
A Pakistani court has sentenced three of Usama bin Laden's widows and two of his older daughters to 45 days in prison for illegal entry and staying in Pakistan.

Each of bin Laden's relatives also received a $110 fine. They were sentenced at a hearing in the Islamabad safe house where the family members are currently staying.

Mohammed Amir Khalil, a lawyer for the family, says Monday's verdict gives his clients credit for time served, and that he does not plan on appealing the decision.

Khalil said the family members were formally arrested on March 3, so they will serve another two weeks in prison and then will be deported with their children. He did not say where they would be deported.

Two of the widows are Saudi and one is Yemeni, he said.

It is unclear whether Saudi Arabia and Yemen will consent to their return. Saudi Arabia stripped bin Laden of his citizenship in 1994 because his behavior was seen to be in conflict with the interests of the country.

Islamabad was outraged by the U.S. raid that killed bin Laden because it was not told about it beforehand. Pakistani officials have said they had no idea the Al Qaeda chief was in Abbottabad, something many in Washington found hard to believe because his compound was located close to Pakistan's equivalent of West Point.

The U.S. has not found any evidence indicating senior Pakistani officials knew bin Laden's whereabouts.

However, details released recently from the interrogation of his 30-year-old Yemeni wife, Amal Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, raised fresh questions about how he lived in the country so long undetected.

Bin Laden lived in five safe houses over the course of nine years while on the run in Pakistan and fathered four children -- two of them born in government hospitals, according to al-Sada's interrogation report, which was received by The Associated Press.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.