
Feeling blah about your upcoming workout? Hey, it happens to the best of us.

Instead of trudging along and going through the motions, try one of these easy ideas for energizing your workout. You’ll get more out of your sweat session, which means better and faster results.

Check in with your favorite health hero

When I’m not in the mood to work out, I check out one of my favorite fitness blogs for a little inspiration. Reading about someone else’s motivation and successes always seems to get me moving. Plus, I usually end up finding a new workout routine, recipe or piece of advice that further inspires me to get my sweat on!

Create a game plan for your workout

If I don’t start my workout with a game plan, I lose focus and inevitably don’t get the best results. Let’s just say, there has been more than one occasion when I’ve wandered aimlessly around the gym and made half-hearted attempts at exercising. Now, I make sure to plan exactly what I’m going to do during my workout — whether it’s a 30-minute interval run on the treadmill or a full-body CrossFit-inspired workout — so I have a plan of attack, which helps me stay focused and motivated throughout my workout.

Listen to your playlist before you start your workout

Music is a great way to pump me up for a sweat session, but I sometimes find that I have trouble even starting my workout. The solution: Playing upbeat tunes (I love dance music) before I start working out. The music gives me a boost and helps me power through my workout!