
By Michael GoodwinNew York Daily News Columnist/FOX News Contributor

Watching President Obama and Hillary Clinton conduct their mini-summit with the leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan, I flashed back to their bitter campaign last year. As they sought to outbid each other on who would be the bigger peacenik, it was impossible to imagine either one, let alone both, embracing many of the Bush-era polices against terrorism.

Yet there they were last week, ramping up American military might and promising expanded civilian efforts. As Obama put it: "The United States has made a lasting commitment to defeat Al Qaeda, but also to support the democratically elected sovereign governments of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. That commitment will not waiver."

Said Secretary of State Clinton: "We are facing a common enemy, and we have, therefore, made common cause together."

They've come a long way, baby. Hopefully, the rest of the Democratic party will follow.

To read Mr. Goodwin's complete column, click here.