
Redemption may be in the cards for a New Hampshire man who is seeking to put up an electronic billboard containing Bible verses.

Though his request was initially denied, Fab Cusson's "signs for Jesus" will get a fresh start in Chichester, N.H., because of an error in a public notice five years ago.

Cusson, who says his faith in Jesus helped him kick his addiction to Oxycontin, applied to Chichester's zoning board for a variance so he could put up a 4x8 foot religious sign along the town's main highway.

The city denied his request, saying it violated an ordinance against lighted signs. But Cusson's lawyer pointed out that that ordinance was not properly voted on five years ago because the zoning board never told the public what was being considered.

The zoning board agreed and has granted Cusson a rehearing. No date has yet been set.

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