
A billboard in New Jersey is promoting atheism by asking motorists to question certain holiday traditions and to "celebrate reason," MyFoxNY.com reports.

The billboard, near the Lincoln Tunnel in North Bergen, N.J., depicts a silhouette of the Three Wise Men approaching a manger alongside the words: "You KNOW it's a Myth. This Season, Celebrate REASON!"

An organization called the American Atheists paid $20,000 for the billboard, which is not designed to convert Christians to atheism.  Dave Silverman, a spokesman for the group, said it's rather designed to encourage existing atheists who are going through the motions of celebrating Christmas to stop, MyFoxNY.com reports.

The billboard is also meant to "attack the myth that Christianity owns the solstice season" and to "raise the awareness of the organization and the movement," according to a statement on the group's website.

The billboard will reportedly remain on Route 495 for the remainder of the holiday season.

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