
It’s true: All your mom really wants on Mother’s Day is to spend some special time with you. A fresh bouquet and a handmade card are sweet icing on the cake. But, if you’re looking to go the extra mile, like your mom likely did for you more times than you know, throwing in a slick tech gift designed to make her life a little easier -- or a little more fun or sparkly -- doesn’t hurt either.

To help you find the perfect present, here’s our hand picked, mother-of-three approved list of excellent gadget gifts for all kinds of mamas, especially busy ones. (That would be all of them.) They’re sure to have your mom feeling the love on her special day and beyond. Better hurry, though. Mother’s Day is this Sunday and you don’t want to be late.

1. Misfit Swarovski Shine, $149

If your mom hasn’t made the leap to activity trackers yet, this dazzling Misfit might do the trick. Looking nothing like a plain Jane Fitbit or Jawbone, it’s a glamorous Swarovski crystal wearable that snaps into a pretty necklace pendant or into a bejeweled bracelet. Paired with an iOS or Android app, the tracker collects, measures and analyzes body weight and sleep, exercise and eating habits. Choose from a clear or a violet crystal. Bonus: No plug-in charging needed. This little gem is solar-powered gem.

2. Mr. Coffee Smart Coffee Maker, $149

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3. HiTi Pringo Pocket WiFi Photo Printer, $150

An annoying problem for a lot of smartphone pic-snapping mamarazzi, though, is that they often never get around to printing them out at home. No one has time for that. The pocket-sized HiTi Pringo Pocket WiFi Photo Printer aims to solve this problem, letting you print smartphone pics fast and on the fly. The 30-count color ink ribbon cartridge and photo paper packs are sold separately and cost around $13. Bonus: Your mom can enhance her pics with the accompanying free iOS and Android app, not that you aren’t adorable enough already in her eyes.

4. iRobot Scooba 450, $550

Related: Mastering the Juggling Act: 4 Successful Moms in Tech

5. Soundfreaq Sound Rise Flower Freaq, $99

Oh, and get this: Hipster design maven Cortney Novogratz, a mother of seven, designed the Bohemian speaker/alarm clock, specifically for this Mother’s Day.

6. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite eReader, $99

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