
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 29, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Katie Pavlich and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

We have a lot of stories to get to tonight, including the battle over the Supreme Court and more. Democrats backing the idea to abolish ICE. But, first, a quick update on the tragic shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, that left five dead and others injured. We go to Lea Gabrielle for an update on the investigation. Lea?

LEA GABRIELLE, FOX NEWS: Well, hi, Kimberly. A judge in Annapolis ordered 38-year-old Jarrod Ramos to stay in jail on five counts of first degree murder one for each of the victims. This is the most tragic accident. It's the most tragic assault on American journalism in recent history. Police say the suspect used a pump action shotgun to blast through a glass entrance before killing four journalists and a sales assistant. Earlier today, the states district attorney describing the scene inside the newsroom. It was chilling. Ramos has a long standing dispute with the Capital Gazette. It started back in 2011, now that's when a columnist published a column that talked about a criminal harassment case against Ramos. He later sued the columnist and the editor and publisher for defamation, but the case was dismissed. Now, the Capital says the former editor who is a defendant in the defamation suit said, quote, I remember telling our attorneys this is a guy who is going to come and shoot us. An employee at another business inside that same building describes the moment it all started. Take a listen.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, I was on the phone with a client and heard a loud noise, an incredibly loud bang. And I poked my head around the corner of my desk so I could see out our front door into the front door of the Capital Gazette, and I saw a gun.


GABRIELLE: The victim, 59-year-old Rob Hiaasen who was the paper's assistant editor, he's also the brother of Karl Hiaasen who is a well-known Miami columnist and author, 61-year-old Gerald Fischman the editorial page editor at the Capital, 56-year-old reporter John McNamara, 34-year-old sales assistant Rebecca Smith, and features reporter for the Capital, 65- year-old Wendi Winters, her daughter spoke just a few moments ago telling reporters that her mother loved what she did. Listen.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: She really liked what she did and who she worked with. She loved her job and she loved what she did and she loved to tell stories. And this is far too soon to lose my mother.


GABRIELLE: The community has been coming together, there're several vigils planned here in Annapolis today. Also, the Capital itself showing its resilience by putting out a paper reporting on its own tragedy. Kimberly, back to you.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Lea, thank you for that update. We definitely -- our thoughts and prayers to the family members and those that have injured and lost loved ones during that horrific shooting. Our other top story, far left cries to abolish ICE are now going mainstream in the Democratic Party with New York senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, becoming the first sitting U.S. senator to publicly call for its elimination while others say it needs to change.


SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D), NEW YORK: I believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it, and build something that actually works.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D), CALIFORNIA: I think there's no question that we've got to critically re-examine ICE and its role, and the way that it is being administered, and the work it is doing. And we need to probably think about starting from scratch.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we need to abolish ICE. That seems really clear.

BILL DE BLASIO, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: We need some kind of agency to deal with immigration. But ICE is not that. We should abolish ICE. We should create something better, something different.


GUILFOYLE: That was real, what you've just saw. This comes after nearly 600 people including a Democratic congresswoman were arrested during an immigration protest at a senate office building. An outgoing acting ICE director, Thomas Homan, responding to the madness on Fox & Friends.


THOMAS HOMAN, ACTING ICE DIRECTOR: Law enforcement, they should be respected. These men and women run towards danger when everybody else is running away. And that's why I've been sickened the last couple of months about the attack on ICE officers. Also, American heroes is trapped under the hip everyday by being vilified by members of congress and the media.


GUILFOYLE: OK, Jesse, so we were just looking at that almost, kind of, in astonishment. We're taking in the news of this happening. And this seems to have cycled very quickly in terms of just a quick progression towards abolishing ICE. I don't know if you really would have, like you said, predicted this, what, five years ago.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Couple years ago Democrats were voting to fund the border wall, and now they want to abolish ICE. It's political suicide. And I cannot believe they're doing it. But at least they're being honest about how they feel. I have to give them that. I mean, they don't want the wall. They don't want zero tolerance. They don't want ICE. They're an open borders party at this point. It's front and center. I think the second ranking Democrat in the house, Keith Ellison, wore a t- shirt that said I don't believe in borders. So, it is what it is. This is the Democratic Party now. And socialist Democrats are now taking action against ICE centers across the country. Michelle Malkin documented some of it. They rushed through the property on the west side, shut it down, and actually prevented illegals from getting a hearing in front of the judge. Now, the illegals have to be detained for an extra six weeks. So, it's just back firing.

And it's just astounding because the ICE agents do so many good things. I think they've just rescued 57 illegal immigrants, men, women and children on the border. They've been abandoned by the smuggler. And it was about 108 degrees. They rescued another pregnant illegal alien female crossing the Rio Grande. Saved her life. And they don't just do that apprehension at the border. I mean, they go after drug hitmen. They go after child smugglers, narcotics traffickers. On their ICE most wanted list, MS-13 members, criminal alien fugitives wanted for homicide. So, you know, politically, I think this is a real cancer in their caucus. It's going to hurt them. And it's going to backfire. And it just reaffirms everything Donald Trump has been saying about securing the border, and we need law and order in this country.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Katie, hello.

KATIE PAVLICH, CO-HOST: Hello, good to see you.

GUILFOYLE: Good to see you. Happy Friday

PAVLICH: Happy Friday. Same.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So, what do you think about this? Because, you know, you've been studying this immigration situation. Obviously, people want to be compassionate about children, about families. But is it fair to put the whole onus and the blame on ICE to demonize, and then to just sort of -- in sort of a knee-jerk reaction, without much thought or deliberation say to abolish it.

PAVLICH: Look, this far left mob that was organized by the extremist radical women's rights -- sorry, women's march yesterday that descended on the Senate Hart Building, they're not interested in protecting children. What they're interested in is abolishing ICE and declaring that entering this country illegally is not a crime. That is what they want. Linda Sarsour, yesterday, who has ties to Louis Farrakhan, by the way, who leads the women's march said when one woman is not free in this country, none of us are free in this country. That is about sovereignty. And if you get rid of ICE you're eliminating an extremely important tool that we have in this country to defend our sovereignty.

When it comes to what ICE does, yes, immigration enforcement is important. The federal government has very few responsibilities. Immigration enforcement, border security is one of those responsibilities. They also deal with child exploitation, human trafficking, terrorism prevention. They're not just immigration outlet even though that is an extremely important part of what they do. And moving forward on this issue, if Democrats want to decide that this is something they're going to make mainstream as they have with Senator Gillibrand, Senator Elizabeth Warren jumping into this mob yesterday, then they need to own it because so far they've tried to say that this is far left thing. This is not the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It absolutely is. I think voters are going to take notice of that.

GUILFOYLE: OK. All right, Juan? Hello.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I mean, I don't know where to start except to say it's not true as Jesse -- oh, Democrats just want open borders. I think that's the invitation here. The reality is that ICE is just, I think, 15 years old. It was started, created, of course, after 9/11. And what you get is a situation where it's grown wildly beyond anybody's expectation. And now, not so much involved with what we intended, which was stopping international terrorists from entering the country and the like in the aftermath of 9/11. Now they're involved with things like forcibly separating children from parents, these kinds of raids that have scared people throughout the country. I thought conservatives were the ones who came up with a phrase jack booted thugs to describe government agencies going overboard, not respecting individual rights in this country. So, now you see people standing up and saying, hey, this isn't right. We just had the man who was the spokesman for ICE out in San Francisco resign, 17 years in the government, Kimberly.


WILLIAMS: Military, DHS, everything. He says, you know what? These people are spreading lies about immigrants. They're asking me to lie for them and I can't do it. That's an indication of the kind of animus now that's being generated. The problem is that under President Trump, what you get is a situation where dealing with immigrants has become criminalized. All the immigrants are criminals.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's not.


WILLIAMS: As opposed to dealing with the fact that you need to have safety and humane treatment and make sure that our borders are enforced. That's very different than applying a military answer to a human problem.

GUILFOYLE: I think it's pretty specific about those that come in and enter the country illegally, especially those that have a criminal records or criminal recidivists that have been on revolving door, at least with the Kate Steinle case. And nobody is opposed to immigrants. We're a nation built on immigrants. It just seems that all of a sudden this came out of the shadows, Greg, like ICE has a P.R. problem.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: The hypocrisy is tiresome. The only reason why the Democrats care now is because Trump is president. These problems existed and were exacerbated under President Obama. You saw an influx of illegal immigrants coming in. And now, Donald Trump is trying to deal with the problem. I have a piece of advice for liberals. Rather than accuse these agents of being inhumane and ripping children from the mothers' breasts and all that stuff, focus on ideas and not people. Because what you're doing is you always start at step one, abolish, step two is see step one. There is never a solution.


GUTFELD: So, it's always -- this is not a Democratic Party. It's a child's party. Because the solution -- these are children solutions to adult problems. They're not practical. They're emotional. They do not factor in the consequences. If they believe in this case that law enforcement is the problem and not the work that they're trying to do which is to prevent a problem, then, put your money where your mouth is, abolish law enforcement in your sanctuary city, all right. If you believe if law enforcement is an issue, why don't you try it where it matters closest to you and see how it works. I believe that anybody who was there in that -- I don't know, mob, actually felt the consequence of their actions, removing barriers at borders so that they feel it, they would feel differently, but they don't have too. That's the beauty of America is you can have a stupid idea because everybody else with good ideas is protecting you.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't think it's about thuggish behavior.

GUTFELD: You've just said that they're inhumane.

WILLIAMS: They are. That's what I'm saying is what people complaining about.

PAVLICH: They are.

WILLIAMS: What you get here, Greg, is a situation where they've been creating an investigations into black sites, into abuse of people coming over the border by this group that really has very little accountability, very little supervision because they were put in place to deal with the aftermath of 9/11. Not.

GUTFELD: Where is the evidence of the black sites.

WILLIAMS: Secondly.

GUTFELD: You can't say secondly.

WILLIAMS: I don't know.

GUTFELD: You don't know. You're just saying people are saying. People are saying. The mysterious people.


WILLIAMS: There're no people saying. What we're talking about is what's being reported, Greg. You're not on the border and I'm not on the border. So, what we're doing.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I would love to see those black sites.

WILLIAMS: So, what I'm saying to you is we need people who can, in fact, deal with immigration as opposed to making everybody into a criminal.

GUTFELD: They're not.

PAVLICH: Entering the country illegally is a crime. That is a fact.

GUILFOYLE: That's a fact. Wow. We're doing this today, all day, I love it. Echo. Up next, a major showdown set in Washington over President Trump's upcoming Supreme Court nominee. Stay with us.


PAVLICH: Well, a generational political fight is on after the monumental announcement by Justice Anthony Kennedy that he will be retiring next month. President Trump wasting no time meeting with key senators yesterday to discuss the replacement. The move has conservatives feeling reinvigorated, while Democrats and their media allies are melting down.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're looking at a destruction of the constitution of the United States as far as I can tell.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Abortion will be illegal in a significant part of the United States in 18 months.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: In some ways it feels like all hope is dead.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: The future of America is at stake. Let me be clear to all of, I'm ready to fight. Are you ready to fight?


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: This is time for vengeance for what happened two years ago.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: I think this is going to be the fight of the century. I think it's going to be almost like Spanish civil war stuff.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you're not a straight, white male in America right now, you're probably freaking out.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think this is a survival issue for women.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: They can't play nice. There is no playing nice here. Everything is at stake. Fundamental rights are at stake here.


PAVLICH: Wow, that's a lot. We also just got news that President Trump will announce his pick to replace Justice Kennedy on Monday, July 9th, which happens to be Jesse Watters' birthday. Is he going to pick you, Jesse?



WATTERS: I wouldn't get to the hearing.


WATTERS: What a birthday present.


WATTERS: Probably going to be a legal mastermind, top of his class, very experienced, and he's going to run circles, this person, around the Democratic senators and the senate judiciary committee. And it's going to be a brilliant pick.

PAVLICH: Him or her.

WATTERS: Him or her, as I've said. And there's not really going to be anything the Democratic Party is going to do about it. What are they going to do? They're going to kick out the nominee from a restaurant, chase them across the street. They literally have nothing. The filibuster -- thank you, Harry Reid. Now, we're just going to nuke it through. And that's what happens when people win elections. Now, in a way, this could help you because Republicans usually mess up about half of their nominations to the Supreme Court. So you may get some wild lib. But, the point is, is that the Democrats have been saying everyone is going to die. The tax cuts are going to kill us. Al Gore, global warming is going to kill us. We're all going to die. It's not true. No one is going to die. Everything is going to be exactly the same. The only thing that's dying is the Democrats' chances of taking the house.

PAVLICH: All right. Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: I have an announcement, it's me. So, this is going to be interesting because he's able to make this announcement because he's sticking to the same 25, first it was initially 20. Then he added five additional names. So, the Democrats have had plenty of time to do a deep dive on each and every one of these potential nominees. And there's been some different names, you know, floated about, even Senator Mike Lee, and Cavanaugh, and a bunch of individuals that have been floated, perhaps, top pick. Obviously, POTUS has decided. We'll find out on the 9th. But this is good for the country to get business going and moving forward. Obviously, the president not seeing any need that would necessitate putting this off past midterms or anything like that because if there's a vacancy, then you move to fill it expeditiously.

PAVLICH: Juan, your response?


(CROSSTALK) GUILFOYLE: He's going to go with Merrick Garland.

WILLIAMS: You got the answer. I mean, you knew what you're saying.


WILLIAMS: If there's a vacancy fill it expeditiously, you say. Well, Merrick Garland was there for a year. He was the legitimate nominee of the elected President of the United States. So, now, the Democrats are saying, well, you know, what's good for the goose is good for the grander. If you say that, then let's wait. Let the American people speak in terms of the midterms. To which, Senator McConnell, who I think is the man who deserves all the credit on the Republican side for denying Merrick Garland the seat and saving it then for Neil Gorsuch. And then opening the door.

GUILFOYLE: Mastermind.

WILLIAMS: . to this. Yeah, he has been the political mastermind. But it comes at a cost. Because, as you rush these things through, as you change the rules to allow no filibusters on the Supreme Court nominee, which is unilaterally done.


WILLIAMS: No, it was not. Unilaterally done by Mitch McConnell. Harry Reid did something for lower federal court and other appointees, not the Supreme Court. That's.


WILLIAMS: . Mitch McConnell. So, what you get here now is a situation in which Americans are saying, you know what, this is just politics. Supreme Court, oh, forget the idea, it's the third branch of government independent of all the nasty partisan politics. It's just stacked with right wing judges. And if you're interested in gay rights, if you're interested in civil rights, if you're trying to defeat all the kinds of gerrymandering that's been taking place, forget about it.

(CROSSTALK) WATTERS: Win an election, then you can appoint who you want.

WILLIAMS: In other words, the court is all about elections, not about.

WATTERS: The president gets to nominate who he wants.

PAVLICH: Let's get over to Greg for his thoughts on.

GUTFELD: The amnesia is amazing. I try to remember. Who invented judicial activism? Who invented the idea of activist judges? Who put two young progressive judges, you know, on the court? President Obama. Who enabled this to happen? Harry Reid. This isn't a presidential election. It's the midterm. So all this whining is just -- it's humorous but it's pointless because it's going to happen anyway. And besides, all this despair is so unhealthy. It isolates you. Your world view becomes so relentlessly uniform. You do this after everything, Paris accords, the tax cuts, the deregulation, North Korea, everything is the end of the world. We now have the Democrats are -- they're the boy who cry apocalypse. And the fact is, nobody trusts you anymore.

WATTERS: Because we're all still alive.

GUTFELD: Yeah. And the thing is -- and the funny thing is, the better the world gets, the worst they feel. What does that mean?

WILLIAMS: All good for autocrat in the White House according to Greg.

GUTFELD: He was elected, actually, Juan. He was elected.

WILLIAMS: It doesn't matter.

GUTFELD: Doesn't matter?

WILLIAMS: Doesn't matter. Forget the constitution. No constitution.

GUTFELD: There's no constitution?

PAVLICH: Liberal filmmaker, Michael Moore, latest call to resist President Trump is raising some eyebrows. Plus, Hillary Clinton urging liberal resolve against Trump.


WILLIAMS: The left ramping up their resistance against the president, the latest example from liberal filmmaker Michael Moore. He's making a passionate plea to the left to get active.


MICHAEL MOORE, FILMMAKER: The despair that I have in going forward making these movies is when are people going to get off the couch and when are we going to rise up? The only way that we're going to stop this is eventually we're all going to have to put our bodies on the line. You're going to have to be willing to do this. When I see those children down in Brownsville, I don't see them as somebody else's children. I see them as my children. Those are my children.


WILLIAMS: And, Hillary Clinton, she's weighing in on the civility debate telling the guardian, quote, oh, give me a break. Give me a break. What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away? It should be met with resolve and strength. And if some of that comes across as a little uncivil, well, children's lives are at stake. Their future are at stake. That is the ridiculous concept of both sideism. So, Greg, you were talking about that earlier this week, both sideism.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Obviously, when you're out of power you're angrier than the people that are in power. So I try to understand their irrationality. But the one thing -- I'm for people -- I think that Michael Moore is a real person, so when he's angry he means it. Hillary is a fake and a phony. How civil was she to the women that her husband attacked? So her lecturing people on civility is a bit much. She's like the town heckler that shows up at little league games drunk and yells at the players and, finally, parents have to shoo her away. I just find her righteousness to be noxious, but I find Michael Moore always to be sincere. He was sincere about Trump back in the day. He was one of the.

GUILFOYLE: Say that he will win.

GUTFELD: He was the guy that says you got -- you got to watch this guy. He's going to win. So, you know, I always respect him. But her, that was just phony B.S.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly, so President Obama is also joining into this chorus saying, hey, we've got to be alarmed. He's saying that Republicans are using fear as a powerful weapon as somebody is out to get you. Somebody is out to take your job. Someone is out to change your community. He says Republicans are even mad when they win. They just like grievance. What do you say?

GUILFOYLE: Interesting. What I would say is I am for reciprocal civility. Full stop. So, I don't demonize one side and say they're doing it, and this is their cottage industry, or this side is doing it.

Both sides should be respectful of discourse, of the process of dialogue. And it's not advancing the ball if one side is saying only the other side is doing it. There are certainly people on both sides that are guilty of this. But you cannot, in good conscience, tell me that the left is not also doing it.

So, I think it's about personal responsibility. It's how you individually conduct yourself. I think we can lead by example. We have civil discourse here. And people appreciate it. That's why we have different viewpoints. OK? So everybody can be the adult at the table and engage in a thoughtful, deliberative way that is respectful of other people's viewpoints. That's what America is about.

PAVLICH: Let's not forget, too, that President Obama told the same group of Democrats they needed to stop whining and that they needed to actually go out and do something and get over their own grievances. Because we know that the Democratic Party is all about engaging and profiting off of grievances and have for many, many decades.

But I want to go back to what Hillary Clinton said about what is more uncivil than taking children away from parents? She then, of course, is putting the responsibility not on the parents who choose to separate their children from their families back in their home countries and taking them to this dangerous journey over the border. She's holding America responsible instead of the people who are actually doing it.

And the second thing I'm trying to figure out is following this logic to its end conclusion. Because if she does think that it is uncivil to take children away from parents, well, does that standard then apply to the way that we enforce laws across the country for American citizens?

Because children are taken all the time from parents in America when their parents commit crimes and go to prison, when they are deemed unfit to be safe caretakers of their children. So logically, this argument either applies to illegal aliens and applies to everybody and would result in complete breakdown of a lawful society, because they're giving a free pass to parents who commit crimes, simply because they have children and don't want to separate them. Due to their own actions and the consequences of their actions being there happens to be a separation due to them breaking the law.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think there's a difference between the expressed policy and the consequence of arresting somebody who's committed a crime.

PAVLICH: What do you mean a policy?

WILLIAMS: President Trump put in a policy that said we're going to deter some immigrants and people seeking asylum by separating. So that's -- that's the difference. But Jesse --

GUTFELD: It happened before.

WILLIAMS: Jesse, let me ask you about this. I want you to give advice to liberals. What would you do? What would you tell them?


WILLIAMS: Michael Moore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, how do you --

GUTFELD: Abolish the police force.

WATTERS: They don't want to hear from me.

WILLIAMS: They want to hear. We want to hear. Jesse, you're the insider.

WATTERS: Honestly, I would just say get out the vote. Register to vote. Raise money. Fight on -- in the legislature, not on the streets. Because the street stuff, I think, is divisive and dangerous. And we don't need it. And they're just panicked, because Trump is on a roll, and they can't stop him.

WILLIAMS: Wow. OK. So Jesse, advice for the libs.

Don't go anywhere. "The Fastest Seven" with Jesse up next.


WATTERS: Welcome back. Time for --


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


WATTERS: "The Fastest Seven."

GUILFOYLE: Phil Collins?

WATTERS: Don't you hate it when the guy next to you on the train starts chowing down on a burrito and starts making a mess everywhere. Well, one man in the Bay Area who the Internet is calling Burrito Bob couldn't take it anymore and threatened to call the cops.

GUILFOYLE: This is nuts.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can't wait? The sign says no eating and drinking. You don't get it? You don't get it. You must be stupid.

I'm going to get a policeman on board. How about that? Can we get a policeman on board here? We have somebody dining in the first car. He's dining. Dining. Eating on the train? Eating on the train?


PAVLICH: What about rats on the train?

WATTERS: Gutfeld, in New York, if someone narced on you for eating on the subway, they'd knock you out.

GUTFELD: Yes. Snitches get stitches where I'm from and where I did my time.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Is this a real show?

GUTFELD: When we were growing up, we were told government is Big Brother. We are Big Brother. We used to be live and let live. Now it's "I'm telling on you."

A, it's the guy who's telling on him, and then it's the other person filming him. Everybody is -- everybody is finking on each other. Everybody's finking on each other. It's sickening.

GUILFOYLE: A circle of finking.

GUTFELD: A circle of finking.

WATTERS: A circle of fink.

GUTFELD: That's the title of my next book.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Write it down, beautiful mind.

WATTERS: Kimberly can't even address this. She's never been on public transportation. So I'm going to go to Juan.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, I have been. I was with Greg. Yes. Very weird experience.

WATTERS: You went on the subway once, and it was like an outer body experience. For everybody else on the subway.

GUILFOYLE: I can address it. Hello, I'm "Kimberly's Food Court." This guy would probably write in and report me for eating food on sets during the show.

WATTERS: A burrito is the proper thing to eat on public transportation, because it doesn't make a mess.

GUTFELD: Contained.

PAVLICH: Rats can still smell the burrito on the train.

WATTERS: It's true.

PAVLICH: This guy was just trying to prevent rats. And there are rules, and this is just me.

WATTERS: You're siding with the narc?

PAVLICH: I am. Because this is like me in the quiet car when there are signs forever saying do not talk on your cell phone, and everyone gets on their phone.


PAVLICH: Excel media over here. What do you think, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Well, I just think, you know, we see, like, a pattern here. Because remember, we had that Peppermint Patty lady, the lady about the --

WATTERS: Water bottle sales.

WILLIAMS: Water or lemonade. And then we had something about lemonade. Remember, somebody didn't want people selling lemonade.

GUILFOYLE: Permit Patty.

WATTERS: Permit Patty. Burrito Bob and Permit Patty should go make love and have babies.

GUILFOYLE: Wait. No! God.

WATTERS: The Terminator and former California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is out with a new video mocking the president's plan to save coal.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.


ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, FORMER GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA: It is foolish to bring back laughable outdated technology to suit your political agenda. I mean, what are you going to bring back next? Floppy disks? Fax machines? Beanie babies? Beepers? Or Blockbuster? Think about it. What if you tried to save Blockbuster?


WATTERS: I think, Greg, it's better than the other kind of snarky videos he's put out.

GUTFELD: It is ironic coming from a guy who makes his living saying, "I'll be back." He's coal privileged. All right? There are 2.8 billion people who don't have access to clean cooking fuel, using different biomasses including even waste kills 3 million people a year.

Also, if you look at the people who pride themselves on their electric cars? Where do you think they get the electricity from? Power plants that are often fueled by coal. So he's a hypocrite.

WATTERS: I think -- I think the West Virginia mountaineers should go pay him a little visit out there in Southern California.

PAVLICH: Yes, I think that they're happy with not listening to him and getting their jobs back so they can feed their own families while he lives in a mansion.

WATTERS: Yes. He used to be quite a hero.

WILLIAMS: I just -- I just can't get over the deceit and lying. Obviously, the coal industry is not coming back. What's growing is alternative energy. Schwarzenegger calls him out, and you --

GUTFELD: -- coal.

WILLIAMS: -- make fun of Schwarzenegger. That's unbelievable.

WATTERS: They just opened up another coal mine in Pennsylvania, Kimberly. Coal is not dead yet, much as Juan wants it to be.

WILLIAMS: No. I'm just telling you, it's a reality.

GUILFOYLE: Not dead. And it was an issue in the last election. And he's not eliminating coal jobs.

And I once had an ex-husband who just loved electric cars. And I also once lived in a solar energy house. It was terrible. Freezing constantly. Cold water. Cold showers.

GUTFELD: How about those wind mills? Wind mills kill more animals than hunters. I mean, the birds.

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, in terms of the American economy, the Chinese really have a monopoly -- did you know this? -- on solar energy and solar panels.

WILLIAMS: Yes. I wonder who's moved away from developing those.

WATTERS: OK. Solyndra.

Forget about the politics. The real issue dividing America today is over the right way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It all started with one Twitter user pondering "What is the proper way to make a P.B. and J.?" Prompting hundreds of mind-blowing responses like this. Ready?

"Take both slices and cover them in peanut butter. Then jelly on top of the peanut butter on both halves." Don't know what that means.

And "Bread mix P.B. and J. thoroughly in a bowl" --


WATTERS: "-- spread liberally on both slices of bread."


WATTERS: Kimberly, how do you do it?

GUILFOYLE: This is how you do it. Watch out, everybody.

WATTERS: Go ahead. Here's the jelly.

GUILFOYLE: Somebody might get hurt here.

WATTERS: Here are the preserves.

GUILFOYLE: Wait. Get that off.

WATTERS: I will get this off.

GUILFOYLE: What you do -- sorry, don't mind the fingers.

WATTERS: There we go.

GUILFOYLE: You're a mom, kids don't mind them. So you've got to put the jelly on one side.


GUILFOYLE: Just imagine.

WATTERS: That's my style.

GUTFELD: Use a different knife, Kimberly.

WATTERS: Use the knife. Use the knife.

GUTFELD: You know, Kimberly, I don't even use bread.

GUILFOYLE: OK, this is what I'm saying.

WATTERS: Atkins friendly.

GUILFOYLE: You just liberally do this. Right?


GUILFOYLE: Imagine there's more and more.

WATTERS: So you get a nice base doing?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. You do it.

WATTERS: And then you add to the base.

GUILFOYLE: So here's the thing. And then you go like this and just move it around and make sure you cover it so it's nice consistency. You bite into a corner that's empty, without it.

WATTERS: Yes, no one likes an empty corner.

GUILFOYLE: No one likes it.

WATTERS: And this is triple berry preserves, if you're interested.

GUILFOYLE: And then you go like this, and you just make a sammy.

WATTERS: Do you cut it? How do you cut it? Diagonal?

GUTFELD: Diagonal.

WATTERS: Diagonal. Let me get a bite of that.


WATTERS: Cheers. Thank you.

GUTFELD: I'm impressed. That's a mom.

WATTERS: Another edition of "Fan Mail Friday" up next.



GUTFELD: Like I'm back at the Allentown Fair doing the chicken dance.

"Fan Mail Friday." Let's get to your questions. Great question from Debbie O.: "What is the last picture you took with your phone?"

Jesse. No, you can't look at it.

WATTERS: How do I know? I don't remember what it is.

GUTFELD: Jeez Louise.

WATTERS: I don't remember. I'll check it.

GUTFELD: While you are checking, Kimberly, last picture you took on your phone that you can say.

GUILFOYLE: No, I don't know, honestly.

GUTFELD: You don't know?

GUILFOYLE: I have a picture saved that I got sent this morning.

GUTFELD: From what?

GUILFOYLE: Ronan's dad of Ronan playing soccer.

GUTFELD: There you go. There you go.


WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, it was the wedding, my son's wedding. I took a bunch of pictures. But you know, my pictures are inferior to everyone else's. I don't have portrait on. "Why are you taking this pictures with a portrait?" my sons would say.

But I must tell you, these days, you know, walking around as a TV person, man, it never stops with the pictures. Holy smokes.

WATTERS: People want pictures of you?

WILLIAMS: Well, no. I won't tell you, Jesse, but the girls. You know.

WATTERS: OK, sure.

PAVLICH: I have a picture of my friend Amber's adorable English bulldog named Kiawa.


PAVLICH: Kiawa is her name, and it's after the Army helicopter Kiawa, because that -- she was an Army helicopter pilot.

GUTFELD: Whoa. All right. Jesse.

GUILFOYLE: This is the dog chair.

PAVLICH: I know. It's the last picture I took.

GUILFOYLE: How cute is that?

GUTFELD: What's your picture, Jesse?

WATTERS: I don't want to talk about it. All right. Well, mine is --

GUILFOYLE: I think it's fishing.

WATTERS: That's a good one.

GUILFOYLE: Last one I actually took.

GUTFELD: Mine is medically related. I'm hoping it's a rash.

GUILFOYLE: Again? Again?

WATTERS: Have you ever seen this before?

GUTFELD: Dr. Siegel, every time he gets an email from me, he's like this. He tells everybody to leave the office. "I got an email from Gutfeld."

PAVLICH: Everybody be careful.

GUTFELD: All right. Diane L. says, "If you ruled your own nation, what would its motto be?"

WATTERS: "Rock out." Gutfeld in the break's making fun of me for saying "rock out." Like I can't say that.

GUTFELD: I agree. You'd be made fun of.

GUILFOYLE: A little like "Wayne's World."

GUTFELD: Rock should never be used as a verb. What about you?

PAVLICH: "Rock on."

GUTFELD: "Rock on," that would be your motto? You're "rock on." You're "rock out."

Juan, what would be your motto?

WILLIAMS: It's hard to beat the U.S.A., "E pluribus unum." You know, out of many, one. But also I like -- again, you can't beat the U.S.A. "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." That's pretty good

GUTFELD: Yes, that is good. That's a tough one.

WILLIAMS: That's a tough one.

GUTFELD: All right, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Mine would just simply be, because I just love it and I live by it, "Liberty and justice for all." Being a prosecutor. And just -- I stand for justice. You stand for people. It's the right thing to do.

GUTFELD: Mine would be "Stay off of my lawn." Or things will happen. OK?

GUILFOYLE: You're that neighbor --


GUILFOYLE: -- with the weird lawn sign.

GUTFELD: I'm libertarian. I don't bother you. You don't bother me. And we've got really good fences.

WILLIAMS: And you can eat burritos wherever you want.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Ooh, this is fun. "What is the emoji you use the most?" Kimberly. I know what mine is, and so does everybody else.

GUILFOYLE: Well, probably -- but I use the American flag a lot. I really love it. And I use thumbs up. And I use the little kiss like this.

GUTFELD: That's nice.


WILLIAMS: The smiley face is the only one. But I'm told -- I don't use it very much.

GUILFOYLE: Do you emoji?

WILLIAMS: Yes, but I don't do that stuff.

GUTFELD: Emojis are great.

WATTERS: You don't text with Juan?

PAVLICH: I sent you a birthday emoji.

WILLIAMS: It turns out women use emojis, like, 10 times more than any man.

GUTFELD: It's a -- emojis, you know what -- Jesse, you know what emojis are doing? bringing us back to caveman days. We don't need words any more. We draw. It's amazing.

WATTERS: Hieroglyphics.

GUTFELD: That's hieroglyphics.


GUTFELD: What is your emoji?

WATTERS: Again, I can't share it.

GUTFELD: I know what it is.

WATTERS: You do not know.

GUTFELD: Because it's what I do.

PAVLICH: I know what it is, too, but I'm not going to say it.

GUTFELD: The poopy one. The poop emoji.

PAVLICH: I can guess which one it is.


PAVLICH: I'm not going to to say it. I don't want to get in trouble.

WATTERS: Yes, Pavlich.

PAVLICH: It's a trap. I use the hands a lot. And going --

GUTFELD: There's so many.

PAVLICH: I use the excited hands.

GUILFOYLE: I like the laughing one, like "Ha, ha," crying laughing. And the one that's sideways, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

WATTERS: Sideways laugh I like. Only if it's really funny.

WILLIAMS: You know my wife -- my wife just got this iPhone 10 thing.


WILLIAMS: And they -- so she has an image of herself. They made it into a cartoon character.


WILLIAMS: And then the cartoon character does the emoji.

PAVLICH: My mom sometimes texts me completely in bit emojis. And it's pretty cool.

GUILFOYLE: This is funny. Do you think they would ever do a segment like this on "Special Report"?

GUTFELD: No, no, no, no.

WILLIAMS: Don't worry about it, Kimberly.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Highbrow show.

GUTFELD: "One More Thing" up next.


GUILFOYLE: Well, hello there. It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Jesse.

WATTERS: "Watters' World," Saturday night, 8 p.m. We send Tomi Lahren down to the border. Diamond and Silk go to Maxine Waters' office. And the best of "Watters' World" patriots edition quiz. Here's a sneak peek.


WATTERS: What did the Declaration of Independence do?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Um -- I have no idea. That's awful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am not that knowledgeable on those declarations and the Constitution and all of that.

WATTERS: What country did we declare our independence from?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Virginia. Correct?



WATTERS: So there have you it.

GUTFELD: You know, I just realized for your birthday, President Trump should nominate Diamond and Silk to the Supreme Court.

WATTERS: Two for one.


GUILFOYLE: Look at Juan. He just can't take it.

WILLIAMS: That's just too much.

GUILFOYLE: Sometimes it's like what is going on.

All right.

GUTFELD: All right. It's time for --

GUILFOYLE: Not calling you, Greg.

GUTFELD: Oh! I guess you killed my thing. All right.


GUTFELD: All right. Tomorrow night --


GRAPHIC: Greg's Vacation News


GUTFELD: There you go. Somebody caught it. "Greg's Vacation News." All right. Now you can get rid of it. This is TV 101.

All right. I'm going away. I'm going to be gone all next week. But the show is on. The show is on. Tomorrow night -- now you can roll it -- 10 p.m., I've got Jim Florentine. I've got Terry Schappert. I've got Kat Timpf. I've got Tyrus. Tomorrow, 10 p.m. It's going to be great.

And I've been asking a lot of people, what book should I read on the beach? Because I'm going -- I'm going to the beach. And you know what? Everybody keeps telling me to get this book. I know, isn't it amazing?

WATTERS: Never heard of it.

GUTFELD: Take a shot of it.

GUILFOYLE: Wait a second.

GUTFELD: It's "The Gutfeld Monologues."

GUILFOYLE: That is -- that is three "One More Things."

GUTFELD: You can get this. I'm not done yet. You can get this --

GUILFOYLE: No, no, it's my turn.

GUTFELD: All right. Happy 50th to Clark and Terry Webb.


GUILFOYLE: Four "One More Things."

GUTFELD: Fiftieth anniversary.

WATTERS: That's unheard of!

GUTFELD: Yes, four "One More Things." Put that in your P.B. and J. and smoke it.

GUILFOYLE: What? "One More Thing."

WATTERS: Go away already.

GUILFOYLE: Attention, please. Excuse me. A deaf and blind Brazil fan enjoys the World Cup. This is really an incredible story.

So some of you have may have had World Cup fever. But over the weekend, this is a heartwarming video that came out from a World Cup fan who despite his disability he was able to take part in all the fun.

And it shows deaf and blind Brazil supporters Carlos following the team's match against Costa Rica with the help of two friends. His sign language instructor and another friend use touch sign language and a model soccer field, which they guided his hand through to show him where the ball was and what was happening. So it's very cool.

So after Brazil's thrilling win over Costa Rica, the friends celebrated by breaking out the drums. All right. I like it a lot.

WATTERS: Very nice.


WILLIAMS: All right. So last summer an intern at The Wall Street Journal editorial page asked to have lunch. It turned out he was quite an impressive guy. He stood up against political correctness at his campus at Williams college.

Now that young man has published a book called "Uncensored: My Life and Uncomfortable Conversations at the Intersection of Black and White America." Zach Wood reached across the political aisle to join with conservatives and invite a range of speakers to the Williams campus. Zach's book is about how one man can act to help heal our polarized country. Take a look.

GUILFOYLE: All right. "Uncensored."


PAVLICH: All right. So you know it's summertime. Everyone is traveling to go to national parks, local parks in your states. And they always talk to you about the safety rules, and no one listens.

Well, one park ranger is trying to change that.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (singing): Rivers packed with faulty gear. Inner tubes running all out of air.


PAVLICH: So you remember the safety rules for your summer vacation.

WILLIAMS: I think --

PAVLICH: So she sings these songs that everybody knows.

GUTFELD: Beautiful voice.

PAVLICH: That you remember and actually listen.

GUILFOYLE: That's it for us. We're going to see you back here on Monday. "Special Report" up next.

Hey, Shannon.

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