly poisoned” her.

“I’ve had days in 2016 when I couldn’t get out of bed. I’ve felt such despair knowing life was happening all around me but I couldn’t participate,” Hefner explained on Facebook, listing persistent neck pain and fatigue among her many symptoms.

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

After being diagnosed with Lyme disease and toxic mold, Hefner turned to social media to share her health update. But as she discovered from several commenters, her symptoms mirrored that of breast implant illness.

Though, as board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David P. Rapaport (who has never treated Hefner) told Page Six, breast implants affect every woman differently.

“Proving the cause and effect on any given person is next to impossible,” Rapaport said. “Breast implant illness is a vague collection of symptoms relating to soreness, fatigue, muscle pain, which are real symptoms, but we don’t know the cause. And we don’t know if they are at all related to breast implants.”

This story first appeared in the NY Post.