
I'm seeing it everywhere --  an irritating, repetitive tic in which people insert their feelings regarding Donald Trump into conversations, interviews and articles that aren’t even remotely about him. It's now a reflex.

You could read a piece about a new album, and invariably, the writer begins with a diatribe against Trump. It’s not till you get to the fourth paragraph that the moron has even touched on the record.

It happens in movie and book reviews too -- the writer places his turgid piece in the context of Trump’s presidency, because -- well, Trump is evil, so we might as well start there. It’s all so predictable, and alleviates one from trying to be creative or insightful.

It’s happening everywhere.

You could look up at the sky, and say, “Wow, it looks like there’s going to be a storm coming," and a jackass nearby will say, "Just like this administration."

For some reason, when you decide that you hate Trump, you let it seep into every other thought process. It's not a good thing. Because it diminishes your actual ideas.

On Twitter this weekend, a CNN contributor who regularly bashes Trump posted a picture of herself with President Clinton, and instead of commenting on the picture, used the opportunity to rip Trump. It’s odd. Why not just live in the moment?

When you go to Disneyland, you don't sit there and go, “Screw you Universal Studios!”  When you order a ribeye, you don’t shout at the menu, “Take that, flounder!!: When you kiss your spouse, you don’t think, “Take that Melissa Johnson from 7th grade!”

But that’s what’s happening with everyone who’s still smarting over Trump.

It’s getting silly. He won. GET OVER IT.

Seriously - why make it always about him? Let him get out of your head.

There are a lot of things in life that I hate.

Let's take one: The Red Hot Chili Peppers. They suck.

But when I ponder other things in life, I don't use my present desires or opinions to remind myself of how much I hate this awful band. I don't write, "The current state of North Korea is one of relentless hell, not unlike the music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.”

I should. Because it’s TRUE. But, still, I don’t.

For some reason, however, when you decide that you hate Trump, you let it seep into every other thought process. It's not a good thing.  Because it diminishes your actual ideas.

So. I have a theory.

And that theory is this: the less you know of a famous person, the more you like them. Once you learn more about them,  the less you like them.

I've been through this with my own personal idols. I won't name them - but I have met them.

Glass-eyed and speechless, I sat before them confessing my admiration. Then after a few hours of drinking, or a few years of even more drinking - I find myself wishing I never met them. They let me down. Some turn out to be bitter souls. Others simply cannot live up to your expectations. Others are just human. And weird.

And, really, you don’t want to know that they’re weird.

If you knew me, you’d think I was weird. And that would bum you out.

I state this plainly: You know more about Donald Trump than anyone else in the history of the world.  

You know more about him than Christopher Columbus. FDR. Howard Hughes.

You know his thoughts as surely you know your own. Because, every single day, he tells you exactly what he thinks. And every single day, you know what he means. It’s the strangest thing to hit politics since Billy Beer.

Consider Howard Hughes.

If you knew as much about him at the time, as you know about Trump now, you'd hate him too.

Hughes - I grew up with that legend! As young boys, we all marveled at the idea of a "millionaire!"  A MILLIONNAIRE! He had…millions!

We knew very little about him, but what we did know was legend - and we filled in the rest. He was this unknowable giant.

Only later did we find out that he was a mess - paranoid, agoraphobic, in a constant, manic fear of death.

Again, the less you know of someone famous, the more you like them.

If Twitter and reality TV existed in the time of Hughes, he would have run for president, instead of building that giant plane that went nowhere. And half the country would hate him.

That’s why there’s this fiery conflict over Trump. We know too much about him.

He lets us in. He lets us watch.

No one did that before.

It could be that the emotions we’re experiencing are because this is so new to us.

He’s showing us his warts. We all have them. He doesn’t hide them. He doesn’t care.  He’s us.

What if you knew as much about the names and faces in media, as you now know about Trump?

Those people might come out worse. Including me.