
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 5, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Brian Kilmeade, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

President Trump is standing firm on his decision to pull the plug on a White House invitation for the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles, the president instead hosting a celebration of America event.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We love our country, we respect our flag, and we always proudly stand for the national anthem. It's about time that we understood. We stand to honor our military, and to honor our country, and to remember the fallen heroes who never made it back home.


GUILFOYLE: After his city team was disinvited, Philadelphia mayor, Jim Kenney, slammed the president as, quote, not a true patriot, and launched a new personal attack.


JIM KENNEY, PHILADELPHIA MAYOR: The guy is just a scary guy. And, I don't -- hopefully by the time he's gone, we can recover from this mess. But this is a bad time in our country. I'm frightened about the fact that he has his hands on the nuclear codes. That he threatens to annihilate North Korea.


GUILFOYLE: Meanwhile -- I'm shaking my head. Wow. Meanwhile, the White House is accusing the Eagles of playing politics.


SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: This wasn't a political stunt by the Eagles franchise then they wouldn't have planned to attend the event and then backed out at the last minute. And if it wasn't a political stunt, then they wouldn't have attempted to reschedule the visit when they knew that the president was going to be overseas. And if this wasn't a political stunt, they wouldn't have waited until Monday.


GUILFOYLE: Jesse is a die-hard Eagles fan and he was there for all of the action at the White House. Hey, Jesse.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Hey, Kimberly. How are you?

GUILFOYLE: Good, good, good. How are you feeling about this whole thing? Because I know you're a huge Eagles fan. To get to be there and -- what's the deal?

WATTERS: So, huge fan. Let's just get one thing straight though. Both are winners. The Eagles beat the Patriots and Trump beat crocked Hillary. So, we have that. No one is ever going to take that away from us. But this is tough for me. You know, Eagles, Trump. I'm a Philly guy. I'm going to have to side with Trump, though. It's like the Eagles tried a trick play, Trump sniffed it out and shut it down. I don't like how they play the gamesmanship with the guest list. They started with 60, and then 24 hours before it was less than 10. It was like an owner, an assistant coach and a mascot. I mean, come on. And then you have the mayor coming in. He doesn't speak for the Philadelphia Eagles. He sounds like Joy Behar. The guy is a joke. What mess is this country in? Record unemployment, I don't know what this guy is talking about. So, he kind of compounded the air. But everybody was happy to be there. They didn't see the Eagles. They saw me. I was kind of the consolation prize. Although, one person thought I was Ted Mosby. I don't really know who that is. And another person thought I was Tucker Carlson.

GUILFOYLE: Wow. So, you're just really winning over there.


WATTERS: Yeah, big day.

GUILFOYLE: All right, big day, huge day for Jesse. OK. Well, that's fine, at least. All right. So, Brian, you want to chime in? You've got some stuff for Jess?

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: Jesse, so if we understand this correctly, the Eagles didn't show off. At first they've made it clear earlier -- late last week they're going to show up. So, they actually tried to trump, Trump. And when Trump pulled the rug out from them, then the attacks came. So, who's the winner here? I don't get it.

WATTERS: Well, like I said, they're both winners. The Eagles still have the trophy. That's never going to change. And Trump does what he does, you know. He did the Singapore dance with little rocket man, canceling the meeting and then bringing it back on. But, listen, the Eagles don't look good here. But Philadelphia fans, I don't really think they're going to care that much. We're still going to cheer for the Eagles. And the Trump people in Pennsylvania are still going to pull the lever for Donald.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, there we go. Sport Center meets, like, news at night. OK. Juan, do you have some questions?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: So, Jesse, I'm like deeply offended, man. You mean nobody said, hey, aren't you Juan Williams?


WATTERS: No, Juan. That did not happen.

WILLIAMS: Oh, Jesse. You know I'm pulling your leg. You know, I saw Trump, though, had a big win on this subject last week when the NFL owners said they were setting new rules for this coming season that would require the player to either stand for the anthem if they're on the field or remain in the locker room. But then, this morning, he's tweeting out, hey, no escape to the locker room. And I'm thinking -- you know, the owners aren't even escaping here. Trump is bullying both the players and the owners, am I wrong?

WATTERS: I think bullying is a tough term, Juan. I think we all need to grow up and stop being so sensitive about bullying here.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see. Bullying is OK.

WATTERS: These are billionaire owners that are making a fortune. I think everybody is a grown up here. But, listen, he didn't like the settlement. He didn't like this kind of in between deal where you get to stay in the locker room for the anthem, or you're going to come out and stand. He wants it all in. You're either 100 percent for the country and the flag, or we're not going to play ball. And he's going to fight until he's satisfied, then we'll see who backs down. It looks like the owners backed down a little bit. Maybe they've got some more backing down in them, we don't know.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Hey, Jesse, so any more highlights from the day?

WATTERS: Well, I'm a little nervous because when I was trying to talk to the president when he was leaving, I didn't get a chance to. But, I lost my dad for a second, who I brought. And I caught back up with him and I said dad, where were you? And he goes, ah, I just did an interview with ABC. And I'm like, I'm like, was it local ABC? He goes I don't know. It might have been national. So, I have no idea what my dad said on camera to ABC. I think he's jealous that mom texts have taken off. I don't know what.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, I think your dad is going to get an agent next, right?

WATTERS: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. I'm glad you guys found each other, buddy system and all. All right. Well, sounds like it was fun. We're going to have to say goodbye now, parting is such sweet sorrow, Jesse.

WATTERS: Bye, guys. We'll see you later.

GUILFOYLE: Get back to winning.

KILMEADE: Kimberly, how come people say, well, President Trump should had it anyway. Where does it even come from? He has the mascot, the owner, who hates him by the way, despises him, says he's destroying the country, and then one other player perhaps. What do you mean he's going to have it? How could he possibly have it? He had no choice but to cancel it.

WILLIAMS: That's not true. He could have taken the upper. In fact, he had issued an invitation.

KILMEADE: No party.



KILMEADE: . without people.

WILLIAMS: The point is.

GUILFOYLE: Jesse was there.

WILLIAMS: . that the players didn't want to be used as, like, you know, for a photo op. They wanted to have a real -- in fact, I think they requested if they're coming time with Trump. They were told no.

KILMEADE: No, they were not told no. The request was in along with 85 requests for invitations and press credentials.

WILLIAMS: Yes, that's right. That's what I'm saying.

KILMEADE: But you know that photo op is something that has been done for 25 years.

WILLIAMS: No, they don't want a photo up. This is something that one of the former players said. You know, it wasn't just about the standing. A lot of these guys don't like Donald Trump.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Dana, let's talk about how this played out, right? Because people were expecting this big, you know, fun, happy thing, sports, and then the national anthem gets introduced into it. Then you've got the mayor who sounded a little bonks. I don't know, he's kind of crazy.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Can I just say, I just think the whole thing - - all of it is just a real shame. I don't like culture war stuff. I think that the president has such good news to talk about. In fact, they lead the White House briefing today with Kevin Hassett to talk about the economy, which is roaring. And they have all these stuff -- and cultural stuff will always rise to the top. It will get cover the most. I do think it's a shame. I don't know -- I would like to know more of the details because I think some of the facts, at least as I understand them, at least are in dispute. Do they want to have a personal meeting with him behind- the-scenes? I don't know.


PERINO: OK. And I don't know it. But then you said that they didn't.

KILMEADE: No, they requested it along with the credentials. I don't know that they were denied.

PERINO: I just think that it's a shame. But, it is possible that maybe one of the best things to do is just to stop having teams come to the White House, and focus on the people's business.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Greg, where do you fall on this?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I don't give a toss about these players, OK? I'm only here to talk about it because we have to talk about it. The economy is good. There's low unemployment. Terror.


GUTFELD: . where is ISIS right now? North Korea is at the table. We have Iran on watch, right? We have so -- like you said, so much good news that I really don't care that these players are upset or they're offended. I don't care. They are millionaires. The owners are billionaires. You know, what I would like to do, to see Trump do, is maybe do some more -- do a big drilling initiative to deal with the gas prices. That would be good. But the media has really carried the water on this and made this a terrible story. They claim this is not directed at the anthem which goes against our eyes. When you watched a football game you're watching it. You can say no, it's about police brutality, but we're watching it happen during the anthem. And what you're saying is, well, the anthem is a political act. Standing for the anthem is a political act. If that's the case, then so is the fourth of July, so was the flag. That's garbage.

Number one, it's just a symbol. That's all it is. Number two, saying it's a free-speech issue? It's only free-speech if it's pertaining to the government. This is an actual business. You're not getting arrested for saying something. You're actually just being -- you're being penalized as an employee. So, the way the media has carried this, and you saw it specifically in the press conference in which April Ryan and the other dude from NBC, can't think of his name, we're peppering Sanders with just redundant, stupid questions like aren't you aware this is about brutality? Yes. Aren't you aware that the message is convoluted? That when you see players up there, they're making -- or kneeling during the national anthem, they're making a huge mistake. They're injecting politics into a nonpolitical event. We talk about this every year. We talk about, oh, the best way to ruin a Thanksgiving dinner is to talk about politics. So -- but somehow it's different at a sporting event? You can come in and inject politics? No. You inject politics at an appropriate venue. You pay the price. People don't want to hear it. We're so over this. Move on.

WILLIAMS: No, let me tell you something how important this is. This is about.

GUTFELD: I've been over it for a while.

WILLIAMS: . playing culture wars, as Dana said. But I think it's particularly dangerous because I think it tears of the fabric of our society.

GUTFELD: I agree.

WILLIAMS: . with regard to race.

GUTFELD: Absolutely. But you see everything through the prism of race.

WILLIAMS: I do not. But I'm telling you, in this case, I don't have any doubt about the color of the majority of the players, or the players who are the ones who've been kneeling and raising a fist to protest police brutality. And I think it's there legitimate -- you say it was not a free speech.


WILLIAMS: Let me just explain to you.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: . that, in fact, the ruling out of the flag and the anthem and with the players on the sidelines is a new reality. It used to be that they were always in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem. Now they're on the sidelines. And in recent years, there has been an explosion of big flags, flyovers.


WILLIAMS: Why? Because in so many cases, in fact, what you see is that the NFL was charging the military.


GUTFELD: We're veering off to another.


GUTFELD: I want to agree with you, Juan.


WILLIAMS: What's with politics and sports -- politics and sports is important in America today.

GUTFELD: I want to agree on him on this. There are issues with the criminal justice system, but this debate, this specific debate did absolutely nothing to help the dialogue. Instead, it created two separate teams, pro-anthem, anti-anthem. You could say no. That's not what it's about. But when your eyes look at something and you see it happening -- visuals are the most persuadable thing and people see that. It did nothing for the, quote, dialogue. All it did was alienate sports fans -- sporting fans. To another point, if you believe that standing for the anthem or the flag is a political event, that's on you for being political.

WILLIAMS: No, I stand for the anthem myself. But, I'm just telling you that what you've got here is a situation where Donald Trump has found a way to stir his base. His base is saying.

GUTFELD: I don't think he started this.

WILLIAMS: Because this has nothing to do the national anthem, nothing to do with the flag.

KILMEADE: It does.

WILLIAMS: . nothing to do with love of our troops because.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it does.

WILLIAMS: . even the NFL Players Association today, Kimberly, put out a statement says, we love our troops. We love our country. We love our flag.

GUTFELD: Why did they have to do that? Why do they have to do that? Because the message was convoluted.


GUTFELD: Stand up in front of a police station.

KILMEADE: They don't like law enforcement.

WILLIAMS: Who've said that?

KILMEADE: Because they're standing up against -- they say it's police brutality.

WILLIAMS: Correct. In other words, bad cops, not good cops, Brian.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But they had to put that statement out because it's exactly how it was perceived. It's disrespectful -- yes, it is.


WILLIAMS: I tell you, it was pushed by Donald Trump to stir up his voters.

GUILFOYLE: He wasn't the one taking a knee.

KILMEADE: He wasn't president when Kaepernick first sat down.

WILLIAMS: No, he has picked up on it since he's been president.


KILMEADE: And I just say I agree with both of you on this, is that Donald Trump -- no, I can agree well.


KILMEADE: Here's the thing. The president should if he wants to talk about the economy. He can lay out when he wants to. He's not taken on Kim. He's not taken on Lavrov. If he wanted to talk about the economy, he just wouldn't tweet about this. He wants this fight.

WILLIAMS: Yes, he does.

KILMEADE: He wants this fight.

WILLIAMS: He wants to tell black people to shut up.


KILMEADE: I don't think that.

WILLIAMS: I think that's exactly right. Don't talk about racial injustice.


GUILFOYLE: Look at the record unemployment among blacks and minorities and women right now. So, yes, that's somebody who really wants to tell black people to shut up.


WILLIAMS: Because you have arguments like that, Kimberly. But, you know, when you look at the facts.


WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

GUILFOYLE: This is just ridiculous.

KILMEADE: One of his biggest critic is Chris Long, Howie Long son. What color is he?

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you. Steve Kerr, also is a white guy, coach of the Warriors, same thing.


WILLIAMS: No, this is not about the flag. He is using this to attack a minority group.



GUILFOYLE: He's using this as an opportunity to attack the president to try to call him racist, to say that he's against black people when there's no evidence to suggest that whatsoever.

WILLIAMS: The NFL is one of the most inclusive workplaces in America. But now, as a result of Trump's interference, it's absolutely corroded the relationship between the owners.


WILLIAMS: You know what they did? Boy, that would be something, wouldn't it?


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I mean, the whole thing. I think the NFL is just fine. Teams are standing by their players too. So, to try to tie this in to President Trump and call him a racist and that he wants to tell black people to shut up is just completely out of line.

KILMEADE: If the Politico story is true, it looks like a scripted event to embarrass the president. Give me 85 passes, 70 passes, give one for the mascot and the owner. That's a scripted attempt to embarrass the White House.

WILLIAMS: And what happens when the players show up and Trump stands there and say, oh, these guys are supporting me -- oh, please. They don't want to be used.

GUILFOYLE: And why did they say 80 are going to come, and less than 24 hours before then they pull -- I mean, it's like a bait and switch. And so, then he shows up there and there's like the goofy mascot and whoever, and poor Jesse and his dad.

GUTFELD: That's why this is so pointless.

KILMEADE: Yeah, there's a lot of news to talk about.

GUILFOYLE: All right, we've got to go.

GUTFELD: Rodman is going to North Korea, and you're saying Trump doesn't listen.

WILLIAMS: That's right.

GUILFOYLE: So, now for some bad news for Democrats at key primaries in eight states. Find out why when we return.


PERINO: (TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY) eight states today. Just five months before November's midterm, a new poll reveals voters in competitive battleground districts don't have a clear idea of who leads the Democratic Party. Forty five percent of midterm voters say Democrats are leaderless. MSNBC's Chris Matthews has a theory on what might be causing the parties problem.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC: There's too many elitist -- there's so much elitism in the Democratic Party. It's so outrageous. By the way, I'm rooting against them. Even though I may agree with their policies, I think there's a party attitude of elitism. And I think they've got to get over it. And it's too much talk into fundraisers, because the people they talk to on these kinds of shows are really the people they want the money from, and they're the elite.


PERINO: Understandable after a party loses a general election for the presidency that they're leaderless for a while until there's a primary. But, Greg, do you think that Chris Matthews thought that the Democrats had an elitism problem when Barack Obama was president?

GUTFELD: No, and that's a funny thing because when you look at what President Obama said to his -- to Ben Rhodes in that interview we've talked about when he said America just wasn't ready for me. So, if you want to talk about elitism that's -- Obama -- I mean, remember for the Democrats, America is the fallen and they are the angels. You know, everybody else is flawed. And I think it's really hard to be a blue-collar Democrat these days, because as a Democrat you have to be up on every nuance of gender and racial politics. You have to know the 50 pronouns. You have to know that every type of gendered designation. You have to have every nuance of cultural appropriation in your head. And the only way to do that is to be in elitist campus cultist. You can't be a plumber. You can't be an electrician. You can't be a carpenter and know all that stuff. You've just got to be a campus activist. That's a really small population.

PERINO: Voters who say the Democratic Party does not have a leader could not agree who it was. Brian, Chuck Schumer got 16 percent of the vote, Nancy Pelosi, 15, Bernie Sanders, 13, Hillary Clinton still pulling strong with 7 percent.

KILMEADE: Right. You've just got to ask yourself, who is the -- forget the person. What's the prototype that's going to get me the house and the senate? So, then you find the prototype and who has those legitimate attributes and then run to them. Senator Schumer, a guy from Brooklyn, I'm not so to say it. Nancy Pelosi is from the west coast. I wouldn't say that's your ticket to success. And Bernie Sanders must scare the heck out of most Democrats because he's not even a Democrat, and he's a self-avowed socialist. So, the question is, who -- what does the Democrat look like? What are his attributes?

PERINO: Well, one of the things -- today, there's eight states. One of them is Iowa, Juan. And what I learned today is that the Democrats that's likely to win the primary today in Iowa is not like either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. They're maybe just trying to shed that altogether and start anew?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think you've got a lot of people. I mean, go back to what happened with Conor Lamb, or go back to Doug Jones in Alabama. I don't think you say any of them, although they're successful and ran as Democrats in states that were dominated by Donald Trump, or districts that was dominated by Donald Trump. These are folks who won. And so, I think, you're looking for new models. The thing that comes to my mind, if you go back to, let's say the last time we had a first-term president going into midterms, that's Barack Obama in 2010. Now, there was a terrible, large red wave that swept over.

PERINO: Terrible?

WILLIAMS: . at that time. Terrible from my perspective, but I think it was great from your perspective. But I'm just saying there was a big wave. And what we're seeing now is I don't think that you would have said back then who is the GOP leader and had an answer.

PERINO: No, you didn't. That's why I say it's quite natural.

WILLIAMS: So, I think that when you bring that up now people are saying, well, so is it Schumer, Pelosi, Bernie -- we don't know. But I don't think.

PERINO: It's 153 days to the midterms and then we're off to the races.

WILLIAMS: Correct. I think that's the key point. And I think that when you look -- like today in the first segment, we're talking about the NFL players kneeling or we could talk about yesterday immigration. These are issues that gin up your voters. And the key issue becomes which sides voters are more enthusiastic about turning out, because turn out is the key in midterms. And in that 2010 race, Republicans were really sped up about Obamacare. In this case, you have Democrats who have a tremendous advantage in terms of voter enthusiasm. And guess what, it's about the actual man who this midterm is going to be about, the referendum on Donald Trump.

PERINO: All right. So, California is the other big state, Kimberly, today. You know a little bit about what's going on out there with this election. One thing that surprised me is that on the table in California, one of the questions is going to be expanding Medicaid to illegal immigrants who are adults up to age 26. Previously, it was just for -- up to people who are age 19. But now, California has this on the table and it is becoming quite a liberal state. And there's a big primary, big governor's race out there. What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Look, I mean, I think that's just going too far, you know. They have no common sense it seems now in government in California, because they want to hand everything out, pay for everything. They're having major financial and economic problems. How they're going to be able to sustain this? This is not a workable framework. They do not have the means to be able to pay for all this. Yet, they continue to flagrantly violate and, you know, basically just turn a blind eye to the law, whether it's sanctuary cities or now just giving free stuff away. It's becoming a completely, like a socialist state and being mismanaged. And it seems they're trying to tack to even more liberal direction, and we'll see where this goes. But, from the looks of it, it's going to continue in that way.

PERINO: It is. All right. We'll keep an eye on it. We'll have results tomorrow. President Trump outraged over delays in the DOJ inspector general's report on the Clinton email probe. That's next.


WILLIAMS: President Trump blasting another delay in the release of the Justice Department inspector general's report on the Clinton email investigation. The president tweeting this morning, quote, "What's taking so long with the inspector general's report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey? Numerous delays. Hope report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell. The public has the right to know. Transparency!"

What do you say, Greg?

GUTFELD: don't come to me. I feel like we're -- this is like we're at a casino. And one side is betting on red, which is the Hillary schedule. The other side is betting on black, the roulette table, the Trump scandal.

KILMEADE: You know what it says there?


KILMEADE: You're not even reading that.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes. It's what I read. Because I -- this is, like, the longest political hangover in history. I wrote that, too.

PERINO: They're pumping in oxygen.

GUTFELD: Yes, they're pumping in -- you don't know -- you don't know what time it is. You don't know what time it is in there. Just going on.

PERINO: And it feels like it should have been released by now. I don't really know what time it is.

GUTFELD: You keep losing money.

The hilarious thing about it, it all goes back to Anthony Weiner. This is -- it's all about the emails on his laptop. If that hadn't happened, she'd probably be president. What cost Hillary's election is Anthony Weiner's stupidity.

WILLIAMS: Yes, well, that's an argument. Although I think that what they're looking at, what the inspector general is looking at is the initial report that came from Comey when he says, "She made mistakes, but we don't think there's any grounds here for indictment."

So let me ask you about that.


WILLIAMS: So the counterargument coming from folks is, "Oh, Trump is putting pressure on, because he's trying to undermine Comey's credibility. So if the inspector general is critical of Comey's behavior in the Clinton case, it undermines his credibility, if he has anything to say about Donald Trump.

GUILFOYLE: I think that POTUS wants the information out there and is worried that there are redactions happening, which Judge Nap was talking about, too, that they're making changes to it, that it's getting watered down. So then you want to see the version that is prior to being watered down to get all the information out there. I think that's what he's saying. He wants to see the report. The report was supposed to come out. It hasn't come out yet.

What's the delay? What's going on behind the scenes, you know, behind closed doors? What are they doing? What are they redacting? What's going on? Is it going to be, like, watered down to the point of "Oh, we're going to put this out, et cetera, et cetera," to make it less impactful?

WILLIAMS: I understand. So --

GUILFOYLE: Fair question.

WILLIAMS: Well, so Brian, I think a lot people are just concerned here, because the president this morning was also tweeting about Attorney General Sessions and saying that, boy, Sessions, it was a mistake for Sessions to recuse himself.


WILLIAMS: He would have chosen someone else.

KILMEADE: That's back to your casino. With Sessions, it's every day.

But I will say this. The draft report was given to the DOJ and FBI back in May. And because of that, all of a sudden, we have, "OK, we're going to have a meeting." It was supposed to be yesterday -- supposed to be today. Horowitz was supposed to speak. It doesn't happen.

They go, "What about June 11?" But what happens on June 11? A lot of people are going to be looking forward to June 12, because that's Singapore. So are they about to have a very explosive report that's swamped, intentionally? I use that word "intentionally." Swamped by Singapore, which is the president's move.

My thing is, I am not interested in Comey and Hillary's e-mails. I'm interested in Hillary's e-mails when she was secretary of state. They want to find out about that.

I'm interested in the impact of Peter Strzok and Page and what they did and as it relates to Contreras, the judge, and what the FBI was up to when they should've been legitimately investigating both sides.

But if you talk about Comey and Hillary's emails, I have no interest. McCabe lying, leaking to "The Wall Street Journal" and that battle between Comey and McCabe and who's telling the truth, that interests me. But Hillary Clinton is old news. I'd rather look at Walter Mondale and why he lost 49-to-1 to Ronald Reagan.

GUILFOYLE: Well, we know -- we know why.

WILLIAMS: Well, well, well. Hey, so Dana, do you have anything on this one, because I have another question, but I want to give you the opportunity?

PERINO: No, the report will be out when it's out.

WILLIAMS: OK. So the other thing I wanted to ask you about, Dana, was Paul Manafort and the pressure now being put on him. Apparently, Mueller is going to a judge and saying Manafort was tampering with witnesses and asking the judge to put Manafort in jail. What do you think?

PERINO: Right. So Judge Napolitano was on "The Daily Briefing" today, trying to explain this, and apparently, the government is -- is saying that they are going to tell the judge he -- Manafort was using encrypted technology to reach out other possible witnesses to get them all on the same page with his version of the facts. And that is an inappropriate thing to do.

KILMEADE: What could be wrong with that?

PERINO: And quite brazen. Maybe also just, like, crazy. I don't know. So that hearing is next Friday.

But interestingly enough, next Friday, which is June 15, is also the day that Michael Cohen has a hearing. So it's going to be a big judicial blockbuster day.


You have something to say, sir?

KILMEADE: Except for I just say that Greg is just -- I can't get over the fact that Greg looks forward to someday being under house arrest.

GUTFELD: Yes, that is my dream.

KILMEADE: He just says -- you love the idea of being under house arrest.

GUTFELD: To have somebody tell you, you can't leave your home. Fantastic.

GUILFOYLE: Doesn't have to go on vacation. Just orders food in. He'd be so happy.

WILLIAMS: I think he'll love the bracelet.

Can too much bad news actually harm your health? Greg, yes, Greg is going to break it down. A new report next on "The Five."


GUTFELD: All right, according to a new CNN article, too much bad news can make you sick. Well, they are the experts.

They point to social media, new technology, 24-hour news which allows you to experience depressing stuff you never would have decades ago. Wow, who could be responsible for this?

A murder in one state, a train crash in another, a wildfire here, a flood there, they all come at you at once. It overwhelms you. Then comes disaster fatigue, numbing you to tragedy.

So how does this make you sick? The article never shows any statistics about that. It's all hypothetical, no evidence. Maybe that could be the problem, CNN.

Here's my theory. It's not bad news at all that makes you sick. It's the "you are bad news."


GUTFELD: When every story paints you as the villain, which happens daily. Let me show you.

Here is bad news: Polar bears are disappearing. Here is "you are bad" news: It's because you mistreat the planet.

Here is bad news: Illegal immigration is up. Here is "you are bad" news: If that bugs you, you must be a bigot.

Here is bad news: Police shoot a minority. Here is "you are bad" news: Because America, you are racist.

So how healthy is it to be told hourly that you're heartless, racist and killing the Earth? That's most news, except here, because we know that you're a good person. But you'll get it at other places. To the Democrat Party, too, CNN is their megaphone. They have the same message: you're bad. Everything is viewed through the same filter, born from the campus, which now infects news and entertainment. And it creates only one conclusion: You are the oppressor. You are guilty.

If that doesn't make you sick, it should.

So you know what I love, Dana? They had a -- CNN had another article right after that, and it was about how amazing America is right now. You've got a great economy, North Korea, low unemployment. Why are people so sad? That was an actual article that ran after this one. CNN is -- they have no self-awareness.

PERINO: Well, also, you do wonder about whether people -- the polling doesn't even bear that out. Right?


PERINO: Because if you ask people, do you think America is moving in the right direction? Are you optimistic about the future? All of those numbers are headed in a positive direction. So it might just be that the people that are writing the headlines, the people in their peer group --


PERINO: -- And the people that they're friends with, they are miserable.

GUTFELD: It's confirmation bias, Kimberly. You won't find that at FOX News because we appreciate the viewer. We don't believe America is inherently evil, like this other jerk faces at the other cable networks.

GUILFOYLE: Screw them. Because we're too busy being happy and winning, right? That's the thing.

Such a good point. People go, "I don't want to watch the news. It's too depressing, too upsetting. Because you hear -- you get personally blamed like it relates to you, that America's a bad place, that Americans are racist, that Americans are only concerned about themselves.

But when you look at the real facts about what's going on, we are one of the most generous countries, if not the most generous country, in terms of helping out other countries. We have great record low employment numbers now. People are back at work. They are able to provide for their families. You see the numbers up with women, with minorities, African- American community. We are trying to do even more to improve people's lives.

These are all the positive good news stories. Like Dana's book, "And the Good News Is." Right? The people want to hear it and hear about the wins and not constantly be made to feel bad about themselves with slumped shoulders, because somehow you've done something to be a plight on the rest of the world and you're destroying the environment and the rest of the world while you're at it.

GUTFELD: Yes. Juan, I will say that they -- they touched on something that we talk about here, that technology and cable takes every story and makes it national. So we think that all this stuff is happening right now.

WILLIAMS: Well, I thought your point was well taken, though it had no statistical basis. But I must say, I think that point that you're now making about, you know, every earthquake, every murder --


WILLIAMS: -- is a national story, is also true, and it affects you. So a lot of people do what Kimberly was describing --


WILLIAMS: -- which is say to me, "I don't watch news as much as I used to."


WILLIAMS: Because one, they think it's -- especially in our audience, that's all anti-Trump stuff that's coming, they don't want to hear that,

But secondly, that a lot of it is depressing. Every station does breaking news, breaking news.

You know, my love is every station does "breaking news." "Breaking news."


WILLIAMS: What is this breaking news? I don't know. OK, but it catches your eyeball, your ears.


WILLIAMS: It's almost like an involuntary response. Your head swings to the TV.

But I will say this. I find it odd coming from Mr. "I Hate These People" - -


WILLIAMS: -- that you're saying that, in fact, we are "The Love Boat" right here at FOX News.

GUTFELD: That is true. I am a hypocrite. You got me there.

Brian, do you have an opinion? You do a news program, as well. I believe it's on in the mornings. Is it a local program?

KILMEADE: And of course you're -- it's going to be national. I believe it's most cable systems.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's a delightful show. You have cooking segments.



GUILFOYLE: "Cooking with Friends."

KILMEADE: And we used to have pet of the day.

GUTFELD: I know that.

KILMEADE: But then we got too many -- the ratings got too high. It depressed the rest of the company.



GUTFELD: And Doocy ate that dog.

KILMEADE: -- 65 percent -- one time, it's not like he does it every day. Sixty-five percent say they follow the news most of the time. Sixty-eight percent said they're worn out by the news. And here's what I say.

When President Obama, when President Bush was president, the one thing about FOX is we don't program the same story on hour. Look at how different this show is, in all seriousness. Look how different our show is for three hours. There's not "Trump is great," "Obama is bad," "Bush is great," "Carter is fantastic." We change gears.

If you look at the other channels, it's 45 minutes of how bad Trump is and then 15 minutes on how they wish Oprah was president. So that, to me, it shows a program -- if you watch here, people are happier. I would like to see CNN do a study on why FOX viewers are so much happier. Because we have a diversity of views. It allows you to get information and make your own opinion, as rather "we'll should you why you should feel bad."

GUTFELD: I think they should call that the Stelter Effect. When you feel bad watching the news.

GUILFOYLE: Hall monitor.

GUTFELD: The nation's hall monitor.

The problem -- the problem with CNN -- I know we've got to go -- is that they'll take one event and make it the rule, not the exception. With everything.

A liberal professor thinks students as young as five should undergo toxic masculinity training. Brian has got that.



KILMEADE: That's the outside of the building. Now we're inside.

A liberal professor wants to take ideas from the college campus and put them in young kids' classrooms. A professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is reportedly calling on K-12 schools to create programs to fight so-called toxic masculinity. The goal is to bring about cultural change and redefine what it means to be a male, because men are ruining the world.

So more, here's the man that's ruining the world himself, Greg Gutfeld.

Greg, now they bring it to high schools, which is at the Duke campus. Men, they want to get rid of the so-called "rape culture," the culture of sexism and -- and other men stuff.

GUILFOYLE: Other men stuff?

GUTFELD: The whole point of this, when people are targeting people at a young age, it's because they realize they need to brainwash them. Because the ideas --

KILMEADE: No question.

GUTFELD: The ideas won't stick when you're an adult.

This is a contagion from the campus to indoctrinate children into what I call a cult of shame. So by the time they reach puberty, or they become -- maybe they become -- before they become practical contributing adults in society, you have to get them to believe that they are the oppressor and that they are guilty of the sins of the past. Because it's a postmodern virus --


GUTFELD: -- that is designed to undermine America and turn it into a --

KILMEADE: Men are the problem.


KILMEADE: Men are the problem.

GUTFELD: Men are the problem. They can't achieve. It's over for capitalism. And the country goes down the tubes.

KILMEADE: Hey, Juan, it came -- it really started at Duke in 2016, a nine week course. Should we teach young kids how not to be a man?

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's it. I think, in fact, you know, you look at our culture today, a lot of the things that are celebrated, from guns to dominating women and mama's babies and all that --


WILLIAMS: I see movies. I see -- I hear music. I don't have to try, Brian. It's out there in the culture.

GUTFELD: Talking about rap?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, talking about rap.

WILLIAMS: Yes, a lot of that.


WILLIAMS: There's a lot of that in the movies. And it goes way back to John Wayne thing. I think -- and I hate to say it, but I think there's a lot of porn for young guys and it's just not good.

GUTFELD: I agree with you on that, but I think this is different.

KILMEADE: We had three men talk. Real quick, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: What? Did you say John Wayne and porn and what? I don't know.

I think that, like, let people be themselves. I don't think you should try to, you know, change someone.

KILMEADE: You have a son?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, I wouldn't want him to participate in this. I mean, it's up for parents to raise, you know, their children well and to be respectful to women, et cetera. But I don't know with this training. It's assuming bad things already in a child. It's not nice.

KILMEADE: Dana, do you see merit in this?

PERINO: No, I see a political backlash coming for this, and I think it's going to be, actually, bipartisan. It will be a backlash against this type of thing.

KILMEADE: I would love to see that, bipartisan. This way you can't have an enemies list.

When we come back, unless you have a different rundown, "One More Thing" is next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing," and I'll start it off.

Today, 49 -- one of my favorite players of all time besides Ronnie Lott is Dwight Clark from the San Francisco 49ers. What an incredible legend. I loved watching him play. There's a picture of the catch, which was an incredible touchdown grab from Joe Montana. It had under one minute left in the game to win the 1981 NFL championship game against the Dallas Cowboys.

He was truly a legend, an incredible inspiration. You know, people who love football loved to watch him play. And it's just -- sadly, he lost his battle with ALS, with Lou Gehrig's Disease. And he was surrounded by his family, and he passed away, sadly, at a very young age, 61 years old. Dwight Clark, one of football's all-time greatest. We will miss you.

KILMEADE: He became an executive, too. A lot of success there.

GUILFOYLE: Incredible guy.

All right. Dana.

PERINO: All right, my turn. Well, do you love a road trip? I love a road trip, and I like to give advice about road trips. Check -- take a look at Alexander Grayson. She was going to go on a road trip with her friends. She's from the University of Wisconsin-You Claire -- Eau Claire?

WILLIAMS: Eau Claire.

PERINO: Eau Claire. Excuse me, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Alexander Grayson tweeted this: "Six months ago I asked Dana Perino for advice for a good road trip. Today we're halfway through that road trip and haven't killed each other yet." She heard it on the podcast. She has all my notes, Kimberly. You'll like this. All the little -- she handwrote down all the notes.

GUILFOYLE: Adorable.

PERINO: One of them was "Know when to talk and know when to shut up." That's a good one. Also, you have to have a good array of snacks. Beef jerky, Starbursts, Swedish fish, things like that. Don't be a backseat driver.

Well, they made it to Carolina, and they're very excited about that. Her and all of her friends. Congratulations and have fun on your road trip.

GUILFOYLE: And that's when you brought all those delicious snacks on our bus tour. Oh, my goodness.

PERINO: I did.

GUILFOYLE: Those salami things were --

KILMEADE: Another reason to get your podcast.

PERINO: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: You learn a lot of things on there. It could help you, Brian; change your life.

KILMEADE: I hope so.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Greg. No hope for you, but please go.

GUTFELD: Let us move on to something important.


GRAPHIC: Greg's New Inventions


GUTFELD: "Greg's New Inventions." You know I love a new invention. And one thing I hate is having to carry around my bowl when I'm looking for some water to lap up.




GUTFELD: Leave it to Captain Fluffies, who has invented the cone bowl, where you can go to any faucet, and the water drops into your cone and you can just turn it into your very own bowl. Captain Fluffies is so inventive and smart. Probably just got neutered earlier. But you know what? Making lemonade out of lemons. That's what Captain Fluffies --

PERINO: Lots of good news out there.

GUTFELD: There is good news, if you just look for it.

PERINO: Great time to be alive.

GUTFELD: Cats making bowls, America. Cats making bowls.

GUILFOYLE: Just when you thought he couldn't get any weirder. Weirder.

All right. Juan, what do you have for us?

WILLIAMS: So do you guys remember that famous sportscaster's call, "Do you believe in miracles?" Well, look at this play. Take a look.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The catch and the double play!


WILLIAMS: Double play. That's Florida Seminoles third-base woman Jesse Warren. She hit a home run in the previous game --


WILLIAMS: -- to defeat UCLA and get her team to the national championship. And in the first game last night, she made that amazing catch, double-play, preserving Florida's one-run lead over Washington.

PERINO: Good for her.

WILLIAMS: FSU won the game. Game two tonight.

GUTFELD: You go, girl.

WILLIAMS: So let's see if more miracles are on the way.

GUILFOYLE: That's amazing. I loved playing softball. It was, like, so fun.

KILMEADE: It's an issue that concerns you. It's about everyone: screen time, looking at your phone. How many times do you do it? Not only are you concerned about that, your family, your friends, but so is Tim Cook of Apple. Apple has come up with IOS 12. They'll be able to monitor your screen time.

And by the way, Tim Cook was shocked. He said, "When I began to get the data, I found I was spending a lot more time than I should, and the number of times I picked up the phone were too many."

There's an addiction out there. It's the thing that they created ten years ago. It's changed the way we interact. And this is the beginning of weaning ourselves off. Soon, we'll be back to flip phones and then regular phones. Then cordless phones. We'll be back to writing long letters.

GUILFOYLE: My God. You're really missing your calling on like, QVC or something.

GUTFELD: I like your tie.

KILMEADE: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Now you're complimenting him, just because the time's getting - - OK. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next with the one and only Bret Baier.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: Thanks, Kimberly.

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