
An Ohio woman charged with stabbing and decapitating her 3-month-old daughter has pleaded guilty to murder and been sentenced to 15 years to life in prison.

Twenty-two-year-old Deasia (dee-AY'-shuh) Watkins pleaded guilty Thursday in Jayniah Watkins' March 2015 death. She told a Hamilton County judge she loved her daughter.

Watkins had been ordered to have psychiatric treatment and been found competent to stand trial. Her attorneys say she was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis, which can be characterized by depression, confusion and hallucinations beginning shortly after childbirth.

Police found the decapitated baby on the kitchen counter in the home of an aunt who was caring for her. The baby had been stabbed multiple times.

Authorities say Watkins appeared to have serious mental issues when they found her covered in blood in bed at the aunt's home.