
After Casey Kilcup’s infant son died, she carried his hospital bracelet in her wallet to remember him. It was one of the last remaining links she had to her child.

But Kilcup said she is missing that link now, since someone stole her wallet on July 25.

And she has a message for the thief: “I already forgive you.”

Kilcup posted an emotional Facebook message pleading for the return of the bracelet.

“So please, if you see this, know that I will pray for you,” Kilcup wrote. “I am so sorry for you and the difficult life circumstances you must face, but please, bring back my baby boy's things, no questions asked, I already forgive you.”

The autopsy isn’t yet complete on her son, but Kilcup said she believes he died from sudden infant death syndrome, according to MyFoxBoston.

“We miss him every day,” she said. “We think of every milestone.”

Also in the wallet was the cash Kilcup said she had earned “from my first paycheck after resuming work since my son died in January.”

But the crook can keep the cash, she wrote, and the license, medical cards and checkbook. All she wants is the hospital bracelets worn by her and her son.

“I carried those bracelets to remind me of how blessed I am to be the mother of an angel,” she wrote.