
Former Weather Underground cohort Kathy Boudin is not the only person teaching at Columbia University with links to the Weather Underground. The sister-in-law of William Ayers, co-founder of the group, holds a faculty position in Columbia University’s School of Nursing.

Assistant Professor Jennifer Dohrn is the sister of Ayers’ wife, Bernadine Dohrn, and in the past had active roles in organizations linked to the Weathermen, although there is no evidence she participated in any illegal activity.

Last week, FoxNews.com exclusively reported that the Columbia University School of Social Work’s Criminal Justice Initiative, a research group headed by Boudin, employs ex-cons and invites other felons to speak at student conferences.

Requests for comment to both Columbia University and Dohrn were not immediately returned.

Dohrn has been an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Columbia for over ten years and specializes in nurse-midwifery, often travelling to other parts of the world, such as South Africa, to provide healthcare training for HIV/AIDS patients.

In the 1970s, during the Weather Underground’s radical heyday, Dohrn was something of a public figure for the activist group. She was a spokeswoman for her sister Bernadine as well as a national leader for the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee—a more mainstream arm of the Underground. Records show she never had any criminal charges filed against her.

The PFOC was formed in 1975 and its tenets were based off a six-part book written Ayers, his wife, and several other weathermen entitled, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism.”