
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 18, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, America. I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Andrea Tantaros, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and her box spring is a waffle, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

Roll this.


FISHER STEVENS AS 'BEN JAHVERI': Please say something.

TIM BLANEY AS ROBOT 'JOHNNY FIVE': Benjamin… my friend.

STEVENS: Oh, my God. Number Johnny Five! Are you completely operational? 100 percent intact?

BLANEY: Perfectly K-O.


GUTFELD: Yes, he's alive, they thought he was dead. But Bibi bounced back to win the election and the media is in full wicked witch meltdown.


LESTER HOLT, NBC NIGHTLY NEWS ANCHOR: The dramatic finish to a fight for power in Israel and the last minute threat that could destroy any chance of a peace plan.

ANDREA MITCHELL, NBC NEWS CHIEF FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: This has profound implications. It could mean the end of peace with the Palestinians, the end of peace with President Obama and change the course of history.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We can be sure there's a lot of disappointment at the White House this morning, realizing they have to try to work with Netanyahu for the next two years. A man who is in such a thorn in their sides and that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

BARRY PETERSEN, CBS NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Peace will be hard. Netanyahu is opposed to a Palestinian state. I have to say, Scott, not a lot of optimism on this front.


GUTFELD: Ha, ha, not a lot. But let's not forget how wrong these people always are, especially, about Bibi's impending loss. But they were all wet, much like this baby elephant. That's the craziest thing ever.

So is Bibi's win good or bad? I go by one rule: If it upsets them, then it must be good and by "them," I mean, progressives. Media hacks, campus activists, Sean Penn, Obama's inner circle, if they hate the outcome, then the outcome rules. Because the thing with progs, the root of all evil is never evil, it's always the well-armed good. They see mugging as just aggressive hugging, which is why we, can't trust them talking nukes with Iran.

Now John Kerry has already congratulated Bibi, but Obama might do so, maybe in a few days, what a guy. To him, even Israel's election is a personal slight against him. But maybe he doesn't have Bibi's number. Iran certainly has Obama's.

So let's pretend Bibi lost, what would the media say then, that Obama was vindicated and was Bibi's speech to Congress that cost him his election. And we missed the key point, that we are all against Iran getting the bomb, but Obama pits us against each other, which is why he has fewer friends on the world stage than I did at camp.

But thankfully, Bibi won, and sorry media it was the speech that helped him win, which is why Obama feared in the first place. See among the Bibi hate on the left and the Bibi love on the right, there is one thing we can all agree on: Bibi played us and won big.

Should we mind? No, that's what friends are for.

Andrea is it -- let's be honest here, Bibi knew what he was doing when he did this speech.


GUTFELD: He knew it was going to help him and it did and -- I mean, what can you say?

TANTAROS: And I also think Republicans knew that it would help him and that's why they invited him. And good for them, because they gave Obama that big stick that Joe Biden always talks about all the time.


TANTAROS: It really -- it not only help out negotiations, I think even Obama would disagree. I think it definitely helped Netanyahu as you mentioned, and now the question is, how long it is going to take president to call.


TANTAROS: Netanyahu? The daily caller has been tracking how it's taking the president to call different leaders, and when he loves the world leader, he calls them right away.

GUTFELD: Right, exactly.

TANTAROS: And we know that he called gay NB (ph) -- NBA players before, he's got them on speed dial. He can pick up the phone and call when he wants to. So to the question is how long is it going to take him to pick up the phone or is he going to hold a grudge. And I think he's going to hold a grudge for awhile.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Kanye says he calls his house all the time.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I wonder why.

GUTFELD: I don't know. But what do you think Juan, do you think, I mean -- do you think President Obama's plan of being kind of petulant about this, by not immediately congratulating him?




WILLIAMS: Did you have any doubt?


WILLIAMS: No? OK, all right. Of course he's being petulant, but I mean, on the one level, you know I was interested to hear you say this Andrea, because I thought the conservatives were always saying, oh, this has nothing to do with politics. You know, this is not -- this is about stopping Iran from getting the bomb. And here you guys are now saying.

TANTAROS: They are not mutually --

WILLIAMS: What a brilliant political move it was.

TANTAROS: They are not mutually exclusive.

WILLIAMS: Well all right, but I'm just saying, that's what I heard before from the right-wing in this country. OK.

GUTFELD: That -- I knew you were going to figure that out.



WILLIAMS: Even a blind squirrel finds a nut one day, you know. What do you got there?

GUTFELD: You are not blind. All right, Eric, what does it mean for America?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I would hope that means -- look at the difference between Bibi Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu as a leader, as an order, as a leader, as someone who you want to look up to, how they deliver their message, and look at President Obama. Netanyahu was on -- he was unwavering, he said, we will not let Iran get the bomb. I -- if I'm in here, there will not be a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine, and we will not let Iran get the bomb. No questions about it, you don't hear that coming from our President Obama, our leader. By the way, I agree, why hasn't he picked up the phone? Maybe he's mad? He dropped 350 grand on the other guy and it didn't turn out that way.

GUTFELD: It is true.

TANTAROS: It wasn't his money, though.

BOLLING: But there was this whole, you know, oh my, gosh, it's going to come down to the wire, its tie (ph), they closing time, but -- the reality was, it was a landslide victory for Netanyahu. The Israeli want to live. They want someone who does says what he means, means what he says, no questions about it. We don't have that. We don't have a leader who -- where is he on -- the Iranians getting a bomb, it's so --

WILLIAMS: Excuse me.

BOLLING: What would he watch?

WILLIAMS: he said -- he said it implicitly


WILLIAMS: The President, John Kerry. Iran will not have a nuclear --

BOLLING: No, no.

WILLIAMS: Bomb. That's what they said.

BOLLING: That's not what he said. They said they won't have it -- there's a ten-year timeline that they hope if Iran sticks.


BOLLING: To their promises, they won't have a bomb.

WILLIAMS: No, that's part of negotiation. But I -- they have made it clear bottom line.

BOLLING: For what? For what? Obama?

WILLIAMS: Iran will not have --

BOLLING: Will did they ever say will bomb? Because Israel's --

WILLIAMS: No. You have played (ph).

BOLLING: Not only Israel has said it, they have done it before. They said they'll do it again. Will we bomb Iran?

WILLIAMS: Oh, you're -- you are asking for a declaration of war at the moment.

BOLLING: If they get them, if they were close to getting a bomb and I would say it would be, there will be a time to do that.

GUTFELD: So Dana, will this cause President Obama to his Iranian adventure, kind of like it's a tit for tat, like, OK. You try to stop me now that this happen, I'm going to go with even further.

PERINO: I think that the White House probably would like for that to be true, but this win, probably makes that unlikely.


PERINO: And the other thing that I think it does for the White House is strength -- it gives them a chance to rethink their decisions to not include Congress. Today, senator -- Former Senator Lieberman, has an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal in which he describes the importance of the role of Congress in this issue -- in this matter. And I think that's what's going to happen out of that is that Senator Corker, who has legislation, in order to get Congress's thumbprint on this. He had 64 votes going into this election, I think that this election now, he'll be able to get those additional three Democrat senators to vote with them, so that they have a veto proven majority, and that actually would be good for President Obama. I think that they should just take them up on it, get Congress involves and be able to switch -- change course a little bit and respect with the Israeli's have said.

GUTFELD: But that's a good point. Should, let President Obama and Bibi start over? Should they try to -- you know, reconnect?

TANTAROS: Well I think Israel tried this morning, Greg. Because, if you look at the outgoing deputy minister, he said, quote, "We want to make an intimate effort to renew trust between the governments." I think that's going to be a pretty one sided renewal though. I mean, Israel, even this morning, extended in all branch and still this White House is handling this. I think with a tremendous lack of class.


TANTAROS: It should just say look, we loss, we tried the medal in the election, we have egg on our face, we look like liars, because we said we weren't get involved.


TANTAROS: And they did. You know what? Let's just forget this and let bygones be bygones. But they are too powerful (ph) they can't do it and what I don't understand is, the strategy that Obama said, he can potentially be going out on a stump to campaign on this Iran beyond. I mean, why you would do such a thing with such an untrustworthy enemy? We don't have to put any cards on the table with Iran. They're the ones that need to become the table and put something on the table. And the fact that he's going to out in campaign with somebody who is clearly, a country's that going to break their word immediately, because they do not believe they have to do deals with infidels. The Islamic republic does not believe that they have to honor contracts with non-Muslim infidels. That goes back thousands of years. So this to them is just one big joke.

WILLIAMS: You know I -- I just want to say, you know that seems to me and I was so curious to hear Dana say, she thinks this will mean the Democrats now are more likely.

PERINO: They need --

WILLIAMS: To support.

PERINO: They need three.

WILLIAMS: And I just --

PERINO: They are on defense.

WILLIAMS: You know I think that what we saw -- seen today, with Netanyahu's victory is Democrats looking at this will say you know what? This is now more politicized, more hardline in terms of Democratic opposition whereas, we used to be Republican and Democrat in this country and support of Israel. I think Netanyahu came over here, gave that speech, he's divided as play to the polarization in our political universe. I think you're going to see it picking up on Greg's point about the anti-Semitism on college campuses. I think you going to see more of it.

PERINO: But, you know everything that --

WILLIAMS: More boycotts, more disinvestment, more sanctions against Israel, more action by the United Nations.

BOLLING: Do you realize what you're pointing out? The Democrats -- you're talking about Democrats, right? You're talking Democrats is pushing back on working with Israel. What's going on here? If you take a step back, where - - they're pushing -- Democrats are pushing back on an ally who is done -- the human rights violations are memo if any. You can't even name any, give me one, you can't, versus sitting at the table, month after month shaking hands with the Iranians, you want to go down the list? You want to talk about gays being -- killed for immoral behavior, or you want to talk about women being mistreated. You want to talk about people being executed without due process, 750 in 2014. It goes on and on. There are human rights violations list is this long, Israel is maybe nothing and if you're an outsider looking in, you think Iran is our ally.


BOLLING: And Israel is our enemy.

WILLIAMS: Let me just quickly respond, so others can get in. But remember that Israel is an occupying force in - you know, what's going on, remember that. And the second thing to say --

BOLLING: Wait, wait, wait.

WILLIAMS: No, the second thing to say --


TANTAROS: That's what Iran says.

WILLIAMS: As see you so --

TANTAROS: You sound like the Iranians.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, I know (inaudible) sound like. I'm just saying a fact, that they occupy the West Bank. So the second thing I would say is this, I think the election is demonstrated a more defensive, more religious based Israel, and when you look at that election, and you look at Bibi Netanyahu who is saying, Oh God, she know the Arabs were citizens. Arabs who live in Israel are as now a threat, because they are voting -- you think that -- this was difficult, this is not good.

GUTFELD: All right, you were shaking your head.

PERINO: I know.

GUTFELD: Every time Juan opened his mouth.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I know.

GUTFELD: It was like a spring --

PERINO: It's kind of quite a workout, Greg.

GUTFELD: I know.


PERINO: OK. A couple of things, so when he said that he thought that my point of view about Senator Corker and Senator Menendez being able to convinced just there more Democrats is wrong. A lot of what Juan just describe is the thinking that had the media believing that Bibi was going to lose --


PERINO: Before the election. And then I think.


PERINO: Why -- how did - how did we missed that?


PERINO: How do we thought -- they missed it again and again, and even if a conservative wins, the media will just describe it as a loss.

GUTFELD: Right, exactly.


GUTFELD: Which is happening now.

PERINO: That's why -- that's why I was shaking my head.


PERINO: I think that, one, the coalition government that Netanyahu will form after this, will be a different one and probably will not be as religious based as before, only because of the way that the votes went and the far right coalition actually loss (inaudible) -- I mean, I can get into the weeds --


PERINO: On this. The bottom line is, we all have the same goal, as you said. Nobody wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon. So now --

GUTFELD: Except Iran.


PERINO: Except for Iran. The only people at the table that want Iran to have a nuclear weapon, is Iran. So we should --


PERINO: Now we have a chance to re-group and stop it.

BOLLING: I just want to point this out that we did not put Iran, Hezbollah, no, the Muslim brother.


BOLLING: On the terror watch list.


BOLLING: How can we -- how could -- really? Probably the most prolific terrorists and the most prolific sponsors of terror on the state level and we don't put them on our terror list. Why? Because President Obama can't get negotiate with Iran and allow them to get a bombed on the road and said, and have them on the terror watch list. He just can't have both.

TANTAROS: Well, don't you think it's -- he's whitewashing their mentioning of them in this report? Because he does mention them, but not the way in the Clapper report that went to the Senate and the House Intel committees, but not in the way that we have done it before. So my theory is he's using it as a technique to lift sanctions, which is really scary.

BOLLING: Correct, yeah.

GUTFELD: Interesting. Can we get a shot of Dana, again? Doesn't it look like her head exploding in space? You wear blue in front of blue.

PERINO: I thought it was green.

GUTFELD: No, it's blue.

PERINO: In front of green.

GUTFELD: No, it's blue. All right.


GUTFELD: Just noticed it. Ahead, is Al Gore considering another run for president.

TANTAROS: Place. (ph)

GUTFELD: To take Hillary's place? I hope so -- yes, in 2016, that's next.



BOLLING: So Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal has lay so much so even some in the liberal media are expressing concerns, Washington Post's David Ignatius, wondering aloud if, Hillary will run.


DAVID IGNATIUS, WASHINGTON POST COLUMNIST: The heart of the matter is -- are the Clintons treated as special. It's something that Hillary Clinton is going to have to deal with, and each of these new little mini-scandals comes along, it raises I think that correlation. She's going to have to come out and deal with it if she's going to be a candidate. I'll have to say -- I'm so much, I'm still not certain that she's going to be a candidate.


BOLLING: But, if she goes down our Democrats so desperate that they have Al Gore warming up in bullpen? Here's Major Garrett from CBS.


MAJOR GARRETT, CBS NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Climate change is the next galvanizing issue, according to some on the democratic side and Al Gore would be the great evangelist on climate change. There is continued restiveness with Hillary Clinton as the anointed, already decided nominee of the Democratic Party.


BOLLING: All right, Dana, want to take this --

PERINO: It was like --

BOLLING: Al Gore is --


PERINO: I thought it was Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one this morning when I woke up in her that this is -- this is what they have. They complained that the Bush's are too old. Like, we have too many Bush's, too many Clinton's and they come up with Al Gore? I think -- talk about, you could not get more elitist and farther away from populism than Al Gore who is made a billion dollars on the box of green energy subsidies which you all paying for, that's it will make me happier, he is the most boring but delicious candidate. I really hope it happens. I encourage him to get involved.

BOLLING: The satirical value of Hillary was to mention it only gets bigger with Al Gore.

GUTFELD: Yes, the only person more pompous and unlikable than (inaudible).


GUTFELD: Is Al Gore. That's like placing Rosie O'Donnell with Roseanne Barr. It's almost know -- please, but you know he's absolutely insane. I mean, he really does believe that global warming is a big threat than terror. That's like worrying about humidity when you're being beheaded.

BOLLING: Right. So -- let's talk about the reasons Al Gore's name is bubbling up. They need something like Elizabeth Warren maybe too much like Hillary Clinton. They need something different. The Incoming equality issue, the global warming issues, there are different issues -- maybe that's why his name is coming up?

TANTAROS: Maybe, or maybe there's nobody else that they have. I mean, why else would they bring Al Gore? Did the Clintons have honesty issues? But Al Gore has serious problems with the truth. I mean, he is a serial fibber and that's the one they go to? And as Greg point out -- and Dana, is she really going to run on climate change? Because that will be the one issue that he would be running on over and over and over, it really truly would be gift.

PERINO: It would.

TANTAROS: I can't - I'm just trying to imagine. What would be more fun? Biden or Gore?


TANTAROS: And I don't know.

BOLLING: What a stable --

PERINO: All of them. That was good.

BOLLING: What a stable characters. Can you imagine a debate.

PERINO: I love Joe Biden.

BOLLING: You have Biden, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton up there, and then Elizabeth Warren? That will be -- that be --

TANTAROS: It sounds like dough (ph)

BOLLING: What must see on TV.

PERINO: And O'Malley, with a shirt on.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I'll be watching. That will be great.

BOLLING: With a shirt off.

PERINO: Oh, boy.

WILLIAMS: With the short off? I don't know. Look, you know think it's all about name recognition and the fact that everybody knows Al Gore. I don't think anyone's serious about having Al gore run, but everybody knows about Al Gore --

TANTAROS: They don't belong, is it?


PERINO: You know he's sitting out there in California, saying Silicon Valley is not big enough for me -- he's tempted (ph). And the only thing that can trump gender for the Democrats is climate change, the only thing that can be bigger than being a woman.

WILLIAMS: But I think they're right.

BOLLING: Go ahead, Juan, and try to explain in coming equality when you go from a net worth of $1.7 million box in 1992.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: $200 million or $300 million not worth now in 15 years, that's the order.



TANTAROS: I agree with Juan --

WILLIAMS: And you know --

TANTAROS: I do. You said name ID is the one?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. TANTAROS: But Charles Manson has really name ID as well.

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, you're being mean --

TANTAROS: But it is not for our good -- I'm saying.

WILLIAMS: But I tell you something.

TANTAROS: Al Gore has name ID, but --

WILLIAMS: I'll you what, it was bigger trouble you know Andrea? You know bigger trouble --


WILLIAMS: You know how he made a lot of that money? He sold.

TANTAROS: The Internet.

WILLIAMS: His network to --

GUTFELD: Al Jazeera.

WILLIAMS: Al Jazeera.


TANTAROS: Oh, Al Jazeera even worst.

WILLIAMS: I think the Republican celebration at this is table.

PERINO: I know, we can maybe tamp it down a little bit.


BOLLING: All right. This, this is amazing. When I saw this ad, I was sure that it was a GOP attack ad targeting the Clintons, Bill Clinton, whatever, Hillary Clinton. But it's not. It's actually a pro-Hillary grass roots group. They really have a funny way of escorting the Clintons, watch.


CROWD: Run, Hillary, run.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As president, Hillary's experience will impress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But as first lady, Bill will rock the dress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Join the Billforfirstlady2016.com campaign. Sign the petition to support Hillary running for president. We're running Hillary, so should you. Sign the petition, Billforfirstlady2016.com.


BOLLING: So Juan --

WILLIAMS: great. Did you make that ad?



BOLLING: I really thought it was a joke.


WILLIAMS: I must say, you send me the ad, look at this thing, you know to prepare for the show, and I thought, oh, somebody made this up to mock Hillary Clinton. I couldn't believe it, this thing with the leg thing, hairy legs? There is unbelievable. And it's by somebody who supports Hillary, you serious?

BOLLING: Yes. Yes. That's what they call themselves pro-Hillary grass- roots organization. Dana --

PERINO: I have a point to make, which is I think this is one of the reasons that Hillary Clinton needs to formalize her campaign so as like her (ph). Because, if she doesn't have control over any of these groups, she need to be able to control what's going on out there.

GUTFELD: It's -- when you look at she think they're running for Bill Clinton or --


GUTFELD: I mean it's so bizarre.

WILLIAMS: It is bizarre.

GUTFELD: By the way, she has been -- this is all in this gender equality, and that's her tune. It's like her stairway to heaven, her free bird. It's the only song she knows how to play it. Right now, she is playing it terribly. She stole it from Patricia Arquette. She'd be - should be super copyright infringement. And you know what this -- all this stuff about inequality, equality, what about power inequality? Why shouldn't the Clintons always have all the power? Shouldn't we be redistributing power and taking it from the Clintons?

BOLLING: As one of the ads also, wait, there's another one. It can probably go -- it probably goes up on Facebook. As Bill Clinton in the dress with the hairy legs and -- the high heels, I hope Hillary's --

TANTAROS: The only thing that they did well was make the dress red and not blue. That was the only thing I thought.


TANTAROS: Well, at least somebody.

WILLIAMS: It is exactly.

TANTAROS: Put their thinking cap on with that ad, but not really, because it involved a dress and it involves young girls and I just thought, and she's got a lot of issues. It's not just controlling these groups, it's controlling Bill. I mean, he went rogue during her last campaign and really, I don't think helped her in a lot of different ways, but she does has to come out and prove she's not the shady lady that she says she is. And people think these women cards will going to help her? Remember the first time she played the woman card, when she said I'm not going to stay at home and bake cookies, she's not very good at playing the women card.

WILLIAMS: Well, we get --

TANTAROS: Well, I'm not sure that this -- I'm inevitable, it's my turn. I'm a woman.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't think. Yeah, I mean Greg may this point the other day. You know the inevitability thing is not effective. But I think women support Hillary in big numbers.

TANTAROS: Women don't like to be lied to.

PERINO: That's the kind of thinking that leads to a loss. Then you think, I don't get that, something's wrong.

WILLIAMS: Then you can blame me. And I will say this, so your point earlier, she's now tweeting, if you take this up. That she's starting to tweets, she's naming people to her campaign.

PERINO: I'm sure she's tweeting, on her private server.

WILLIAMS: Oh, oh, oh.

GUTFELD: How sexist is it to assume women are just going to vote for Hillary because she expects them to.

BOLLING: And what's the point? Bill Clinton the first lady?


GUTFELD: They should have shaved his legs.

BOLLING: That's right.

GUTFELD: I don't know.

BOLLING: I think K.G. is the one who said, I'm all for having a woman president, just not this one.


BOLLING: All right. We leave it there. Should the federal government stay out of the minimum wage debate? 2016 contender, Jeb Bush on that subject. Coming up.


PERINO: Right now the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. President Obama and Democrats argue it needs to be raised to help lift Americans out of poverty. Republican presidential contender Jeb Bush disagrees, not only does he believe a hike will make it harder for the poor, he thinks the feds shouldn't be making minimum wage decisions. Listen.


JEB BUSH, FORMER FLORIDA GOVERNOR: We need to leave it to the private sector, on state minimum wages are fine. The Federal Government shouldn't be doing this. This is - this is one of those poll driven deals. The Federal Government doing this will make it harder and harder for the first rung of the ladder to be reached, particularly for young people. Particularly for people that have less education. Now politically, I'm sure it's a great sound bite. But from an economic point of view, this is not how we need to be successful.


PERINO: OK. So we looked at other candidates. Everyone's got an opinion. Hillary Clinton, if she decides to run, she thinks that it should be increased. Other candidates think that leaving it to the states is good or finding some sort of a floor. Andrea, do you think this issue is going to drive turnout at the polls at the state level if a minimum wage increase is on the ballot?

TANTAROS: I think it might, and I think Democrats, especially if Hillary Clinton runs, will make this an issue. I think that they like to. I think President Obama used it the last time. I think it's a way that they can get certain aspects of their base out to vote.

And I also think that they know it's -- on its face it sounds really good. It's one of those ideas that people go, "Oh, yes," and it's complex for Republicans to explain. But when they try to explain it, as Jeb Bush did, he made a lot of sense. I mean, if you're having to pay a worker more money, say in a restaurant, and the restaurant can't afford it, then they're going to go and they're going to find somebody off the books. And that somebody -- or they're going to pass off the cost to the customer, which is going to jack prices up.

If that person's off the books, too, Dana, they're not going to be paying into Social Security. They're not going to be paying taxes. It has this affect that's really detrimental to the economy. So you want the economy to naturally lift up the minimum wage like what is happening in Texas. You want the private sector to do it.

PERINO: And that's been your point, Eric, which is that the answer to wages is economic growth. And also, we've said here that we're for the states doing minimum wage. It's not to try to do it on the Senate side. You see anything here that you disagree with?

BOLLING: I disagree with even sending it to states. I'm against a minimum wage everywhere. Federal level absolutely, because the different states are different cost of living and whatnot. And I don't even like it on the state level, because it's anti-economic.

Seattle was -- Seattle, the city of Seattle is instituting, as of April 1, a move towards $15 per hour minimum wage. There are restaurants right now closing up. Queen Anne's Grub, Little Uncle, Dolla Walla (ph), Boat Street Cafe, restaurants that have been around for 15, 17, 18 years who are closing up in advance of that, because they have to move towards a $15 minimum wage over either three years or seven years, depending on their size.

The minimum wage drives jobs out of the city, out of the state, out of the country. Whatever it is, you need to stop doing it. Let -- let the free market dictate minimum wage. And the best example of that is where fracking was -- just created so much economic opportunity and growth in North Dakota, people were being paid $30, $40 an hour to go work at McDonald's, blowing away the minimum wage, because there was demand. There was economic growth.


BOLLING: That's what matters, not federally mandating it or state mandating it.

PERINO: A while ago, this is actually -- we talk about this issue every once in a while.

GUTFELD: We have.

PERINO: It's a perennial.


PERINO: You had said one time that minimum wage is supposed to be a lower wage, because when you're at the bottom rung of the level -- ladder, it's supposed to be harder so that you can try to achieve more.

GUTFELD: Yes, you don't want to -- you don't want to enjoy being there. You're supposed to be 17 to 20 and saying, "I'm doing this for a while, because I'm going to be rich. I live in America. I'm going to make 1,000 bucks an hour or whatever. But for this -- at this moment right now, I'm going to deal with this thing." It's not supposed to be where you end up.

The problem with this whole thing, and everybody's touched on it, is that it's a hard argument to make, because the left always makes it sounds like you are the person that is hurting the poor. You're not helping the poor, when ironically they're the ones that are hurting the poor by making jobs more scarce.

So I would argue, if I were running, I would argue, why is it so low? If the government can arbitrarily increase wage levels, why are they being so stingy? Why can't it be $40 an hour or $60 an hour? If you believe in it so much, Hillary, why isn't it that? Why are you so greedy and selfish? How much money do you make? This should be 100 bucks an hour.

And if they say that would hurt businesses, then you force them to explain how it hurts businesses. And you watch them fall apart. You put -- you make them wear the shoes that they force everybody else to wear.

PERINO: Do you think they could answer that well, Juan?


PERINO: If that question was put to them?

WILLIAMS: Not only do I think they could answer it well, Dana, but I think that, you know, what Andrea said is right. This is going to be part of the campaign waged by Democrats; all about income inequality in this country.

And it will appeal not only to, I think, working-class people, but I think to middle-class people who say, where's my pay raise? You know, the economy's doing better; big companies sitting on a lot of capital. World markets recently -- hang on. Wal-Mart raised they wages. McDonald's has raised their wages. Three out of five small business people say, "Yes, we think it could be done, but we're not going to do it unless our competitor gets into the game, too."

So they -- but you know, the big point to me is when you ask, go back, because as you said, we've had this conversation many times. You go back, every time, conservatives say, "It's going to kill jobs." It never kills jobs.

BOLLING: I just gave you an example of five or seven Seattle restaurants that are closing. There are about 15 or so that plan on closing within the next couple of months because of the coming $15 minimum wage that's being instituted.

Real quickly, a restaurant, very, very typical restaurant, 36 percent goes to labor; about 30 percent goes to food costs. The other 30 percent goes to rent and other things. They -- they're working on about a 4 percent margin, Juan. Their food costs are pretty fixed. The rent is pretty fixed. If you jack up their labor 30 or 40 percent, you're wiping out their profit. This is what's happening. That's why restaurants are closing.

The lower end of the income spectrum is going to get wiped out by raising minimum wages.

PERINO: And you know what else is worse for lower income workers? Is robotics and technology at a restaurant, where you're not going to need to have that kind of labor anymore.

GUTFELD: The argument about it kills jobs, it's not about killing jobs. It's preventing jobs, and preventing people from starting businesses.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's more interesting to me.


TANTAROS: And Juan, trust me, my family is in the restaurant business. This is a real problem, and Eric laid it out perfectly. When that minimum wage gets hiked up, believe me, it hits the restaurant owner in a big way. And it hurts the jobs.

WILLIAMS: Come on. You're telling me you wouldn't pay 10 cents more in order to show that some working class...

PERINO: But what is 10 cents more going to do for anybody?

WILLIAMS: We give them a higher wage, Dana.

PERINO: Ten cents?

BOLLING: No. You're talking about 40 percent increase from $7 to $10 an hour.

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you. We're not just talking about restaurants, by the way. Wal-Mart is not a restaurant.

PERINO: Right. But they did it without...

GUTFELD: I eat there all the time. Aisle eight.

WILLIAMS: Who knew?

PERINO: They have Velveeta.

WILLIAMS: There it is.

PERINO: OK. Coming up, a Border Patrol agent accuses the Obama administration of misleading Americans on the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. His testimony on Capitol Hill next.


TANTAROS: Well, has the Obama administration been manipulating border statistics to hide the true number of illegal immigrants entering the country? Here was the president in November.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Over the past six years, illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half.

Overall, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970s. Those are the facts.


TANTAROS: Here is U.S. border agent Chris Cabrera testifying on the Hill yesterday.


CHRIS CABRERA, U.S. BORDER PATROL AGENT: I want to be crystal clear: the border is not secure. Ask any line agent in the field, and he or she will tell you that the best we apprehend is 30 to 40 percent of the illegal immigrants attempting to cross into the United States. This number is even lower for drug smugglers, who are much more adept at eluding capture.


TANTAROS: Cabrera also told lawmakers his fellow agents face punishment if they report accurate levels of illegal entries.


CABRERA: Agents who repeatedly report groups of larger than 20 face retribution. Management will either take them out of the field and assign them to processing detainees at the station or assigning them to a fixed position in low-volume areas as a punishment.


TANTAROS: Wow. So, Greg, he's trying to report an accurate number of illegals crossing the border, and he has to fear for his job if he actually does his job?

GUTFELD: You know, it's incredible. I have to say, it's not -- I'm pro- immigration. The more the merrier. I don't think it's their fault for coming here illegally, because we make it so damn easy. Can you blame them? It's like buying a new car, leaving your keys in with the windows down in a busy part of town. It's going to be get stolen. We make it easy for them.

You can't form a line. You can't form a line without a proper entrance. Imagine if Disney had no fence. The teacups would become pee cups. The Matterhorn would become It-Doesn't-Matter-Horn, because borders establish worth.

We appreciate what we have in this country and what we've earned and what we've worked for because it's not free. And I think every -- anybody that wants to come over here and is a good citizen and a good person should come. But it's not worth it to them if they sneak. It just isn't.

TANTAROS: It's not even that, too. It's -- to build on Greg's analogy, it's the car, Dana, with the windows down, unlocked with a cheeseburger and fries inside; and money and cash and CDs and an iPod. I mean, we're giving them incentives to cross the border.

Yet the administration keeps telling us, the car's locked; the windows are up. Don't worry: we've got a complete security system, which isn't true.

PERINO: All right. So he's a brave person to come forward and to say, "This is what I'm seeing. I'm on" -- he's there at the border, and he is testifying in front of Congress at a time when Congress is putting forward a budget where we're making priorities of what are we going to spend in order to help deal with this border issue, which isn't solved in any way at this point. But will be part of the discussion in the next couple of months.

TANTAROS: But I think that Republicans, Eric, should start to pass clean border security bills in the House and in the Senate and send them to the president's desk. No goodies, no amnesty, no other stuff. Just clean secure the border now bills, and keep pushing them and driving that news cycle so the president either has to sign it or explain why he doesn't sign it.

BOLLING: And obviously, the border agents need a little bit of help trying to figure out whether they're going to do their job or not.

I mean, if they're getting it from the top down, if you report too many footprints in the sand, you're going to end up doing paperwork back in -- back in the office. That's not the way to do it.

What really is outrageous to me is President Obama will go to a podium and say, "We have the fewest number of illegals coming across the border now." He say, "We have done more deportations than any other president in history." And the numbers aren't just -- they don't bear out.

When you look at this border agent telling you what's really going on, if they see someone, if they see a group of 10 people, a border agent, and sees them coming across, and they say, "top, go back," they count those as deportations. Those aren't processed deportations.

Processed deportations are severely down. The ones they send back across the border are up, and they're counting those. So the numbers -- why don't they just come out and say it? We don't have a southern border. We don't want to have a southern border strategy. There isn't one.

TANTAROS: I mean, I remember Jay Carney once standing up at the podium, saying the border is secure.

So why is President Obama fudging the numbers? Is it so that he can make a case for getting amnesty? Why are border agents fearing their jobs from actually doing their job? Why is this happening?

WILLIAMS: You know what? I am -- let me just read a quote to you, a quote tweeted earlier this week by our boss, Rupert Murdoch. He says, "Republicans are talking nonsense on strong borders, where no net inflow for a long time." This is Rupert Murdoch.

GUTFELD: I've changed my mind completely. This is so overblown. So completely overblown.

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes, yes, I agree. And why is he hanging around the elevators, tweeting?

But I mean, the reality is, I don't know what this -- I don't know if this is some political statement by this border agent, but I got to tell you something. There is no evidence that there's any net inflow at this moment.

And the borders are more secure than ever.

TANTAROS: Juan, you know the border is not secure. Come on.

WILLIAMS: It's more secure than ever.

BOLLING: You are kidding, right?

WILLIAMS: No, I'm not kidding, and I'm going to tell you something else. I think this is an effort to stop immigration reform.


WILLIAMS: And what you said -- what you said is true. Republicans never put forward any ideas, not even on border security.

BOLLING: Are you suggesting -- Juan, are you suggesting the number of illegals in the country has been stagnant over the years?

WILLIAMS: Coming across the southern border is what we're talking about.

TANTAROS: You think that Cabrera...


TANTAROS: It will take a terrorist to slip through the borders. Then...

WILLIAMS: You're going to beat me around the head.

BOLLING: I will take you up on that.

WILLIAMS: All right.

TANTAROS: If you are a fan of the hot new show "Empire," well, we have got some interesting news for you. Don't move.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now listen, we do things around here my way. You understand that? You think you're in some fancy school? (EXPLETIVE DELETED) You show me the kind of smarts makes me wonder if you know the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart. You're going to be second string all your life, boy.


WILLIAMS: That was a scene from the movie "Varsity Blues." Sports psychologists have found that belittling or yelling at athletes doesn't improve performance. But a lot of coaches at schools nationwide still do it; and parents let them get away with it. But not teachers. Some are vilified for being too hard on students.

So is there a double standard when it comes to tough coaches versus tough teachers?

Now you can't even believe that they let that word get in the show.

GUTFELD: I'm shocked at the expletive. It's disgusting.

Look, coaches yell for different reasons. Because they're often in a loud place, so they have to raise their voice, and physical exertion requires digging more energy out from your athletes.

I coach a Little League team. And I don't just yell at them. I beat them senseless. Granted, they aren't really children. They're dolls I made out of panty hose and sand. But the principle still stands.

TANTAROS: How do they respond to your yelling?

GUTFELD: I envision them crying inside.

WILLIAMS: How does Eric respond when you yell at him? Is that good?

TANTAROS: Crying inside.

BOLLING: Sometimes.

Look, I think -- I'm in favor of the coaches being allowed to do this. I'm in favor of teachers being allowed to yell and get in students' faces if they're screwing up.

I will tell you -- and again, people always e-mail me, "yes, would you want them doing that to your kid?" Yes, please. Go ahead and do it to Eric Chase. If he screws up, get in his face; yell at him. It's tough love, and it works.

I don't -- I don't buy into the study that says being nice on the ball field or on the football field to the athletes is just as effective as being hard on them. I like the tougher approach to it.

WILLIAMS: What do you think, Dana?

PERINO: I think coaches don't yell all the time. They yell so that you perform better, and then when you do well, then everybody gets praise. That's why people like to have the cameras in the locker rooms in football games so you can see, like, what it's like. And...

TANTAROS: Yes. I know that you love it.

GUTFELD: Juan has been arrested for it.

PERINO: I'm for coaches yelling. Fine, I don't care.

WILLIAMS: You know what? But remember when Luttrell Freewell (ph) choked his coach? Remember that?

BOLLING: He spit on him.

TANTAROS: I remember that well. God, I remember it so well, when he choked him and it was -- I was getting a bag of popcorn.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. But I'm saying, you know, in my life, I think coaches that had the best effect on me actually had a relationship with me. They may have yelled occasionally. But the yelling, I just get turned off sometimes. How about you?

TANTAROS: I do, too. I mean, when I get screamed at, I tend to want to curl up in a ball and suck my thumb. So I think it depends who it is.


TANTAROS: I think it depends on the student, and it depends on the athlete.

So if you watch Nick Saban, he seems like he's always yelling at his team. I think probably there's some players that would respond to that. But then you look at the Oregon Ducks coach. I guess he says that he doesn't yell at all. He just talks to his players. So that seems to work pretty well for him.

WILLIAMS: All right, all right.

BOLLING: They got destroyed.

TANTAROS: I know, well, it depends on the player.

WILLIAMS: "One More Thing" is up next for you. Just for you.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing" -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK, so there's a new show. I absolutely love this show, "Empire." It's on FOX, a new drama featuring some amazing music. It's also kind of like a soap opera script line going on.

Two firsts for this show. No. 1, the soundtrack debuted -- their soundtrack debuted at No. 1, beating Madonna -- that's a first -- on Billboard. And No. 2, it's the first series since 1991 where every single episode of the series increased viewership. Check it out. Just a great show.

GUTFELD: Beating Madonna, that's terrible.

TANTAROS: Horrible.


PERINO: OK, so Washington State University did a study...


PERINO: ... about the effect that tablets like iPads and like a bigger thing than iPhone is having on our posture. And it's happening all over the country, and we really should help each other, because the problem -- if you have text neck, as I call it, you lose the natural curve of your spine. And here's what could happen: Slouching has an effect on mental health, making a person feel depressed, angry, even losing your libido.


PERINO: OK. So if you see somebody hunched over at the airport, give them a little tap on the back, just a reminder. Like help each other with better posture.

GUTFELD: How does your Etch-a-Sketch affect you?

PERINO: I love my Etch-a-Sketch.

GUTFELD: I'm sure you did. Did you shake it a lot? That can cause -- I shouldn't do that on camera.

All right. And I wasn't. Where am I, Andrea? You.

TANTAROS: I'm sitting up so straight right now, my back is going to snap.

OK. Jimmy Kimmel sent Lie-witness News down to South by Southwest Music Festival, and check out what happened when he decided to ask people about made-up bands. It's funny.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you love about Eddie and the Man First (Ph)?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, Man First (ph) is -- that's the band. And Eddie is the lead singer. So you pretty much get to see the whole Man First (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about Vlad and the Putins, that Russian punk band?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. I have heard of them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you see the performance where he rode in on a horse?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my God, yes, I did!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you excited to hear B.J. Jimmy and the Kimmels this year?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, because -- wait, Jimmy and the Kimmels?


TANTAROS: Just say, "No, I haven't heard of them."

BOLLING: I'm going to call B.S. on these guys. These are kind of made up. Look, can anyone not know Jimmy Kimmel?


WILLIAMS: You've got to be stupid.

GUTFELD: All right, Juan, it's you.

WILLIAMS: Well, Tuesday morning around 2 a.m. ...

GUTFELD: I'm sorry about that.

WILLIAMS: ... the northern states -- Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Oregon -- most amazing sight. Look at this. It was the aurora borealis, the northern lights. I always thought you had to go outside the country to see something like this, but there it was. I wish I was someplace where I could have seen that. That's pretty special.

PERINO: Like on an airplane.


PERINO: An airplane, you can see it. That would have been cool.

WILLIAMS: That would have been awesome.

GUTFELD: I have these pills, Juan.

PERINO: I was going to say.

GUTFELD: You can see that every night if you want.

PERINO: Can you see it from your house?

GUTFELD: I can see it from a closet. What does that mean? Am I out of time?

PERINO: I hope so.

GUTFELD: All right.


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports Corner.


GUTFELD: This is going to be tight. Just start rolling it. This is footage from the Turtle -- the Turtle Bowl in Finland. It pits a turtle against a dog, and usually, the dog has to get by the turtle, but in this case, the turtle managed to scare the dog away. It was an incredible -- this went on for 64 days. You cut off the best...

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