
FoxNews.com reporter Jana Winter and Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins caught up with Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis as he was leaving the press conference held Thursday evening where the FBI released photos of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects. Video of the interview will air tonight on On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.

Q: What are you most hoping to get out of this [release of video and photos of the suspects] information-wise other than the identification of the suspects?

A: What's most important is the proximity and locality of this individual. We want to get him into custody as soon as possible.  They committed a heinous act are considered armed and dangerous.

Q: Do you believe [the suspects] have any ties to terror groups?

A: That's all being researched right now.

Q: What have you learned...about the bomb that give us more info than we have other than the nails and bb's?

A: What's important is that the bomb was placed by one of these individuals and that's clear on the video tape and that gives us probable cause.

Q: Did you find any other surveillance footage prior to or outside the perimeter or before?

A: That's all being looked at.

Q: Are you looking at any one else that may or may not be connected to those individuals?

A: We're looking at everyone.