
Al Franken, the Senate's newest member, may be best known for his comedic talent as a former member of Saturday Night Live. But he's now capturing attention for a decidedly less funny talent: drawing the U.S. map from memory.

In a video posted last week from the Minnesota State Fair, Franken showed off his skills, starting with his home state of Minnesota, and then drawing the other 49 states without using a map.

Click here to watch the video.

As of Tuesday evening, the video posted on YouTube attracted more than 190,000 views, according to MyFoxTwinCities.

Franken has demonstrated his cartography talents before. In 2007, he drew the map from memory at a fundraiser in Rochester, Minn. And he drew the map in less than two minutes during a 1987 appearance on "Late Night With David Letterman."

Franken didn't always draw all 50 states.

"When I was a young boy, Alaska and Hawaii were not part of the Union, and I refuse to draw them," Franken said last year at a Senate campaign fundraiser.

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