
A Florida man who was injured in a horsebackriding accident gave his doctors a huge shout out renting a plane to spell out his gratitude.

After being released from the hospital, Don Donaguer paid for a small plane to fly above Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, Fla., with a banner that read, "Dr. Daniel Chan is the man! Thanks Memorial Staff, Don."

According to a report from WSVN, Donaguer and his wife, Lydia, had been on a Valentine's Day vacation in the Cayman Islands when he fell off a horse and hit the ground pretty hard.

He told WSVN the accident put a damper on the day's plans. "It's my bid day of the year, and the wife said, 'No rain check.' ...You kno what i'm talking about," he said.

Donaguer suffered from a concussion and significant pelvic fracture, which would require for him to get surgery. He was taken to Memorial Regional where he was treated by Dr. Daniel Chan who is an orthopedic trauma surgeon.

Chan said Donaguer was in stable condition when he arrived, but it was clear he needed surgery to realign his pelvis and so he would be able to walk again.

Donaguer got the idea of the banner right as he woke up from the operation. He said he "woke up, [and] was like, 'Dr. Chan is the man!'"

Chan told WSVN he was "quite shocked" when Donaguer let him know about his plans.

For his part, Donaguer said he was just "happy to be alive [because] in this position where you just don't know."

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