
Guillermo del Toro did not have to look far for inspiration for his new film, “Pacific Rim.”

“This movie was my childhood,” the director told Fox News Latino.

But it may surprise some to learn his fascination with Asian animation began with his upbringing in Mexico.

“My childhood was quite amazing,” Del Toro said. “I was exposed to the same pop culture that a kid in Tokyo would have been. This is true of my entire generation in Mexico, that we were invaded by this Japanese culture.”

Being touted as the possible breakout blockbuster thriller of the summer, “Pacific Rim” follows popular Japanese fan fiction in another worldly battle between ferocious dinosaur-like monsters, known as “Kaijus,” against man-made massive robots called “Jaegers.”

“I started working on what ended up being a three-year journey,” del Toro said of his giant pet project.

This pet project, which opens July 12th, has received rave reviews from movie critics. And he’s probably thankful of that – “Pacific Rim” has a staggering production cost of $190 million.

The costs of the film are more than double than that of his Hellboy movies, his first foray into the world of mainstream action films.

The only director even thought of for the film, del Toro says that while it may not seem obvious, every part of “Pacific Rim” is “completely Latin”

“The movie has permeated me and is permeated by the fact I am Mexican.”

The director said even though the movie has not been widely released, he has already started working on a “Pacific Rim” sequel. That movie is not expected to be released until after 2015.

“We started writing the sequel about three or four weeks ago,” del Toro revealed.

Now, after having conquered everything from action films to more critically acclaimed endeavors, like “Pans Labrynith,” don’t expect del Toro to direct a romantic comedy anytime soon.

“I do what I like and I really love fantasy and horror,” he said. “I have no interest almost in anything else. I love my monsters, I love my creatures.”