Study finds husbands lie more than wives about auto incidents


Stop us if you've heard this one before.

A woman runs out of the house one morning, late for work. As she whips open the driver's side door, she notice a scar/dent/ding on the front fender.

She stops what she's doing, dashes back into the house, and asks her husband what happened to the car. He replies, "I don't know. I just noticed it myself. Someone must've hit me in the parking lot the other day."

Is he telling the truth?

There's a good possibility the answer is no.

We know that because the folks at recently polled 1,000 married adults -- half men, half women. During the survey, respondents were asked a series of questions about when, if ever, they'd lied to their spouses about speeding tickets, insurance payments, accidents, and other issues related  to the family car(s).

Once the data was tabulated, it painted a not so very flattering picture of America's husbands. Here are some of the results*:

Have you ever dinged the family car and put the blame on someone else?
Husbands: 42% said yes
Wives: 27% said yes

Have you ever gotten a traffic ticket and not told your husband/wife?
Husbands: 34% said yes
Wives: 16% said yes

Have you ever had a car accident and not told your husband/wife?
Husbands: 31%
Wives: 17%

Have you ever forgotten to pay you car insurance note and avoided telling your spouse about it?
Husbands: 23%
Wives: 15%

Have you ever driven without auto insurance and not told your husband/wife?
Husbands: 21%
Wives: 9%

So, men, if your wife says she doesn't know anything about an accident that's mysteriously appeared on your insurance report, chances are, she's telling the truth. Women, we can't necessarily say the same of your husbands.

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