
Ryan O’Neal is currently in a vicious battle with the University of Texas over a painting of Farrah Fawcett, and as a result O’Neal is being forced to open up about some of the rockier times in his 18-year romance with the former “Charlie’s Angels” star.

In a videotaped deposition, obtained by RadarOnline, O’Neal admitted that Fawcett once walked in on him while he was in bed with actress Leslie Stefanson.

The moment of infidelity was brought up as part of questioning pertaining to a one-of-a-kind Andy Warhol painting of Fawcett. 

The University is claiming the actress left it to the institution in her will, but O’Neal maintains it belongs to him. Fawcett died on June 25, 2009, and O’Neal said she left very little to him in her will.

“I was with her for 18 years. I only got four boxes, mostly shoes and videotapes,” O’Neal, 71, said in the deposition. “She boxed a few things and sent them to me… I was so surprised.”

But the painting, he claims, has always belonged to him. He said even when he and Fawcett had broken up and he had a new girlfriend, the painting stayed in his home. He said he tried to give the work of art back to the blonde beauty because it was making his current girlfriend unhappy, but he said she wouldn’t accept it.

“I took it to Farrah and said, ‘Keep this for me. I’ll be back,’” he said, saying Fawcett replied: “'I don’t want it because I like it that she’s uncomfortable.’”

O’Neal and Fawcett reunited later in life as she battled the cancer that eventually killed her. The two have a son together, Redmond. 

O’Neal said, like most other things in Fawcett’s will, the painting should eventually be left to Redmond.