
Here's what's happening this morning:

This year's Miss America contestant from New York was allegedly taped calling the current Miss America "fat as [expletive]."

John Legend is taking the Robin Thicke route and putting a topless girl in his new video — his fiancée, model Chrissy Teigen.

Speaking of Robin Thicke, he spoke with Star magazine about his VMA performance.

J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. aren't about to stop making movies just because they adapted all her Harry Potter books. They're gonna start making feature films out of the series' fictitious textbooks.

Britney Spears is looking to out-cleavage in the cover art for her new "Work Bitch" single.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Stella McCartney threw a Hamptons garden party filled with beautiful people, handbag displays and impeccable hors d'oeuvres. And Gwen and Stella kissed.

Fiona Apple sang a cover of "Pure Imagination" from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" for a Chipotle ad. Wait, what?

Get your pirate costume ready, because if you walk into a Krispy Kreme as a pirate next week, you'll get a free dozen donuts. (Or, you could just talk like a pirate to the cashier, and that'll get you a single freebie.)