
The leader of a pro-hunting group in Utah said he has received death threats from animal rights advocates after voicing support for a hunter who posted a picture of herself earlier this month smiling next to the carcass of a male lion during a hunting trip to South Africa.

Jason Fackrell, the founder of Hunters Against PETA, told KSL.com that one comment said, "I wish to have some money to kill you myself." Another comment, the station reported, talked about killing Melissa Bachman, the hunter who posted the picture.

Fackrell described the torment he faced. He said he had to move, had his contact information posted online by hackers and has seen family members threatened in the past.

He expressed his dismay that about "90 percent of the population eats meat, but it's OK to threaten the life of a human being that kills an animal."

He has not reported the recent threat to the FBI, the report said. But highlighted what he sees as a double standard.

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"I've never seen hunters threaten the lives of animal rights activists because they don't like hunting, so there definitely is a double standard."

PETA responded to KSL.com's report and said it opposes violence. The report noted that PETA is not connected to the alleged threats on Fackrell.

Meanwhile, more than 375,000 people signed a petition to ban Bachman, the host of "Winchester Deadly Passion," from gaining entry again into South Africa.

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