
Jenni Rivera’s life was cut short nearly four years ago, but fans remember her with the same fervor as ever. It’s this love that has motivated Rivera’s family to keep her music and memory alive.

Along with tribute concerts – including one on her birthday this past weekend – Rivera’s family and estate are producing with Telemundo a new bio-musical series about the singer’s life.

“We’re super excited,” her younger sister, Rosie Rivera, told Fox News Latino. “Everybody wanted her bio-series … and it’s really scary because the telenovelas that we grew up with were different and dramatic. But Telemundo has been amazing in the last few years making great series. It was actually really easy to trust them.”

She continued, “It’s such an amazing story. My sister’s life had everything, and she was very honest about it. We are happy telling her story.”

Rosie said it’s very important to keep her sister’s memory alive because of what her story can represent to millions of women.

“I think of my sister, that woman who went through drama, pain, adversity, who always got back on her feet,” she said. “I think she represents not only the Latina women but the ‘everywhere’ women – the woman who went through every type of pain whether it’s sexual abuse or rape or being a single mother or discrimination or image issues. My sister was really able to have success and joy and happiness despite all her adversity, and we really want to lift women up.”

She added, “Women need that voice – a strong, bold woman saying, ‘If I can do it, you can do it too.’”

This past weekend, on July 2, the Mexican-American singer’s family celebrated her birthday with a star-studded concert is Cudahy, California.

“We get to celebrate with her fans and let everyone know that she is still living in our hearts, and (celebrate) her life for the 43 years that she was here,” Rosie Rivera said.