
A Miss 4th of July pageant winner who got upset when told there was a miscount and she could share the title has decided to concede her crown.

Seventeen-year-old Molly Lybrook was told that votes were miscounted in the Winslow, Maine, pageant last weekend and that 14-year-old Caitlin Grenier had a higher score. Both were invited to share the honor, but Lybrook said she wouldn't and suggested a pageant organizer influenced the contest.

The Morning Sentinel reports (http://bit.ly/1UhSFYT) Lybrook decided to step down Wednesday. That means she won't ride in the pageant car at Saturday's parade.

Pageant organizer Leah Frost says the pageant will update its scoring system next year to have two accountants triple-check results and might use a smartphone app to make sure everything is tabulated correctly.


Information from: Morning Sentinel, http://www.onlinesentinel.com/