
Customs officers at a Moscow airport made a dazzling discovery Sunday when they found some 26,000 diamonds in a passenger’s carry-on  luggage.

A 37-year-old Russian man was carrying the diamonds – worth at least $162,000 -- in transparent plastic bags, according to a Reuters report. Russian federal customs agents say the man was transporting the jewels from Dubai when he was stopped at the international Sheremetyevo airport.

He was holding the valuable stones while standing in the “nothing to declare” lane of customs.

“One customs officer noticed he was very nervous during regular luggage checks and was pressing a bag under his arm, so she asked him to let her see what was inside,” spokeswoman Natalia Karaseva told Reuters.

The unidentified man said he was carrying the diamonds for a friend. It’s not clear whether he will be charged with a crime.

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