
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 25, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and she once played charades with a cricket, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

So, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was refused service at a restaurant. You may have heard about it. It was a mean thing to do, but in a new era where mean girls rule, some mean girls think it's a plus. Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin wrote a piece on the lost art of shunning in which she feels for the restaurant owner. But, Jennifer, shunning is not a lost art, it was once used to ostracize people for religious reasons. It's extremism. But Jennifer hates Trump and everyone linked to him, so maybe extremism is warranted, right?

Meanwhile, Maxine Waters wants more than just shunning:


CONG. MAXINE WATERS (D), CALIFORNIA: If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get up and you create a crowd. And you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome.


GUTFELD: You are not welcome at this gasoline station. So, where will this end? Well, we saw how it started.


DONNY DEUTSCH, MSNBC: If you vote for Trump, then you, the voter, you not Donald Trump are standing at the border like Nazis going you here, you hear. And I think we now have to flip it. And it's a given the evilness of Donald Trump. But if you vote you can no longer separate yourself.


GUTFELD: What a dope. Why is the guy yelling Nazi often best in imitating one? He just branded millions of people which opens doors to anything and shunning is the least of it: harassment, name-calling, violence, or coming right to your home to terrify your family.


PROTESTERS: Free the kids. Free the kids. Free the kids. Free the kids. Shame, shame, shame, shame.


GUTFELD: So, what if shunning went both ways? What if cops ignored 911 calls because of politics? Who do you think the police supports more anyway: Nancy Pelosi or Donald Trump? It's an easy guess. But the police would never, ever do that because they know what it means to serve the public.

What is as bad as shunning? How about desiring a person's presence only as hired help. When pondering this new tribalism among restaurants, leftists Matthew Iglesias snarked," Hmmm, who is going to cook at Republican only restaurants?"

Thank you, Mattie, now we know the real reason liberals love Mexicans and Hondurans they expect them to vote their way but only after their shift is over in the kitchen.

All right. Dana, should Maxine walk it back? I have a feeling she's not going to walk it back.

DANA PERINO, THE FIVE CO-HOST: I don't think she's going to but Nancy Pelosi tried to.


PERINO: So, she tweeted that that's unacceptable and that she wants to make America beautiful again. She did take a moment to say like this is a -- that people are reacting to something, meaning Trump, but she was not for the instability. But, Maxine Waters, certainly not. There -- because everything is national news now.


PERINO: . Maxine Waters years ago in her district, it wouldn't have been front page news everywhere. But now you do run the risk that somebody like Maxine Waters paints everybody in the Democratic Party with a broad brush. But what she's discussing is something super unhealthy. It is obnoxious. And what I'm concerned about is for people who think this is good, what happens then if somebody feels cornered? Like, we are creatures that want to survive.


PERINO: If you feel cornered, you will fight back.


PERINO: And this could escalate very quickly.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You know, Juan, I'm torn about the restaurant thing because I'm a libertarian and I feel like you should -- if you don't want somebody at your restaurant, is that more of an accepted practice because that stance is no longer tethered to causing hardship? Like, it's not like -- it's not like the '60s. So, if I say you can't come in here -- that might be the only restaurant in town. So, is this more acceptable because it's not as hard to find another place to go? Do you follow me?

JUAN WILLIAMS, THE FIVE CO-HOST: No, I didn't but I'm trying. I think -- were you suggesting like in the '60s this was over race?

GUTFELD: Yeah. Well, and also, it created a real hardship. But these days, she could go to another restaurant. I'm just wondering.

WILLIAMS: Oh, for a black person in the '60s maybe there was another restaurant.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's my point.

WILLIAMS: Certainly, there were black restaurants to go to, but that's a different story in the sense that there's a tremendous and sad history in terms of race and exclusion. I don't think, you know, even President Trump wouldn't say there's any history of Trump supporters being excluded from restaurants.

GUTFELD: No, I'm saying is -- is it OK now because there're so many other options in general for people that if you say I don't want you in my restaurant, you can go somewhere else. That's the point I'm making.

WILLIAMS: No, I don't think it was the right thing to do. I would pick up on what Dana said, I think Nancy Pelosi said it, the Washington Post said it, David Axelrod who was Obama's chief political strategist said the same thing. Axelrod put it in this terms, he said, you know, Trump has really been rough in terms of his use of language and lot of -- kind of things he encouraged his supporters to do. But it's not a reason -- it doesn't justify than being -- a lack of civility or rudeness to people who you have a different point of agreement -- point of disagreement with. That it would just lead us all down the road to hell here where we reduce ourselves to tribalism and we're shouting and screaming at each other. And breaking apart our common bonds as Americans. I just don't think it's good.

GUTFELD: Yeah. You know, speaking of tribalism and Trump, Jesse, I do think there's a difference between Trump and this, in the sense that his -- whatever you call that thing he did, was directed to other Republicans for the longest time. It wasn't an ideological origin, right?

JESSE WATTERS, THE FIVE CO-HOST: Yes. I don't see a similarity with that restaurant thing. Like you said, you're a libertarian so maybe it's illegal to, you know, ban someone you don't like at a restaurant. Doesn't make it right.


WATTERS: But I think this behavior just plays into Donald Trump's hands. Remember the last, you know, couple of years under the Obama administration, you had Antifa, you had racial riots, you had open borders, chaos. Even before you had occupy Wall Street. President Trump was elected to clean up that kind of mess. And the American people fundamentally are decent people. They want other people to be respected, and they're not going to tolerate kind rage-a-holics disrupting law-abiding Americans for having dinner. And I believe it starts with the left and the media's demonization of Republicans.

If you've spent a year and a half saying Donald Trump, and his cabinet, and the 60 million Americans who voted for him are Nazis, that is going to incite people to treat people like Nazis, and yell at them and harass them and put their lives in danger. And the Nazi comparison is lazy, historically inaccurate, and it means they've lost the argument. So, I believe this is happening because Trump is winning, not losing, and this is driving the left crazy. He's securing the borders and that is a threat to the left. They can't handle it. They're not acting like they're going to win in November. They're frantic and they're acting like they're desperate because this is all they have left. And if he succeeds and he is reelected, they have nothing. They have people like Peter Fonda, you have Maxine Waters, Kathy Griffin. They are literally melting down before our eyes. And there's no one in the Democratic Party that can control them. And it's just helping Donald Trump succeed. And his numbers are at record high right now.

GUTFELD: Hey, you know, Kimberly, Charles Krauthammer just passed away. He had a phrase that we all remember which was -- as a conservative, we think they are wrong, but the left thinks we're evil. And I think this is the problem is that if they think that you're evil, they can do anything to you. If they think you're a Nazi, then, morally, they're right to go after you.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, THE FIVE CO-HOST: Right. It justifies the level of vitriol and, you know, the rhetoric that is just so, you know, repugnant to attack people or someone's family, to be able to say to someone you can't eat here at this restaurant. Yet, they fight for the cases for -- even like, say, gay rights to be able to have a wedding cake made or something of that nature. So, it's a real, you know, hypocrisy latent in there. But if they feel justified like with the Antifa and others, say we're fighting against evil, against something like the devil, then they say they're justified in doing it morally and ethically, so, therefore, anything goes. Like somebody like Maxine Waters calling for this or calling to put, you know, a child in a cage with pedophiles, making personal attacks against families, or increasing, sort of, the level of rhetoric and hate to say go after them personally. Can you imagine Sarah Sanders or her family going into a restaurant and you can tell somebody you can't eat there? I mean, this is so far -- like going back, you know, in time. This isn't moving forward in terms of civility of discourse, and disagreeing with somebody versus, you know, hating their guts and saying I could do anything to you, whether it's rhetoric or whether it's physical violence to justify my cause because of, you know, who you are and what you stand for.

WILLIAMS: But I don't think -- let me just say. I don't think this started before. I think a lot of this is out of Trump's rhetoric in the way that Trump speaks and Trump policies. And so, I didn't see this happening under Obama. I don't remember this happening under, even when there is anger at George W. Bush about not finding weapons of mass destruction and crude things about -- I don't remember this kind of acting out on either side. But what you have now is, I think, people focusing on this and not on the policy. And a lot of people, most Americans, don't like separating children from parents. And that's what all of this.

WATTERS: Well, they could have solved that problem, but crying Chuck Schumer refused to act in the senate and do nothing about it, and waited until it became a hot-bottom issue to hurt President Trump. I don't think it's fair to criticize Donald Trump for people treating the people that work for him like animals. That's not right.

WILLIAMS: Donald Trump treating the people that work for him?

WATTERS: No, when people protest Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you can't blame that on Donald Trump which you just did. I think that's unfair. And that's on them. That is on them, that is not on Donald Trump.

WILLIAMS: If you go to a Donald Trump rally and Donald Trump is standing up there and saying I'll pay legal fees if any of you want to beat up some of these people. I mean, what is going on?

WATTERS: We all know now that the people swinging were paid protesters.

WILLIAMS: How about Donald Trump saying, oh, if you -- if Hillary Clinton is elected and appoints a Supreme Court judge who does anything to your gun rights, well, I guess you second amendment people have to take -- I mean, come on.

WATTERS: There hasn't been example of the radicals violence and hate.


WATTERS: . Trump supporters disrespecting people in public places like restaurants like it's happening on either side.

WILLIAMS: What do you call that lady getting run over a year ago in Charlottesville, Jesse?

WATTERS: I wouldn't blame Donald Trump for that. I blame that individual.

(CROSSTALK) WILLIAMS: How do you blame the restaurant owner? Nobody in the Democratic Party told the restaurant owner what to do.

WATTERS: People on the Democratic Party had been calling Trump a Nazi. And like Maxine Waters saying I encourage you to go call people out to their face and refuse them service.

GUTFELD: I think the what-about-ism, I think, go on forever. You can go from Charlottesville, you can go back to Scalise, Kathy Gifford. You can go to protesters calling Vietnam vets baby killers. You can go as far back as that. It doesn't help. Coming up, former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson kills the latest liberal talking point with his new comments about the Obama administration's migrant detainment policy. Plus, our 23 and me results are finally here. What a surprise.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUILFOYLE: A stunning admission coming from former Obama DHS chief, Jeh Johnson, telling our very own Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that the Obama administration embraced many of the same policies that President Trump is currently being criticized for.


JEH JOHNSON, FORMER SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: We've expanded family detention. We had then 34,000 beds for family detention. Only 95 of 34,000 equipped to deal with families. So, we've expanded it. I freely admit it was controversial. We believed it was necessary at the time. I still believe it's necessary to main a certain capability for families. We can't have catch and release. And in my three years, we deported, repatriated, or returned over a million people.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: The president also doubling down on his attacks against Democrats on immigration.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We want to have a great immigration. What we have is very simple. We want strong borders and we want no crime. The Democrats want open borders, and they don't care about crime.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, we're talking about communications just a second ago listening to that.

PERINO: Well, I think, the president today when he said strong borders, no crime. They want open borders and more crime. Like, so he's defining the issue on his terms. He has the bully pulpit and it will be effective. And the Democrats will have to try to counter that. And I'm sure that they will. And so, from that communication standpoint, I think very good. I also think though that even though it is true that the previous administration had the separation policy as well, Jeh Johnson being very honest saying we can't have catch and release. That doesn't make sense. But I think that we have to explain that the White House should have explained all of this before. They didn't have a plan to do that. Then, when they do the zero tolerance policy, the scale of how many families were going to be separated. Like this. And then, they're like, but Obama did it too. Yes, but you have to talk about the scale of it. And now the president -- and we talked about in the previous segment, I didn't have a chance to say that -- actually you can get the president to change his mind.


PERINO: And the president did that last week. He said, OK, fine, we're going to take this back. Try a different executive order. But you have to work with me on something else. And so -- people were willing to come to the table, there is a path forward to get this done. And I think it is really necessary because not only do you have this separation issue and now customs and border patrol not referring for prosecution but a confusion there with the justice department. It is not locked down and solid yet.


PERINO: And then the reunification issue is going to dogged them for a while. So, I think from a communication standpoint for defining the issue, defining his opponents, excellent. But on the communication issue going forward, they're not done yet on the family separation issue.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And then -- was on as well, talking about a way and a path forward for citizenship.

PERINO: Yeah, he's a great guy to work with.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. He's quite reasonable individual, able to cross, you know, party lines and working a bipartisan fashion which also could be persuasive to different factions. Greg, what do you think of the president messaging here? He's the master, like, simplifying, you know, the message and getting that out there whether it's build the wall or saying, you know, we want borders, and less crime, no crime.

GUTFELD: I think the other arena he could tackle is the effect on the economy, talk about the economy and jobs. I think that's -- there're a lot of people like Mickey who have a lot of good data on -- and it's something that is less emotional than this other stuff. And it affects everybody who, you know, if you want to have a strong economy and jobs, there's data that shows that's negatively affected by uncontrolled immigration. This issue is not new. There were -- I don't know how many thousands of kids, unaccompanied, that came into the country under Obama.

PERINO: In 2014 was a lot.

GUTFELD: It's was like between 90 and 120,000, something like that. So, the only different variable in this outrage is who is in office. So, I said this on Friday or Thursday, you have to thank Donald Trump for making this issue front and center because no liberal, no leftist, no media hack would have cared if it was Hillary. They'd never would have talked about this because then it would've hurt Hillary. When the Dems are in power, the media ignores issues of compassion because they think they've got it. But if a Republican is, they hold their feet to the fire which is why, good news, is being addressed because Trump is addressing it.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Jesse, so, you know, the president, obviously, frustrated at being, you know, demonized, back-and-forth on both sides, but everybody wants to come to an immutable solution as it relates to immigration. This is not something that's unique to this administration. So many others have tried to do so as well.

WATTERS: It's tough. I mean, immigration, probably, the most divisive thing we have in the country right now, but the president is winning on the issue. His numbers have actually climbed since this controversy started coming up. And now, 75 percent of Americans support incarceration and deportation. That is the president's plan. Only 20 percent support the Democrats plan of catch and release. That's a CBS poll. And a majority of Americans, for the first time, believe that a wall should be built all along the southern border. So, the movement of the country is going in the president's direction because the country believes in the law, and the country believes in borders. We're a compassionate nation, but we're also fair. And it's a national security situation and an economic security situation. People understand that and that's why he was elected.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Juan, the president trying to make inroads here and address all the concerns. And, obviously, putting the concerns of national security, safety, public safety, border security, and upholding the law which is his job as commander in chief to make sure that we're secure as a country while also being compassionate.

WILLIAMS: I think he's stirring up an issue for the midterms. I don't think that any of those issues are on a chaos. It's not a national security issue at the moment. We have a border. We have a 70 year low in terms of people crossing that border illegally. We've had a recent upsurge, I think, in the last two or three months, even as he was pursuing this family separation policy. So, we know that's not what it was about. It's not about illegal drugs, which comes from legal ports. I think this is an issue which fires up his base, in which he is deciding -- he said the Democrats like this issue. He said -- you know what? He likes this issue for the midterms.

I would just point out to you, to me, the craziest thing that happened over the weekend was the president saying no more -- why do we need courts? Why do we need judges? Just throw them out. As if people who are fleeing violence in Guatemala, or El Salvador, or the gangs that he always talks about, have no legitimate reason to say, hey, this is America.

(CROSSTALK) WATTERS: Go to a port of entry, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I'm just telling you. And, by the way, on the thing that Jeh Johnson was talking about, we have had under the Obama administration effort not to simply catch and release. So they've expanded the number of beds available to families for people who came with them. That's wholly different than what the President -- President Trump is doing. He established a new policy to separate families from children.

GUILFOYLE: He's saying follow the laws, go to the point of entry. We have laws on the books about how to become a citizen of the United States that should be observed on equally and uniformly. Next up, more evidence Democrats need to work harder to win back seats in November.


WILLIAMS: Is the Trump bump real? More positive numbers rolling in for the president. A CNBC poll shows for the first time a majority of Americans approve of Mr. Trump's handling of the economy. And after hitting a high with a 45 percent approval rating from Gallup last week, Trump has gone back down now to 41 percent approval rating this week. At 41 percent, he's up about two percentage points from the average of his entire term. And Democrats generic ballot, well, their midterm edge has slit again. This time just 4 percent in a new CBS News poll. Jesse, what do you make of all this?

WATTERS: Before we get to this poll, I can't resist bringing up another poll by Quinnipiac. President Obama named worst president since World War II. I cannot let that slide. Let that sink in. Americans believe President Obama, worst president since World War II. The best presidents were Reagan, Bill Clinton, and JFK. Again, President Obama, worst.

WILLIAMS: Dana started coughing over there.

WATTERS: OK, just a poll, just one poll.


WATTERS: I'm not so sure. We'll see. But, anyway, I think this is all economically driven. And 51 percent now say the economy is good or excellent. That is a record in CNBS poll. And, at this point in the Trump presidency, it finally feels like the country and the people are getting comfortable and used to having him be president. In the beginning, it was chaotic with the tweets and a lot of the chaos in the personnel that the American people have now settled in and understand what this president is all about. There's going to be chaos. There's going to be ridiculous tweeting and commentary, but the economy is -- the engine of the economy is ripping right now. People see it in their paychecks. It's clear. And that's what matters to most Americans, safety and prosperity.

WILLIAMS: So, Dana, just to speak about the economy because I think that Jesse's right the numbers go up like -- after the North Korean summit we saw his numbers go up. This week after the problems at the border with the kids, the numbers gone down a bit. But, remember, 30 -- I think it was -- the idea was that in the midterms the tax message was going to carry Republicans. The recent polls show 34 percent of Americans say they've seen an increase in income due to the tax cuts.

PERINO: Well, I do think that's why that the president is focusing on immigration as the issue. Because tax cuts -- it's good. The economy is good. But people are not jazzed up about it; they don't get energized about it.

Remember, the president actually won election with a slightly lower approval rating, even at -- with the lower one that you mentioned. So I think that's OK.

I think the Republicans have a good case, especially to be made in the Senate, with quality candidates, very good candidates. But the Democrats on the House side, in very key races, they have found really good people to run, as well: moderate Democrats that are targeted specifically for that district, and they're running very local races and avoiding the noise.


GUTFELD: Fifty-four percent of Americans think the economy is good and excellent -- good or excellent. Another survey had 67 percent very or somewhat good economy. The only conclusion, obviously, is they are Nazis, I think.

You know, I -- I find the reason why the media is having a hard time with this is because they only weigh one variable. They are single variable thinkers. And that variable is always divisive -- a divisive issue like race or immigration. They don't look at the economy, North Korea, terror, jobs, the Supreme Court. So all of this -- this era of peaceful prosperity just hits them in the face, because they're only looking at one variable. That's the thing that makes them really mad.

We are learning from Americans that you don't have to like the doctor to get his competency.


GUTFELD: Bedside manner often is a result of a daily practice of giving bad news, because you're a terrible doctor. Obama had amazing bedside manner. Trump doesn't need it.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly, let's pick up on the economy, because everybody's talking about it.

GUILFOYLE: Sure, sure.

WILLIAMS: So we've seen the stock market have a little trouble the last couple days, apparently tied to the possibility of a trade war and numbers -- the tariffs going up. What do you make of that?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think it's going to settle in, because for the most part, we've seen a very robust economy. The job numbers are very supportive, more jobs available than there are people to fill them. And record low unemployment.

I think you're going to see some fluctuation in the market. We've also seen tremendous, you know, highs. So in terms of just stabilizing it, I think over time, you know, you will see that.

And what's interesting is just to see sort of some of the stability now coming in, in terms of the job approval ratings. And so as a president, he should feel happy that he's got these great numbers with the Trump -- more positive poll numbers, given the results. So, like, we talked about on the show and Greg said, they may not like sort of, like, the vessel, the delivery system, but he's offering a cure in terms of, you know, the economy and all the positive growth numbers that we've seen and what he's done with national security and ISIS and whatnot.

So we'll have to see where it goes from here, but this is going into an important political time, which is the midterm elections. And that's why I think overall, when you're faced with these kind of good numbers and poll numbers, it's going to be very difficult for the Democrats, you know, to make a strong case for change coming into the midterm elections when things are most auspicious.

WILLIAMS: Well, it will be a referendum on one Donald Trump.

Don't go anywhere. Our 23 and Me DNA results, stunning and finally here. But first, the fun of "The Fastest Seven," up next with Jesse.


WATTERS: Welcome back. Time for --


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


WATTERS: -- "The Fastest Seven."

First up, last week we told you about NBC "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon's feelings of personal regret over a hair-tousling 2016 interaction with then-candidate Donald Trump.


JIMMY FALLON, HOST, NBC'S "THE TONIGHT SHOW": I made a mistake. I'm sorry if I made anyone mad. And looking back, I would do it differently.


WATTERS: The president is now telling Fallon to man up, tweeting: "@JimmyFallon is now whimpering to all that he did the famous 'hair show' with me where he seriously messed up my hair, and that he would have now done it differently because it is said to have 'humanized' me. He is taking heat. He called and said 'monster ratings.' Be a man, Jimmy!"

What do you think, Greg?

GUTFELD: My favorite part is that after that, Fallon tweeted, "I'm donating to this charity," and the next tweet was, "That's great, Jimmy." But it was from Jimmy's other account that he had. So he was actually congratulating himself, which was kind of funny.

PERINO: That's never good.

GUTFELD: Yes, that was actually -- that didn't work out well.

WATTERS: "Be a man, Jimmy." What do you think, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I don't understand. It seems to me Donald Trump loves to fight somebody and to have somebody to pick on all the time.

PERINO: He's got plenty of choices.

WILLIAMS: And he just goes -- because Jimmy Fallon actually saw a dip in his ratings. And we've seen Stephen Colbert now ahead of Jimmy Fallon mostly. I think that's what this is about. But the president loves to get in any schoolyard fight.

WATTERS: And he usually wins.

All right. Roseanne Barr getting emotional in her first interview since being fired from her namesake show over a racist tweet she sent out about Valerie Jarrett.


ROSEANNE BARR, COMEDIAN: I've lost everything, and I regretted it before I lost everything. I am not a racist. I'm an idiot. I am willing to accept whatever consequences this brings, because I know I've done wrong.


WATTERS: Meanwhile, ABC is moving on without its big star, announcing last week that it's going forward with a Roseanne-free spin-off show called "The Connors."

I kind of like that. Just -- "I'm an idiot," that's what she says.

PERINO: Right, well, I think let this be a lesson that when you start looking at conspiracy news websites, like, stop yourself. Get off of them. Do not believe that stuff and move on.

WATTERS: an interesting choice, to go on the show, what was -- the Shmuley podcast.

GUILFOYLE: Rabbi Shmuley.

WATTERS: Yes. Kimberly, what do you think about that choice?

GUILFOYLE: You know, I mean, it has a religious bent to it and connotation, so I think she's saying that, you know, "I'm a human being. I made a horrible mistake. I'm very sorry for it. I'm not a racist." But she's saying, "Look, it was an awful thing to say." She wasn't thinking, so she called herself an idiot.

I mean, it's pretty revealing, and she's throwing herself out there. It's the right thing to do, to apologize and to say that it was wrong. She's not trying to justify it, so we'll see how it plays. At least she knows she has said that. And I think that's important for her to have done, whether it's accepted or believed or not. It's for the receiver.

WATTERS: What do you think, Juan? Do you accept her apology?

WILLIAMS: You know, I mean, I believe in repentance. I believe in forgiveness. I'm a Christian.


WILLIAMS: So I'll go for it. But let me just tell you, I think when you go around calling people apes and say, "Oh, I'm not a racist." You mean, so -- by that standard, nobody is a racist.

WATTERS: Yes, that's a tough one to recover from in modern-day America.


GUTFELD: I forgive everybody. I forgave Joy Reid, Joy Behar. I don't forgive people who advance violence, like Peter Fonda. And I saw a couple people that were -- when they take pleasure in somebody's career being over, saw that this morning on FOX News. They had some guests on. I can't think. Two guys, and they were, like, laughing that her career was over. And I just thought, "You know what? You see the -- she's paid the price."

PERINO: There but for the grace of God go you.


GUTFELD: Yes, it will happen to you.

WATTERS: That's true. The Internet has dubbed the San Francisco woman Permit Patty after a video posted to Instagram allegedly shows her calling the cops on a young African-American girl selling water to help earn money to go to Disneyland.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This woman don't want to let a little girl sell some water. She's calling police on an 8-year-old little girl. You can hide all you want. The whole world going to see you, boo.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Illegally selling water without a permit.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not your property.


WATTERS: The woman, later identified as Alison Ettel, says she made a mistake, would like to apologize to the little girl and offers her rationale for calling the police in an interview on "The Today Show."


ALISON ETTEL, CALLED POLICE ON GIRL SELLING WATER: I tried to be polite, but I was stern and I said, "Please, I'm trying to work. You're screaming. You're yelling, and people have open windows. It's a hot day. Can you please keep it down?


WATTERS: Come on, Permit Patty.

GUTFELD: This combines everything I hate about life. Permits.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Permits. Why do we have permits at all? It's stupid.

Hall monitors who need to police other people's actions --


GUTFELD: -- like her. Her calling on this poor girl.

And then the use of social media to turn a local story into a national one. Communities used to solve these things on their own. Now it's the court of public opinion. I --

WATTERS: What a nerd, right, Dana?



GUTFELD: How dare you?

PERINO: I was just thinking, this never would have been a story before. She never would have gone on "The Today Show" and apologized. And I know it's annoying when you're trying to work and people are yelling outside, but, like, does it really need to be a national news story?

WATTERS: I think it does. I think this should lead every show.

GUILFOYLE: In fact, he just made it one.

WATTERS: That's right. She knew she was way out of line, because she's ducking and hiding from the woman trying to expose her.



WILLIAMS: You know, especially among you guys and conservatives, definitely anti-permit. No question. My Libertarian --

WATTERS: Deregulation.

WILLIAMS: My Libertarian friend over there.

GUTFELD: You should sell everything, loose cigarettes. You name it. You should sell it.

GUILFOYLE: Wasn't that the guy who got choked? Yes.

GUTFELD: Regulation has caused more problems.

GUILFOYLE: Permit Patty. She had the name Permit Patty. Not to be confused with Peppermint Patty. We don't want her disparaged.

WATTERS: That's right. All right.

GUTFELD: Well --

WATTERS: They are finally here, our 23 and Me DNA ancestry results are in. I cannot believe it's already causing chaos on the set. Stay tuned.


PERINO: So it's a moment we've been waiting for. Thanks to 23 and Me, we finally all know the truth about our heritage. After spitting into some test tubes and sending them to the lab, we have the DNA results.

Enough talk. Let's get to it. Greg, do you have any surprises?

GUTFELD: Well, it turns out I've been fingered in a dozen unsolved murders. So I have to go.


GUILFOYLE: Lock him up.

GUTFELD: It turns out I'm white. Two percent. This is great. I'm 2 percent Native American. Eat your heart out, Liz Warren. My new name will be Rides with Unicorns.

But no, the one thing that I am -- I'm 30 percent Ashkenazi Jewish. Which "Gutfeld" kind of would have given that away. But that's pretty cool. They're like 30 percent -- 30 percent of all Nobel Prize winners.


GUTFELD: And 40 percent of all Oscar-winning directors.


GUTFELD: So that explains a lot.

GUILFOYLE: I'm 3 percent, so maybe we're related.

GUTFELD: What did you get?

GUILFOYLE: In a bizarre children's --

PERINO: Kimberly, what do you have?

GUILFOYLE: OK, so I've done this before, but this is interesting. The good news is, it comes back the same. So bottom line is, my father was born in Ireland. Right? So that's no surprise that his whole side is Irish and, like, Scottish, like that. My mother, born in Puerto Rico. So the Puerto Rican side is where it gets interesting. That's Iberian Peninsula, which is Spanish. And it is 9.7 percent from black, from like West Africa, East African, North Africa. And then Native American, that's about 6.1 percent and a little bit of British on that side, as well. So nice little --

PERINO: So it's about --

GUILFOYLE: -- diversity.

PERINO: -- 80 percent European?

GUILFOYLE: European, but that includes Spanish, my Puerto Rican side.

PERINO: I was 100 percent European. Hun OP (ph) European.


PERINO: So my great-grandparents lived in Italy. They came from Italy, the homestead. But I'm only 2.2 percent Italian. I'm mostly British and Irish. So Peter, I guess we have more in common than we thought. And a little French and German. My Mom knew that. The Balkan thing, the Balkan thing, 0.3 percent, did not know about that. But the Albanians, I love them.

Juan, go ahead.

WILLIAMS: So you know, I did Ancestry.com before this, but it came back pretty much the same. So Ancestry had me mostly from the Benin-Togo slave trade and all that. This one says 48.8 percent sub-Saharan African, mostly West African. But then 25 percent European: British, Iberian. Greg and I do have things in common.

Yes, I'm 9 percent Iberian.

WILLIAMS: Point two percent Ashkenazi Jewish.

GUILFOYLE: We're all related there.

WILLIAMS: But so whereas Ancestry.com had me at, like, 27, 28 percent South Asian. This one has me 20 percent South Asian, more European than South Asian.

PERINO: Interesting.

GUILFOYLE: It's interesting it came out that way.

PERINO: All right. Jesse is the only one who has not looked until this very moment. So Jesse --

WATTERS: This is the big reveal.

PERINO: There you go.

WATTERS: This is an authentic reaction.

PERINO: Turn it to the next page.

WATTERS: Whoa, wait a second. I'm going to read it off the screen: 99.9 percent European.

PERINO: I was Hun OP (ph).

WATTERS: Mostly British.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. You're French.

WATTERS: And I am a little French.

WILLIAMS: It says you're a lot French.

WATTERS: No, 5.9 percent.

GUTFELD: You're more French than I am! You're more French than I am!

PERINO: Twenty percent. No, I'm 30 percent.

WATTERS: Scandinavian. I'm 0.1 percent sub-Saharan African.


WILLIAMS: Wait a minute.

GUILFOYLE: You're related to me and Juan.

WATTERS: We're just one big happy family.

WILLIAMS: So when I call you a frat bro, now --

WATTERS: Brother from another mother. Right?


PERINO: You see how people migrate, how migrated all from around and got to where they are now.

GUTFELD: It's a good way of putting it. This is astrology for people who like science.

PERINO: Yes. Now you can pick through it and find out more and more information about your loved ones.

GUILFOYLE: Doesn't it show, though, that overall, people are more related than, you know, you might think.

PERINO: That is actually -- I love that.

GUILFOYLE: -- from the same places, and I think it's nice.

PERINO: All right. Thank you, 23 and Me for that. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: It's time for "One More Thing." Just talking about me being a Jew. I'm a Jew, Jesse is black. The world's changing.

GUILFOYLE: What are you, Jesse?

WATTERS: I am sub-Saharan African.

GUTFELD: There you go.

WATTERS: Yes, I am a black Trump supporter.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: All right.

WILLIAMS: Save us, Lord.


GUTFELD: My goodness. All right. My book tour information is up at GGutfeld.com, and you can find out where I'm coming.

Plus I've got an article called "My Guide to Social Media Redemption. That's on FOXNewsOpinion.com. It talks about how to save yourself from social media.

And it's time for --


GRAPHIC: Greg's Cockatiel Playing a Drum News.


GUTFELD: "Greg's Cockatiel Playing a Drum News."


GUTFELD: Yes, I know. Let's just roll it and get it over with before I --




GUTFELD: Look, it's a cockatiel playing drums. Incredible rhythm, that cockatiel.

WATTERS: Better than some of the music you play in your bumpers.

GUTFELD: He's touring with Slayer next month, in case you're wondering.

All right.

GUILFOYLE: Good syncopation there.


WATTERS: All right. A lot of people watching the World Cup over the weekend. Some really great games. This is some reaction to an English goal in probably my hometown in Dunstable, England. Check this out.




WATTERS: That said, I think they won a 6-1, total blow out.

PERINO: Peter was very happy.

WATTERS: They are one of the favorites to win, I think.

PERINO: Well, he said if they win -- Peter thinks if they win their next one, they could go to the championship.

WATTERS: Peter knows his soccer.

GUTFELD: All right. Dana.

PERINO: So my friend Ingrid Hendrickson did something wonderful for herself and her family today. She finally took all of my advice. She got a dog. This is a should Shih-Tzu that came over the weekend.

GUTFELD: Watch your mouth.

PERINO: That's what they call them. I think it doesn't have a name yet, though. The little kids are apparently calling -- her little kids, or three grandkids Andrew, Charlie and Mila, they call the little dog Maxie.

Charles Krauthammer, you know, I went to the funeral yesterday, and I reread a column about dogs. And he said that dogs have a vision of great beauty and are of the purest sweetness.

So congratulations to Ingrid and the whole family. I look forward to meeting him.

GUTFELD: And little Greggie.

PERINO: Oh, that's a great --

GUTFELD: Little Greggie.

PERINO: Greggie.


All right, Juan.

WILLIAMS: So New York City traffic, as you know, it can get pretty crazy around here, and last Thursday one man found a creative way to speed up his commute from New Jersey to Manhattan.

Yes, that's right. Scott Holt of Jersey City stood tall on a paddleboard while in suit and dress shoes. He rode himself across the Hudson River --

PERINO: Unbelievable.

WILLIAMS: -- to New York. He also had a briefcase in his hand. The inspiring comedian apparently had an important meeting with a manager. He figured it would be less expensive than the ferry, driving a car over the bridge or taking the train through the tunnel.

But man, that's crazy! Anyway, he made it across the river in about half an hour and, yes, he was on time for the meeting. Amazing.

GUILFOYLE: I love people that are resourceful that way. I would totally do that.

WATTERS: You would not.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I would. I get out of cars. I run. I take my shoes off. You have no idea.

GUTFELD: I've seen you running down the streets.


GUTFELD: You running down. You don't know I'm watching.

WATTERS: Trying to get away from you.

GUILFOYLE: He's, like, chasing behind on his little Big Wheel.

GUTFELD: You're saying that because I'm a Jew.


WATTERS: He's going to play that card all day.

GUTFELD: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Disavowing.

OK, Greg. Good job.

All right. So this "One More Thing" is really great, because I love it when you have either young women that are doing something different. I tried out for the soccer team when I was little, the boys' team.

Well, this 16-year-old girl, she's a NASCAR driver and she received her high school diploma before the race. Her name is Hailie Deegan, and she's taking the NASCAR world by storm. She's an up and coming driver, and I'll tell you something. She's really excited about doing this. She went on to play seventh in her post-graduation race, which moves her into the top five overall season standings.

She is also the only woman currently part of the NASCAR Next program for rising stars, having finished in the top ten in all of her races this season.

GUTFELD: She could help me get my license.

GUILFOYLE: She could probably teach you how to drive.

GUTFELD: Yes, I do need somebody to help me.

PERINO: By the way, I drove myself --

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: -- a whole 40 minutes to the airport. Well, 40 minutes total, 40 minutes there and back, and I didn't have any problems. I didn't get pulled over. No accidents. Nothing.

GUTFELD: This is a New York achievement. She drove a car!

PERINO: It wasn't in New York. It was in New Jersey.

GUTFELD: Well, it still counts. They have roads there, you know.

PERINO: Yes, they do. Paved. Paved and everything.

GUTFELD: Delightful roads. Delightful roads.

I think I'll have a knish tonight.

PERINO: I think I'll have fish and chips. [

GUTFELD: Really? You would want -- go Jesse. I actually -- I actually called him Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Say nothing.

GUTFELD: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." It's almost 6. We cannot forget. The best in news, his name is Bret.


BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: It gets better and better.

PERINO: Did that rhyme.

BAIER: It was good. Thank you. Thanks, Greg.

President Trump says illegal immigrants should be stopped at the border and sent back without seeing a judge.

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