
A pub in Britain announced it would remove foie gras from its special Valentine’s Day menu after reportedly receiving death threats from vegan activists.

The Telegraph reported that the King’s Arms in Norfolk offered the item on its tasting dinner menu for the holiday. Many activists say the process of making foie gras, which is fattened goose liver, amounts to cruelty because it usually requires force-feeding.

The report points out that foie gras is illegal to produce in Britain but is made in France and Belgium.

“People coming to eat with us over the weekend are disappointed and I suppose in a way we’ve let the trolls win but I can’t risk the safety of the staff,” Mark Dixon, 32, the award-winning chef at the restaurant said.

Dixon estimated that his pub received about 200 death threats within hours, and some of his workers were in tears and were afraid to answer the phone. The pub has also received up to 30 false bookings.