
Here's what we've got our eye on:

On Wednesday, celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson posted an Instagram video of Gwyneth Paltrow busting out her dance moves in the fitness studio (below), disproving our theory that she achieves her rock-hard abs through rigorous gardening and party-planning.

Tired of the same old cocktails? What you need is an experimental cocktail from the Experimental Cocktail Club in NYC. Watch the video above to learn how they make their sweet and tangy Brazilian Cup, featuring honey, pineapple, and a whole lotta booze.

Mama June, the matriarch from TLC's "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," is reportedly dating a man who was once charged with molesting her underage relative. If it's true, this is the worst decision she's made since the time she stood too close to that forklift.

James Franco Instagrammed a photo of himself with a bloodied Megan Fox on Tuesday (below). Most media outlets are assuming it's a preview of a project they're working on, but wouldn't it be horrible if Franco actually abducted and murdered Fox? Look at his face. It's not that hard to imagine.

According to the Daily Mail, Jennifer Lawrence has purchased a $7 million Beverly Hills mansion once owned by Jessica Simpson in 2005. Jennifer has yet to move in, but when she does, she's going to have her hands full removing all the 98 Degrees memorabilia that surely wallpapers the walls of Nick Lachey's old man-cave.

Kris Jenner has been accused of Photoshopping her Instagram pictures after she obviously Photoshopped an Instagram picture of herself and Gordon Ramsay (below). The incident came to light when people remembered that Ramsay isn't, in reality, a dead-eyed wax figure.

Despite rumors of a breakup, a source for People magazine claims that Beyonce and Jay Z have actually renewed their wedding vows. But even if that's true, the act of renewing vows doesn't necessarily mean the marriage is any better. Heck, we renewed our licenses last month, and we're still the worst drivers you've ever seen!

The first trailer for Marvels' "Avengers: Age of Ultron" was leaked online on Wednesday night (below), but don't worry, it's not going to ruin any huge plot points. After all, it only shows Iron Man putting on his second, larger Iron Man suit — it doesn't mention anything about the third, even larger suit he's probably gonna bust out at the finale.

When an eight-second track of nothing but white noise accidentally appeared under Taylor Swift's "1989" tracklist on iTunes, it immediately shot to top of Canada's iTunes chart. So all this time, Taylor Swift has been wasting her time recording music when she could've been phoning it in. Ha ha! We're nothing but sheep!

In other Taylor Swift news, she's set be a "universal mentor" on an upcoming episode of NBC's "The Voice" (the promo is below). But we bet if she asked nicely, NBC would forget about this "universal mentor" nonsense, fire those other four jokers, and give her free reign over the show.

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Jennifer Lopez reportedly bought a $22 million penthouse apartment in New York City boasting six and a half bathrooms, perhaps to fulfill some kind of lifelong dream of using a different toilet each day of the week.

After eight Madea films, Tyler Perry has decided to switch things up by making the next one animated (trailer below). So at this rate, if Perry continues experimenting and genre-hopping, it'll only be a few years before we get a psychedelic Madea concept album, wherein her adventures are told exclusively through song.

And finally, lifestyle afficionado Lauren Conrad is the latest celebrity to get herself — or so everyone is reporting. If you ask us, the term "wob" is being thrown out a bit too liberally these days. Lauren's hair is actually more of a messy, chic "Rachel" hairdo. A "mechachel," if you will: