
Donald Trump's inflammatory comments about Mexican immigrants during his candidacy announcement earlier this year (along with his continued attacks on U.S. immigration policies) have made many people want to take a swing at the business mogul.

If you're one of those people (and/or Jeb Bush), then it's your lucky day, because two different developers have created games that let users hurl everything from tacos to soccer balls to shoes at the controversial real estate magnate.

The first game is called "Trumpéalo" and was created by Mexican developers Karaokulta. In the simple, platform-based game, users toss shoes, soccer balls and an assortment of other items at Trump in an attempt to keep the Republican presidential candidate from exiting a virtual stage – the more time he spends getting whacked by various objects, the more points the player gets.

If the player happens to accidentally throw money or flowers at "The Donald," then the candidate is able to leave the stage quicker and the game soon ends.

"If you are a supporter you can throw flowers and money at him; if you don't, you can throw other kinds of stuff and the whole idea is to get points," Karaokulta's CEO Jorge Suárez told Milenio. "If you throw flowers and money at him that will get him off the podium, but the idea here is to not let him leave."

The game is still in beta mode, but users can download that version for their iOS or Android devices. The full version is expected to be released in about three weeks.

"It's not finished yet, our goal is to have people tell us what other features they want the game to have and that's why we only have it in beta," Suárez said. "It's just a preliminary version," he added.

The other game is called "Trumpada" and allows gamers to toss tacos at Trump, who defends his famous coif by returning fire with wads of cash. While the game is completely free, it is currently only available for download on Android devices.

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