
This sloth is not afraid of danger.

Photos of a sloth in Ecuador clinging onto a traffic barrier for dear life have gone viral, as the tiny creature appeared to be smiling despite its situation.

The country’s transit authorities rescued the animal, which was stuck in the middle of a road outside Quevedo.

En Los Ríos colaboramos con un hermoso perezoso, que pretendía cruzar el anillo vial de Quevedo

Posted by Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador on Friday, January 22, 2016

Authorities said in a Facebook post that the sloth had been returned to the wild after being "checked by a vet, who determined that it was in optimal conditions for return to its habitat," according to The Telegraph.

Images of the sloth posted on the Transit Commission’s Facebook page have been shared more than 12,000 times.

The tree-dwelling creature may have been on the ground to go to the bathroom, 9News reported.