
Two suspected cannibals were arrested in two separate murder cases in Russia, officials said Monday.

Alexander Bychkov, 24, is accused of murdering at least six people in the small town of Belinsky, western Russia, then cutting out their livers and eating them, the Izvestia newspaper reported.

Police initially arrested Bychkov over a theft but during the interrogation he suddenly started talking about corpses he had buried near his house.

A disabled man named Alexander Zhuplov was convicted of some of the murders last year, in what may have been a miscarriage of justice, according to the newspaper.

Meanwhile officials in Vladivostok, eastern Russia, announced they had arrested a 35-year-old man who confessed to killing and eating one of his friends after a drinking session, AFP reported.

The suspect said he killed a 41-year-old friend after drinking strong alcohol on March 21. He then ate some of the remains with a friend and stored the rest of the body in the fridge, investigators said.