Alec Baldwin to undergo hip replacement surgery, says wife Hilaria

The Baldwin family is already having a hectic week, according to Hilaria.

On Tuesday night, Alec Baldwin's wife -- who is expecting their fourth child -- posted a photo on Instagram of her cuddled up to the 59-year-old actor and revealed in the caption that he would soon be going under the knife.

"Tomorrow morning we are in the hospital bright and early for his hip to be replaced," she wrote after sharing details of her busy day. "Think good thoughts for us. We are gonna eat lightly, relax, and take deep breaths."

In her 2016 book, "The Living Clearly Method," Hilaria, 34, opens up about Alec's health and how it improved around the time they got together when he decided to cut sugar out from his diet. After a visit to the doctor, she says the 30 Rock star was told that his blood-sugar levels were at "pre-diabetic levels," which led him to drastically reconsider his diet.

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'This was an alarming wake-up call that rocked him to the core," she writes. "This was a moment for drastically putting order where disorder had taken over; his body chemistry couldn’t re-balance until the aggravating foods and drinks were removed."

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This article originally appeared on ET.