Last-minute gifts for the car lover in your life

1969 Dodge Charger (Hagerty)

Car people can be either the toughest, or the easiest people on the planet to buy holiday gifts for. If you understand their individual afflictions, it’s a snap:

  1. THE BRITISH CAR PERSON A 50-pound bag of economy cat litter. Why? Because nothing absorbs fluids leaked from a British car better. A six pack of Newcastle Brown Ale would be nice, too.
  2. ITALIAN CAR PERSON No Italian car fan should be without a fresh copy of Pavarotti’s Greatest Hits, because the music of multiple overhead cams and sucking Webers sounds oh so much better with Nessun Dorma! or La Donna è Mobile in the background.
  3. MUSCLE CAR LOVER This one’s easy: A Summit Racing gift card. Because you can never have too much horsepower.
  4. FRENCH CAR LOVER Since the act of rebuilding the hydraulics of a Citröen will likely have anyone pondering the futility of his or her existence and questioning why anyone with free will would want to do such a thing in the first place, might we suggest the complete works of Sartre and Camus, two French existentialists.
  5. JAPANESE CAR LOVER This one’s a no-brainer too—An English copy of the very rare book “Fairlady Z Story” by the father of the Z car (and for that matter of Japanese cars in America), Yutaka Katayama.

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