
Gaming powerhouse Activision has officially announced Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, the next installment of the bazillion-dollar first-person-shooter franchise. The game will spend a lot of time in your PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC come its release date on Nov. 4.

And buckle up, thumb warriors, because you're going to outer space! Players will use new weapons, enjoy new abilities and hope zero gravity doesn't make them barf. Are you ready to pilot one of Earth's last remaining warships? We thought you'd say yes.

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Bonus: Infinite Warfare's Legacy Edition will include a remaster of 2007's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. According to GameSpot, the remaster "will include the full Modern Warfare campaign and 10 multiplayer maps with enhanced textures, physically based rendering, high-dynamic range lighting, and 'much more.' Confirmed maps so far include Crash, Backlot, and Crossfire."