
Since we learned the news of Usama bin Laden's death on May 1, there's been a debate about whether we should have tried to bring the terror mastermind back to the United States -- alive. I agree with Texas Congressman Ron Paul, we should not have killed Bin Laden if at all possible.

Having spent years in the mental health field I have read almost every psychological evaluation available about Adolf Hitler. Much of the research on Hitler was done before he killed himself with Eva Braun in his bunker. There were psychological profiles done on the Nazi leader and former German chancellor for years after his death as well.

As PET scanners and fMRI tests became available later in the 20th Century, I couldn't help but wonder what Hitler's brain would have looked like under a scanner.

Admittedly, even if we had been able to bring Bin Laden back alive and in put him in a cell it might not have been legal to put him under a scanner without his permission. However, the world might be a safer place in the future if we could have understood the anatomy and physiology of his brain. Some of the people who have been under these scanners have taught us a lot about criminal and violent minds.

While Bin Laden did not personally kill people himself he planned and ordered the deaths of thousands of Americans and others around the world.

We know he got some kind of kick watching himself on TV and then allowing a videotape to be made of him watching himself. This is an interesting fact on its own showing he got something out being "Dr. Evil."

And on Friday we learned that Bin Laden also had an extensive pornography stash in his Pakistan compound. Although, to be honest, officials have not been about to confirm if it belonged specifically to him or if he even viewed it.

Nevertheless, let's assume the porn collection was his and that he did spend time viewing it. Now his brain becomes even more interesting especially since certain types of pornography and violence can be linked together.

The medical documentation for violent and criminal minds continues to grow. Marina Nakic, a post doctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Jordan Grafman found that viewing violent images is enough to activate the prefrontal cortex.

Other studies have focused on the amount of Serotonin in the brain as it relates to violence and willingness to fight. The University of Cambridge in England found that anti-social children have less Cortisol when they are in stressful situations. In most of us it increases with stress and in these kids with a specific personality disorder the body produced less of the hormone.

Another study found that psychopath's brains were different in brain scans. A team from King's College in London found a structure in the brain, the uncinate fasiculus, is different in psychopaths than in normal people.

James Fallon, a scientist whose great-grandfather was killed in 1667 for murdering his mother and was related to the alleged killer Lizzie Borden found that the brains of killers have an less than active orbital cortex. His did as well, but he was not a killer, he just studied them. What made him become a researcher and not a killer in an area that also needs more study. It is a major unanswered question.

Other researchers have found a link between Traumatic Brain Injury and criminal behavior. Was Bin Laden possibly dropped on his head by one of his parents or caregivers during his childhood? Did he and his many brothers engage in "horse play" that might have caused brain damage? No one knows, and with his brain becoming fish food, our answers are lost forever.

We could have learned valuable information about one of the most dangerous criminal minds ever, and now only the Arabian Sea contains the answers.

Ellen Ratner is a Fox News contributor and Washington bureau chief for Talk Radio News Service.