
Thursday night was relatively flawless -- no technical problems and all our guests showed up on time. I was a bit disappointed that Dr. Kissinger showed up in our DC studio close to 10 p.m. because it did not allow me the time to sit around and talk to him before the show. I so rarely get to see him in person and he is one of those guests who is very interesting to speaking to prior to the show.

I have a few more pictures from my trip to New York two days ago and so I thought I would show them to you. When I go to New York, it is usually one of those whirlwind tours where I don't have a second to plan anything -- including a chance to see my colleagues, but, I do run into them.

Photo No. 1 is a picture of one of them I ran into as we competed for time in the make up chair. Shep won, he had to be on the air before I did.

Because "On The Record" is on so late, the newsroom is pretty empty when I am there. As I was headed to the set about 9 p.m., I happened to pass the "FOX & Friends" workspace (everyone calls these work spaces 'the pod.') I thought you would like to see the "FOX & Friends" pod. I have no explanation for what is depicted in these photos (as I noted, it was late, and no one is around for me to ask. The “FOX & Friends” staff works practically in the middle of the night because their show is so early.)

Maybe you can explain the photos No. 1 and 2 -- I think the photos have Steve Doocy's influence all over them, but I don't think this is his workspace. I think he has an office on another floor and this is where the staff sits.

Finally, I thought you might like to read some e-mails from viewers about Thursday's blog that showed photos of the green room:

E-Mail No. 1

I was amazed at the green room. Especially that table! I would have never thought it would like that way. Thanks for a good laugh. :)
Nancy G.

E-Mail No. 2

I'll mention the obvious. I don't see yours. Must be hilarious

My answer: I am lucky. I share one in DC with Brit Hume and others -- and it is very, very, very clean. It is small and dark -- too dark to read -- but adequate.

E-Mail No. 3

Greta, It's apparent that after robbing CNN of their best talent, there's no money in the budget for guest amenities. Those rooms are hideous! They makes my little office in the basement look great in comparison.

E-Mail No. 4

And I thought my 60s era house looked bad! I have a nice olive green stovetop that is circa 1960s. Would Fox want it to complete the look from that genre? It is free to a good home.
Well, I would still rather watch Fox since it appears they are more concerned about quality programming rather than appearances.

E-Mail No. 5

So green rooms really aren't green, I figured it was like a TV rule. I bet Bill decorated his green room, it looks like his touch there on that. I'm still waiting for your picture of Shep in the makeup chair

My answer: you got your wish. Check out Photo No. 1 -- Shep in the make up chair!

E-Mail No. 6

There has to be some psychological ploy behind the decor. Care to share?

My answer: not sure...maybe we want to scare our guests?

E-Mail No. 7

Greta, loved the green rooms. Used to be in theater and never, ever, have I seen a green, Green Room! Please take a picture of Cavuto and Linda Vester's green room so that we can see it. Now, I'm intrigued! Of course, I'm sure the coffee table was not picked out by Sean H. He's much too conservative. Thanks again for the pix and for your daily blog.

E-Mail No. 8

YUK! H&C's green room wins the contest for most ugly! They need a makeover :)

E-Mail No. 9

The Table - I think neither Alan or Sean picked out that table. Someone found it outside (probably beside a dumpster), felt sorry for it because it's so ugly, and brought it in (knowing exactly where it would be at home) since it matches the rest of the decor!
The Wall Color - A fitting color - it matches the floor!
Regards and I Love the FOX Channel,

E-Mail No. 10

I watch you all the time and I notice when your show is over, you turn towards your computer and start typing. What are you doing and what information is on your computer?

My answer: I wrote this viewer back, but figured others may have a question about this. At the end of the show I go to my computer and answer e-mail. If I have not ended the show right on the mark, there is extra time... I look pretty stupid just staring into the camera... so I get busy and do some work!


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at ontherecord@foxnews.com!

Watch On the Record with Greta Van Susteren weeknights at 10 p.m. ET