
Jimmy Fallon is not having the best of luck lately.

"The Tonight Show" host was rushed to the Massachusetts General Hospital on Saturday, after he tripped and fell while accepting an award at Harvard University in Cambridge, People reports. Fallon is still recovering from his injured finger, which was practically severed in an accident earlier this summer.

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Fallon was being honored with the Elmer Award for Excellence in Humor by the Harvard Lampoon, the university's humor magazine. A fan in attendance caught the fall on camera, and later posted it to his Instagram page.

Back in July, Fallon revealed on his show that he nearly tore off his finger the month before when he accidentally caught his ring on a desk countertop in his Manhattan apartment. He told viewers that he underwent a six-hour surgery and spent ten days in the intensive care unit. Luckily, he avoided having his finger amputated.

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"Apparently, the odds aren't great and usually they just cut your finger off," Fallon explained. "I won't get feeling back for eight weeks."