
Maybe they thought they were California dreamin'? Doctors at Saddleback Memorial Medical Center in Laguna Hills, Calif. couldn't believe their eyes when they took a gander at the baby in the womb of Sara Sault.

In fact, it took two of them to lift up 14-pound, 2-ounce Richard Walker Sault during the C-section, the OC Register reported Saturday.


"Oh my God!" a nurse gasped.

For a second, mom Sara thought something might be wrong.

But her bundle of joy was perfectly healthy when he came into the world on Dec. 23.

"We thought our first baby was a miracle, and now we have this little guy," dad Richard Sault told the OC Register. "Guess he's not so little."

Richard Sault Jr. is the largest baby ever delivered at Saddleback Memorial Medical Center – and possibly in Orange County, California, according to veteran doctors and an informal check of other major county hospitals.

"That's a big baby," Marty Wright, department manager of labor and delivery at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, told the newspaper. During her 21 years at the hospital, about 102,000 babies have been delivered.

"I remember one that was nearly 12 pounds, but 14.2? Never!" she said.

Richard Sault Jr. may be a big baby, but there have been bigger. A Russian baby was born last year weighing a hefty 16 pounds and a newborn in Brazil made headlines in 2005 when he entered the world at 17 pounds.

Click here for more on this story and to see a picture of Richard Sault Jr. from the OC Register.