
Richard Kadesh, a Walpole, Mass. resident, thought people were ready to start taking Donald Trump’s bold proposals on immigration a bit more lightly.

A few days before the election, Kadesh went to dinner at one of his favorite Mexican spots, Jalapeno’s Grill, and as he waited to be served he went outside and posed for a picture with a large Donald Trump campaign sign behind him.

Then he posted it on Facebook with the comment “They’re paying for the wall.”

He thought it was funny. Apparently others didn’t.

The daughter of the restaurant’s owner, Ricardo Dorronsoro, went on Facebook to express her outrage.

“[My dad] has been a citizen for well over 20. He shouldn’t have to walk out the front door of a place he has worked so hard to build to be greeted with hateful words and bogus requests,” Sabrina Dorronsoro wrote on her Facebook wall a few days after Kadesh’s original was posted on Nov. 3rd.

That post quickly went viral and Kadesh felt the backlash. He then went on apology mode.

“[It was] an awful attempt at making a joke,” said Kadesh, according to the Boston Globe. “I can’t reiterate enough how badly I feel about it.”

Kadesh paid for a full page ad in the local newspaper to offer an apology. He also called the restaurant owner on the phone.

“He apologized, saying it was meant to be a joke,” Ricardo Dorronsoro told the Globe, adding: “I said, ‘My friend, your jokes are in very poor taste. You hurt my family, you hurt my kids, you hurt my community.’”

Dorronsoro said he accepted Kadesh’s apology.

“I just want to forgive him and move on,” he told the Globe. “We have been reminded all week just how supportive our community truly is and we appreciate it more than we can put into words. Gracias, amigos.”

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