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Dear Viewers,

A quick note: On Sunday I flew to Redwood City (search) so that I can cover the verdict in the Peterson case. The decision was made less than 24 hours before I left. I was not wild about the idea of getting back on a plane and I also find it hard to watch the pain of all the family involved, but figured I have covered so much of the case that I should try and complete it as best I can.

Upon my arrival I was told that one of our camera crews had just staked out the jail — I guess expecting and hoping to see Mark Geragos (search) visiting his client on the eve of an expected jury decision about life or death. Instead they observed Jackie and Lee Peterson going to the jail for a 45 minute visit (I was told that family visits are limited to 45 minutes. Lawyers don't have time limits with their clients in jail.) Naturally the crew turned on the cameras and captured it for you. You should know that the experience of doing that is not always an easy one for the crew. On the one hand they hate the notion of "shooting" the parents, but on the other hand, their job is to bring you information and nothing does it better than video. You get to see it yourself instead of having us tell you. Our crews are extremely professional and polite under rather awkward circumstances.

When I got in last night, I met Laura Ingle (search) (KFI radio and frequent "On the Record" guest) for a bite to eat (yes, a glass of wine, too.). She told me that she will be at the courthouse early Monday to try and get a courtroom pass in the daily pass lottery. I asked her why she does not have a regular daily one and it is because she is "out of town" media. I don't quite understand that — FOX and many other national media outlets have a daily one and she has an apartment here. Once the case was moved here, she moved to Redwood City so that she could best cover the trial. Still, the authorities told her she is not local media so she can't get a daily pass and must rely on the lottery — or some pass sharing with others when she does not win the lottery. She has been very clever to get in daily in spite of this hurdle. She does not always win the lottery. As an aside, and adding to the fickle nature of getting a pass into the courtroom, a woman who is writing a book from out of town has a daily pass. Laura is very easy-going and good-natured about having to deal with this pass business daily for six months.

You might wonder what we do as we wait for the verdict. We simply sit in the courtroom. It is rather dull just sitting there. We can talk since the court is not in session. As you might imagine, I have gotten to know many in the local media just hanging out in the courtroom.


Watch "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET