
In a closed door meeting of the United Nations Security Council Thursday, U.S. envoy Susan Rice told member nations she had seen reports from media organizations and human rights groups that Libyan forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi were issued the impotency drug Viagra for the purpose of engaging in sexual violence.

According to a Security Council diplomat familiar with the meeting, Rice made the remark in response to representatives from Russia and India who complained about NATO involvement in Libya and it's defense of rebels.

In addition to citing the reports of sexual violence, Rice pointed out that Qaddafi's snipers are targeting children. Rice was merely defending the stance of NATO, and firing back at "naysayers" who sought to equate the rebels with Qaddafi's forces, this official said.

This official made clear Rice was not officially accusing Qaddafi's forces of using Viagra and sexually assaulting civilians, rather she was citing unofficial reports. "She was not referring to any specific U.S. intelligence," this official said.

Click here to read more on this report from Reuters.