
Despite a rocky few years on the golf course and three back surgeries that have kept him out of the game, Tiger Woods remains one of the world's most accomplished athletes. So naturally, his children would want to follow in the footsteps of the living legend who raised them, right?

Well no, not really. As it turns out, Tiger's kids can't stop talking about soccer.

After a USA Today reporter overheard Sam and Charlie Woods gabbing about the game at Tiger's annual Hero World Challenge tournament, he asked the children which athlete they'd rather be: Tiger Woods, or Argentine soccer superstar Lionel Messi. (You can probably guess where this is going.)

"Messi," responded 8-year-old Sam, despite her father standing next to her.

"Messi," agreed Charlie, 6, who then added, "He's playing."

After that last comment, Woods reportedly dropped his head in (fake) shame before letting out a laugh and conceding that his son had a point. ("Well, he's right," Tiger told the reporter.)

"The kids are so into soccer, and they always want to play, and I can’t do that," Woods admitted to USA Today, saying that until he recovers from his surgeries, he's relegated to being "the best cheerleader [he] can possibly be."

So, for Tiger's sake, here's hoping Messi doesn't take up cheerleading, too.