
Usama bin Laden is not dead – in Minnesota, at least.

A firearms training center in New Hope is offering Americans the chance to gun down the former Al Qaeda leader in a $325-per-person role-playing game, which runs three times per week.

“Start your Navy SEAL adventure with a mission briefing where you will learn that your target is mysteriously named GERONIMO,” the website for Sealed Mindset Firearms Studio says.

The facility is run by Larry Yatch, a former Navy SEAL, Minnesota Public radio reports.

At the start of the game, players are briefed on the Navy SEAL Team Six mission that resulted in bin Laden’s death in May 2011.

Participants then head to a firing range and take target practice at pictures of bin Laden using real, live assault rifles.

According to Minnesota Public Radio, one group was told by Yatch to shoot "anything above the moustache to below the turban.”

The game concludes when each member grabs a paintball gun made to look like an assault rifle, walks through hallways and rooms modeled after bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound, and shoots an actor dressed like bin Laden.

The actor wears a robe, turban and fake beard, but has rubber padding and a helmet underneath to protect himself from bruises.

Yatch says he offers the role-playing game to teach self-defense skills, Minnesota Public Radio reports.

Click for more from Minnesota Public Radio.