
The Kardashians are in the middle of yet another sex tape scandal, but this one doesn’t involve Kim.

Instead it involves mom Kris Jenner.

Or is it her sister Khloe?

TMZ reports that Mama K has been getting hundreds of voicemails and text messages from an unknown individual claiming to have a sex tape starring Kris, and threatening to give it to TMZ so they can post it online, unless Kris ponies up some dough.

Except for the time the caller flip-flopped and said the sex tape instead stars Khloe.

Jenner says the calls amount to extortion, and the police are now looking into the matter.

TMZ also denies being peddled a Kardashian sex tape.

Kim rose to fame on the back of her sex tape with former boyfriend Ray J, so this is subject matter the Kardashians know inside and out.