
A Pennsylvania high school teacher was arrested Friday after allegedly giving a student a "sex toy" on school property and having inappropriate conversations with her, myfoxphilly.com reports.

Teacher Cheryl Bremble is facing charges of endangering the welfare of a child, corruption of minors, unlawful contact with a minor and related offenses, according to the Montgomery County district attorney's office.

Bremble and the special-needs student were said to have a "special bond" according to police, and Bremble began spending time with the student outside of school, taking her on shopping trips where she purchased expensive clothing items for her.

The Daily Mail reported that the criminal complaint filed against Bremble accuses her of talking to the student about her sex life with her current boyfriend. The 40-year-old divorcee is also accused of giving the girl a "sex device" on school property during school hours and then proceeding to send her encouraging text messages to use it.

One of these messages stated, "And don't ever say I wont try it, cause u will experience something wonderful...," reported the Daily Mail.

Authorities claim that these sexually explicit conversations not only happened electronically, but also in person.

The relationship was exposed when the girl went to her father telling him she had been receiving sexual text messages from Bremble, who told the student she was bisexual and thought the student was "hot."

"Although the district is not able to comment on any specifics related to the ongoing investigation, we can say that we are cooperating fully with the authorities. Any allegations of improper contact or solicitation involving any member of our faculty or staff with a student will absolutely not be tolerated under any circumstances," Michael Pladus, Upper Dublin Schools Superintendent, told Fox 29 News.

Bremble was arraigned before District Judge Patricia Zaffarano on Friday, and her bail was set at $25,000 unsecured.

Click to read more about the teacher's arrest from MyFoxPhilly.com