
A man who accidentally ran over his 4-year-old son with a van in central Ohio has been sentenced to six months in jail, most of which he's already served.

Natividad (nah-tihv-ee-DAHD') de Jesus Hernandez pleaded guilty to forgery and a misdemeanor negligent homicide count in January, more than two years after the December 2013 accident.

The Columbus Dispatch (http://bit.ly/1Xr5nnE ) reports a Union County judge on Monday sentenced the 32-year-old father to 180 days in jail. He'd already served 167 days. He also faces five years of probation.

Investigators say Hernandez is from El Salvador and used a permanent resident card with someone else's registration number. Questions about his immigration status remain unresolved.

His attorney says the heartbroken man will seek a way to stay in the United States legally.


Information from: The Columbus Dispatch, http://www.dispatch.com