
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel weighed in on the "Roseanne" show cancellation controversy with a show of support for the fallen TV star.

Following the news of Roseanne Barr's firing from her ABC show, Kimmel took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the matter, tagging the star in a tweet which read, "What @TheRealRoseanne said is indefensible, but angrily attacking a woman who is obviously not well does no good for anyone. Please take a breath and remember that mental health issues are real."

roseanne kimmel ABC

Jimmy Kimmel shows some support for Roseanne barr on social media. Here, the host interviews Barr with John Goodman back in March about the show's ABC premiere. (ABC)

The talk show host, who interviewed both Barr and John Goodman back in March, prior to the premiere of the highly anticipated reboot, continued on to say, "The Roseanne I know could probably use some compassion and help right now."

And while it seemed like Kimmel was coming from a good place with his comments, the TV host was quickly criticized for his words.

One Twitter user tagged Kimmel and wrote, "Just wondering if @jimmykimmel thinks Roseanne could have "taken a breath" before she launched into a racist public rant that might have been triggering for any of the millions of people of color who have mental health issues from a lifetime of sustained trauma."

Another called out the talk show host and said, "Mental health is not an excuse for the vile things she has and continues, even today, to retweet."

Kimmel was then attacked for defending Barr's actions.

"What she said is indefensible but you’re going to defend her anyway?" One user wrote. "Mental illness, if that’s what this is, does not excuse racism. It is not synonymous with racism. And critique is not attack."

But with more than 25K likes, there were some people who agreed with the late-night host, including actress Andie MacDowell who chimed into the Twitter conversation.

“The cream rises to the top with empathy and compassion," she wrote. "Two wrongs don’t make a right. I hear you. What had to happen happened. No need to be cruel.”

One user then tweeted at both MacDowell and Kimmel and said that "the the victims of racism should be the benefit of your compassion." The actress replied to the user's statement and said, "I hear you and agree with you I am thankful that they canceled the show. At the same time I don’t like to see the Joy people are having kicking her. I want us to be better than that, that’s what I mean by the cream rises to the top that we don’t need to do that."

Kimmel's Twitter response to the Barr firing comes just after the host jokingly pitched a "Roseanne" spin-off featuring just John Goodman on his Tuesday night show.

“Hear me out, just because Roseanne is gone, it doesn’t mean the whole show has to go. The show must go on! That’s what we say in show business. And with that said, I have an idea that I think makes this work for everyone,” he explained.

He then aired a fake trailer for a "Roseanne" spinoff show solely focused on Dan, John Goodman’s character. The trailer received cheers and a round of applause from Kimmel's audience.

“Right? I mean, come on!" he said. "Think! I’m just saying, think.”